Cucumber diet for weight loss: harmless and eatresult

ogurechnaya-dietaThis diet refers to vegetable and is
seasonal, therefore it is highly desirable to use it in summer
when there is an abundance of soil cucumbers, and not grown in a greenhouse.
These cucumbers are the most useful.

The basic principle is very simple – the consumption of fresh cucumbers in
large quantities. This vegetable consists of water (95%) and fiber.


What are the main advantages of the cucumber diet?

Eating during the day two kilograms of cucumbers, you absorb 1.9
a liter of water, but at the same time you do not feel hunger. Thanks
fiber is regenerated and the intestines start working better,
water-salt balance is regulated, which is very important for people with

All this contributes to the restoration of metabolism, violation
which immediately leads to the appearance of extra pounds. Cucumbers
also help to improve and clean the skin of the face, so often
used as a basis for cleansing and bleaching cosmetic
lotions and masks. They are also known as natural diuretic.

There are several options for the cucumber diet. Their generalizing
the requirement is to use, ideally, at least 2
kilograms of cucumbers per day. And the main dish is salad. For his
cooking cut 2 kg. cucumbers and season them with sour cream
low in fat or olive oil. Also in the salad you
You can add fresh dill, parsley or green onions.
Try not to salt the salad, it is better to give it a sour taste,
using lemon juice.

Cucumbers и зеленый лук содержат витамины А, В, С и РР, железо и
even potassium, calcium and iodine can help make your body more
healthy. Parsley also contains vitamins A, C and is good.
source of copper, iron and manganese.

As an option, you can add to the salad and tomatoes, as they
as well as cucumbers (in one average cucumber about 40 calories)
contain a low amount of calories. Even in the salad, you can add
lean meat is best white chicken or beef.

Basic menu cucumber diet

dieta-ogurechnayaBreakfast. A slice of bread made from coarse flour
Grind a little butter or jam, black tea
or coffee.

The second breakfast (about 11 hours). Cucumber salad.

Dinner. One boiled chicken egg, a slice of rye bread and 50g.
stewed or boiled lean meat (chicken breast).

Snack (about 15 hours). Cucumber salad.

Tea time One large apple, banana or pear.

Dinner. Cucumber salad.

Optionally, during the day you can drink mineral water or
green and herbal tea without sugar.

The daily calorie content of the cucumber diet is up to 900 calories.
Duration of the diet: 1-3 days. Expected weight loss: 2 – 5

This is a great cleansing diet, but do not use it.
more than 3 days since your day menu does not provide
full intake of all the necessary nutrients
components. Therefore, if you wish to increase the duration
of this program – you need to seek advice from

A cucumber diet may also be beneficial to your face.
Cut the cucumber into rings and place them on your face (you can also
put the rings on the eyelids) and relax for 15-20 minutes. it
will allow you to take off fatigue and make your skin fresher.

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