Crocuses: autumn planting bulbous. Rules andSecrets of the autumn planting of crocuses: time, depth (photo)

Вт, 04 окт 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

In the spring crocuses bloom in the front garden – bright primroses.

Grow them is not difficult if you know the subtleties of autumn
crocus planting.


Choosing planting material

When growing crocuses it is very important to choose the right
planting material, further development depends on its quality and
flowering plants. When choosing bulbs you need to consider what is
autumn-flowering species, planting which differs in timing.
Spring primroses planted in the fall.

1. When choosing bulbs, carefully inspect them. Healthy
planting material has no signs of lesion, regrown
or damage.

2. A good bulb must be firm to the touch, without soft

3. You should also pay attention to the scales. At the onion
good quality they are dry.

4. You should not buy seed if there are signs
decaying onion bulbs.

Preparation of crocus bulbs for autumn planting + photo

Before placing the bulbs in the wells, you must
process and sanitize. This will save the landing from damage.
To prevent disease and rot, the bulbs are pickled in
solution of potassium permanganate. For this purpose, fungicides are also used. Good ones
The results are obtained by treatment with Fundazole, “Skor”, “Vitaros”.
The working solution is prepared based on 1 liter of water about 2 ml.
drug. The resulting solution is enough to process up to 1 kg
crocus bulbs.

Planting material is lowered into the ready solution for disinfection and
leave for half an hour. After that, start planting bulbs.
Rinse the treated bulbs can not.

Important! You can process the seed in
слабом solution of potassium permanganate. Bulbs stand about 30

Choosing a place for a bed

Autumn planting crocuses begins with the choice of location. Should
take into account that crocuses prefer sunny places, without stagnation
moisture, the excess of which leads to various diseases. For
full bloom they need light. In the shade of the tree buds
may not bloom.

The soil on the site should be loose and nutritious. Heavy
Soils are not suitable for growing spring primroses. Improve
soil condition will help river sand. It is brought under the digging that
makes the earth more friable. If the soil is not too nutritious, then
It is advisable to add preparations of potassium, phosphorus and mature compost.
Nitrogen fertilizers are not used for growing.

When choosing a place for the autumn planting crocuses give
preference for quiet corners of the garden, where there are no drafts and cold
winds. Strong gusts of wind can break fragile plants.

Getting to plant bulbs

How to plant bulbs? Experienced
gardeners are advised to plant bulbous plants in special
baskets. They will save crocuses from rodents and facilitate digging

Growing crocuses without baskets, bulbs placed on the garden,
leaving a distance of about 5-7 cm between them. Looks very good
цветущий ковер из луковичных plants. For этого луковицы
planted tightly, at a distance of 3-5 cm

Depth for autumn planting crocuses depends on size
bulbs. Larger planted to a depth of 10-15 cm, and small –
5-8 cm. How to determine the depth of planting material?
The optimum is considered the depth, which is equal to the height of the bulb
multiplied by 3.

Crocuses are cold-resistant plants, but in regions with
the harsh climate is better to mulch a bed of spruce or dry
foliage. In the spring all the mulching material is removed, the landing site
gently loosening, trying not to damage the root system

Crocus care after flowering

Crocuses need an annual digging. After flowering which
ends in July, it is necessary to cut off the entire above-ground part
plants. Soon start digging bulbs. Them carefully
removed from the ground with a pitchfork, trying not to damage. Next onions
washed, sorted and sorted. After drying and airing,
which lasts about 7 days, planting material is laid on

Crocus bulbs need to be stored with a gradual decrease
temperature In the first stage, the bulbs are lowered into the basement, where they
laid out in one layer. A few weeks later boarding
the material is placed in the lower section of the refrigerator, where it is stored until
the moment of landing. The optimum planting time is considered to be bulbs.
mid September – early October.

How to make crocuses forcing

Experienced садоводы выращивают крокусы в горшках. With
This blooming plant can be obtained to a specific date. But for
this crocus must be forcing all
to the rules.

1. From the time of planting to flowering passes from 3 to 3.5 months
or 15 weeks. This should be taken into account when forcing crocuses to
holidays. For получения цветущего экземпляра к Новому году,
Crocus planting is carried out in the fall, namely, in mid-September.

2. All bulbs must undergo natural training in
certain temperature conditions. For этого луковицы приобретают
in the summer and keep them at 30 degrees about 7 days. Further,
planting material is immersed in the cellar, where they keep it until the middle
August Further storage of the bulbs occurs in the refrigerator, with
temperature 5-7 degrees.

3. Crocuses are planted in a prepared container.

4. Bulbs are placed very closely to each other, not as
garden bed The fact is that the plant does not grow in such conditions and
does not give kids.

5. As a substrate for the distillation of crocuses using river
sand. At the bottom of each tank equip a good drainage.

Crocuses forcing is quite an easy task, knowing everything
rules, it can handle even a novice gardener.

Difficulties in growing crocuses

Often beginners complain that growing crocuses does not bring
result, and the plants do not bloom. Why is that
is going on?

• Lack of flowering indicates improper care.

• The bulbs were dug ahead of time, which violated
natural development cycle.

• The above-ground part was cut off too early; leaves are removed.
after complete drying.

• The temperature of storage of bulbs is violated. At first
planting material is stored at a high temperature, gradually
reducing it. The last stage of storage takes place at very low

• Lack of flowering suggests that the bed is reborn.
Crocuses need rejuvenation of plantings once every three years. If a
all this time they were grown without digging, then it’s time
plant crocuses.

• On the bulbs damaged by rodents, the buds are not tied.
Will secure crocuses planting in special baskets for bulbous

Some species of crocuses bloom in the fall, therefore,
buying bulbs, be sure to ask what they are

Despite the small size of crocuses, they are very fond of flower growers.
After all, they are completely undemanding and easy to clean. Besides,
crocuses are planted in autumn, which allows spring
admire the blooming flower bed. After reviewing all the subtleties
growing bulbs, it will pass without much effort.

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