Crocuses: grow bulbous in the garden. Landing andCrocus care – the best spring primroses (photo)

Пн, 05 сен 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

In early spring, crocuses are the first to open their fragile flowers.
They stand out well on bare ground, attracting attention. With their
using create bright glades, which in the spring
flowering parade. Fragile and delicate flowers do not need special
care, but stick to some rules when planting and caring


Description and characteristics of spring primrose, photo

Some varieties of crocuses are listed in the Red Book, their
can be found in the mountains of the Crimea and the Caucasus. In gardening grown
hybrid crocuses of various colors: blue, white, yellow,
lilac and two-color.

Crocus leaves grow in a bundle, appear simultaneously with the flower
or later. Flowers bloom on a sunny day, and on an overcast
weather or in the evening they are closed. The flowering period continues to
one month, sometimes less. It is more dependent on
weather Crocuses are small-bulbous plants, height
which does not exceed 10 cm. The height of some hybrids may
reach 15 cm. In most species, the flower is a simple goblet.
forms, there are varieties with terry flowers.

Bright and tender crocuses are rightly called spring.
primroses. To branches pleased with their appearance must be correct
choose a corm on which further development depends

Planting crocuses: how to choose corms

Success depends on properly selected planting material.
crocus cultivation. Buying bulbs better in August or
September, when they are at rest.

What to look for when buying:

• The bulb should not be loose and lethargic. Healthy boarding
The material is dense and heavy.

• No germinated roots or processes.

• Discard corms with mechanical damage. AT
They are settled pests and pathogens that will lead to
infection throughout the landing.

• On a healthy bulb there are no traces of rot and dark

Before planting crocuses, the bulbs are cleaned of old scales and
disinfect. They are kept in a solution of potassium permanganate or sprinkled.

ATыращивание крокусов: выбор участка для первоцвета

Before planting crocuses in a flower garden, it is worth picking
the right place where the plants will feel

These colors need space, as they quickly grow.
Crocus meadow should be well lit and warm
spring sun. The flower is grown in open areas or under
trees, where in springtime there is enough light for growth and

AT современном дизайне используют групповые посадки крокусов на
lawns, lawns or in the garden. Flower growers often grow crocuses on
Moorish lawn. The main condition is good lighting, only
then the ground warms up quickly after the snow melts, and crocuses
will delight you with a beautiful bloom.

What soil is needed for planting crocuses

These flowers are neutral to the soil, but do not tolerate
marshy ground and stagnant water. The flower grows well on
loam and sandy soils. AT слишком истощенную землю вносят
nutritional supplements in the form of mineral fertilizers.

When planting crocuses in the open ground, the holes are filled
rotted manure and humus. At the bottom of the landing pit is laid
drainage in the form of crushed stone, gravel or crushed brick. AT тяжелую почву
add sand and peat.

Crocuses tolerate drought well, but an excess of moisture leads to
root decay, so you shouldn’t forget about drainage during planting.
This is one of the important conditions for growing crocuses in the open

When planting crocuses in the garden (photo)

Much depends on the correct landing times. Late landing
leads to the fact that not rooted onion freezes in winter. With
planting too early can sprout even before
the onset of winter and perish.

Planting dates depend on the variety of crocuses that
grown in the garden. There are autumn flowering and spring flowering
plants. The depth of planting depends on the size of the bulb.

Autumnal hybrids are planted in the spring. Optimal term
landing from early May to early June.

ATесенние гибриды высаживают осенью, со второй половины сентября
until the end of October.

Many nurseries sell autumn blooming crocus hybrids in
flowering form. Planting such a flower should take place on
special rules.

1. In corms cut off all the leaves and flower stalks. What will allow
plant adapt to new conditions much faster.

2. AT год посадки цветение, скорее всего, не наступит, но в
next year it will be more vivid.

Crocuses need to buy before flowering, as it is very draining
plant and it needs a year to recover. Further growth and
development slowed down a lot.

AT каком уходе нуждается крокус (фото)

Such a flower as a crocus does not require special care. Enough
timely fertilize it and dig out the bulbs. AT летний период
the plant does not need abundant watering.

Fertilizing crocuses is better in the period of active growth – in spring. Straight
granules are thrown on the snow mineral fertilizers that
get into the soil and gradually nourish the flower. Also helpful
to feed crocuses with organic fertilizers. Withменяют перегной
and peat. AT период цветения полезно вносить фосфорно-калийные
top dressing.

Crocus reproduction

Crocuses form daughter bulbs, which are deposited from
материнского plants. This breeding method allows you to fully
keep all varietal qualities of a young flower.

Transplantation of daughter bulbs is carried out once every four years. With этом
The number of babies directly depends on the size of the mother bulb.
The larger it is, the more babies it forms. Zoom
the number of daughter bulbs will help shallow planting. Young plants
after transplantation bloom in a few years.

Neglecting transplanting is not worth it, otherwise flowers and bulbs
Crocuses shrink, or even disappear.

Why dig out the bulbs

Caring for a crocus, do not forget about digging. It is carried out in
зависимости от сорта plants. Recommended to dig crocuses
annually, after complete drying of the leaves and the onset of the period

After digging the bulbs sorted and rejected the sick and
damaged. Next, they remove the old scales, the remnants of the roots and
put in storage. Keep the bulbs in need well
ventilated room at a temperature of up to 20 degrees to the

ATыращивание крокусов без выкопки приводит к загущению гнезд,
diseases and lack of flowering.

Problems when growing crocuses in the open field (photo)

ATсе луковичные растения имеют свои слабые

• viral infections;

• fungal infections;

• spoilage by rodents.

ATысадка поврежденных клубнелуковиц приводит к заражению
viral diseases that appear as bright spots on
leaves and buds. Flowers become ugly and do not open.
Such plants are rejected, and the planting site is treated

Poor care and non-compliance with crocus growing conditions
causes fungal diseases. Bulbs
soften and fall into disrepair. AT качестве профилактики
corms are dried and processed before storage
special means.

The main pests of bulbous plants are mice, hares and
other rodents. They find onions, dig, eat. Often
for planting crocuses and other bulbous use special
baskets that protect plants from rodents.

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