Croton: growing at home.Reproduction, care and major problems in growing croton inhome conditions

Вт, 08 мар 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

Croton (codium, Joseph’s cloak) gained popularity in the indoor
floriculture for their decorative motley leaves.

In the wild, it reaches 3 m in height, and in the wild
conditions grows in half.

Выращивать этого тропического красавца в home conditions не
so simple: he is very picky about the content.

Withдется постараться, чтобы этот капризный домашний
радовал своими яркими красками.


Кротон – выращивание в home conditions. Choosing a handle

For breeding Croton cutting choose

• apical cuttings root faster than

• optimal cutting length is 7-10 cm;

• cuttings cut only from a healthy plant;

• The cutting must be semi-woody or woody.

Кротон – выращивание в home conditions. Breeding

Croton can be propagated vegetatively and seeds. Of vegetative
ways to distinguish the following:

• stem and leaf cuttings;

• air layouts;

• horizontal layouts.

Черенкование – самый простой способ размножения
croton. The cuttings are cut with a sharp knife or shears and put on
a few minutes in warm water to wash off the milky juice. Next cut
need to be dried and dipped in a root stimulator
(heteroauxin, root). Prepared pots are filled with
substrate: sand, leaf and sod land, peat in equal
proportions. The cuttings are planted in the ground and covered with cans or
put in a mini-hothouse. You can use zip packages instead.
Daily landing need to be aired and sprayed from
spray gun. The rooting process lasts 30-45 days. ABOUT
the appearance of roots indicates the appearance of young leaves.

Укоренять черенки можно и в банке с водой, в
which activated charcoal is added. Periodically in a container with
add water to the cutting. Roots appear after 2 months.

In summer, leaf cuttings can be rooted in the water.

Воздушными отводками размножают кротон при
Strong baring of the trunk. It is better to carry out this procedure in the summer:

• On a bare stem below 10-20 cm from the apex by a ring wide
1 cm cut bark (in this place the plant will give roots);

• Soak up the juice;

• ABOUTбработать срез корнестимулятором (гетероауксин,
root root);

• ABOUTбернуть срез влажным торфом или измельченным мхом;

• Create a “bag”: put a dark film on the peat and tie it up
its bottom and the top of the slice (top piping should be loose,
so that it has access to air and can be humidified

• After 30-40 days roots will appear on the cut;

• When the roots grow to 5 cm, the stalk is cut under the bag and
planted in a pot;

• Sapling within 7-15 days should be covered with a package for
create high humidity.

Rooting by air layouts

Горизонтальные отводки применяют у растений с
naked side shoots. Это делают So:

• Side twig bend to the ground;

• On the underside, the shoot is notched, the milky that is excreted is removed.
juice, wound is powdered with rhizome;

• Escape in a notched place is pinned and sprinkled.

• The pot can be placed in a bag to maintain moisture;

• After rooting, the young plant is separated from the maternal and
put in a separate pot.

Семенами в home conditions размножают
кротон очень редко из-за довольно долгой
the duration of the process. In addition, seed plants do not retain
its varietal signs grow slowly. For planting use
only freshly harvested seeds (they quickly lose their germination). Sow them
in February:

• Seeds are soaked in warm water for 12-15 hours, and after that
keep them for 2-3 hours in a phytohormone solution;

• Prepared seeds are sown in containers with moistened
sand and peat substrate (2: 1) to a depth of no more than 1 cm and
cover with a lid, film or glass;

• ABOUTптимальный температурный диапазон при проращивании семян
+ 22 + 24 оС;

• Water crops through the pan;

• Approximately in a month shoots appear;

• When seedlings grow by three leaves, they can
swoop down

Caring for seedlings is the same as for adult plants.

Кротон – выращивание и уход в home conditions. Watering,
transplantation, lighting, trimming, dressing

ABOUTт ухода зависит внешний вид и здоровье croton. This Tropican
quite demanding on conditions of detention.

ABOUTсвещение играет важную роль в насыщенности
окраски листьев croton. With a lack of light, the codium loses its
variegated color and becomes completely green. ABOUTднако летом прямые
the sun’s rays are dangerous for the plant – they cause burns on its
leaves. In autumn and winter, on the contrary, it is better to put the pot on
south window sill to maintain a 14-hour daylight hours.

Полив. Croton is from the tropics, therefore
при выращивании в home conditions нуждается в регулярном поливе.
Water for this should be used at room temperature.
With a lack of moisture or the use of cold water for irrigation
The codium will start dropping the leaves. With her excess rotting
root system and it can die. In the summer the plant is watered
in one day. ABOUTсенью и зимой количество поливов сокращают до 1 раза в
three days.

Температурный режим. Croton grows well in
temperature range + 16 + 22 oC. If these parameters are not followed
the plant will start dropping the leaves. At low temperature (less than
+ 16 ° C) the probability of rotting of the root system.

Влажность воздуха. Croton will be fine
develop at high humidity. For this it is necessary often
spray and also wipe the leaves weekly from wet dust
whether a cloth or a sponge. In the heating season to increase humidity
make good use of humidifiers or put a pot with
plant in a container with wet clay. High humidity
air prevents the reproduction of spider mites. Like this
Tropican and a light shower (only the ground should be covered with a film to
do not cause overmoistening of roots).

Подкормки. To maintain decorative
Croton in the spring and summer 1 time in a week he is fed
complex mineral fertilizers. In winter, fertilizers are applied once.
per month. Top dressing do only after watering.

ABOUTбрезка требуется кротону для формирования
compact crown. If this is not done, the plant will be tall.
up to 1.5 m (annual increment is 20-25 cm). As the fall
old leaves the trunk will be exposed and the codium will look
sloppy and shabby. ABOUTбрезанные части используют для черенкования.
Sections should be powdered with crushed coal. In young plants for
stimulate branching enough to pinch the top.

How and when to replant Croton?

Young crotons need a transplant every year, and adults need
as the roots fill the space in the pot (once per
two to three years).

Roots covered the whole earthen room – time to plant

Do it in the spring method of transshipment. In this case, the plant should
to be healthy. The patient will die during the transplant. The most
The optimal time for transplantation is March (the period when the active
vegetation). New pot must be taken more than the previous 2-3 cm in
diameter. At the bottom of the arrange drainage (1/4 of the volume of the pot) from
haydite, pebbles or crushed bricks. Then pour a little
A new soil is being rolled over the plant, trying not to damage the roots,
and fill the voids around the coma with the remaining earth. As
substrate make a mixture of sand, leaf and turf soil (1: 2: 1).
You can use the purchase of the soil, adding leaf to it the ground.
In any case, for the destruction of parasites or fungal soil spores
shed solution of potassium permanganate or fungicides. Can also
ignite it in the oven. The transplanted plant is watered daily.
опрыскивают из spray gun.

ABOUTсновные вредители, болезни, проблемы при выращивании кротона и
ways to deal with them

The palm among the pest Croton takes
паутинный клещ. ABOUTн особо быстро размножается при
dry air. Therefore, it is important to maintain high humidity.
air, daily sprinkling the plant. Just love to parasite
на кодиуме мучнистые червецы, щитовки, нематоды.
If a little bit of parasites can be washed off the leaves of tobacco-soap
solution, previously covered the ground in a pot with a film. With
Croton will have to be treated with Floverm,
Vermitekom, Akarinom.

If croton leaves turn pale, lose shine, turn yellow and fade,
то, скорее всего, растение поражено корневой
. If the root system is not completely dead, then you can
try to save the plant by reducing the amount of watering and adding to
Fitosporin-M soil. Just in case it is better to cut off the top for

Another common disease of croton is
антракноз. It develops under the influence of
pathogenic fungi with excessive watering. On the leaves appear
red-gray spots. Affected plants must be isolated from others.
and process the foundation.

Croton’s slow growth, small young leaves indicate
lack of nutrition.

Leaves lost their variegation and become green? It means that
Croton suffers from a lack of light. Need to rearrange it
closer to the window or provide additional lighting.

Brown spots on the leaves are the result of sunburn.
Brown edges of the leaves signal that Croton is cold.
It is necessary to exclude the presence of drafts, water the plant
room temperature.

If the leaves dry the tips, and they shrivel, there is
insufficient air humidity.

Sudden temperature changes, improper irrigation mode
Croton causes massive leaf fall.

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