Create a fragrance, or how to make lavenderwater

Вт, 13 дек 2016 Автор: Анастасия Максимова

The spring air smelled like lavender, and what is its secret I keep
be surprised…

Quotation, though poetic, but carries a grain of truth. Lavande
attributed secret healing properties. She found application in different
areas – pastries and confectionery, perfumes, cosmetics,
textiles, this list is endless. Лавандовую water
and lavender essential oil can be purchased anywhere in the world. But
what could be more interesting and exciting than doing
a bottle of lavender water with your own hands.

Lavender. Data

Lavender flowers are grown in large quantities almost
everywhere. Although there is a perception that the birthplace of lavender is Asia.
Worldwide, there are approximately 39 varieties of this fragrant flower,
including original and hybrid varieties bred by
cross-pollination. However, many botanists claim that
English lavender is the most original variety of this flower.
Shades of lavender petals are blue, and range from
light purple to deep purple.

Use of lavender

For centuries, homemade lavender oil has been used
as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Wide
used in repellents, gels that can relieve headaches
and means for the treatment of burns. The fragrant aroma of lavender
used in the manufacture of air fresheners, cosmetic
means and perfumery.

Lavender flowers and seeds are known to help fight
insomnia. The coloring properties of this flower are widely used in
textile industry. Sweet lavender honey is sold in
worldwide as an exotic product. Lavender is used when
making herbal tea and baking baked goods.

Lavender extract in concentrated form is used as food.
dye, natural flavoring for making rare
lavender sugar and sucrose. Lavender flowers help relieve stress,
therefore used to make scented candles for
aromatherapy, scented paper. Wideе применение в быту лаванда
found in the form of sprays with fragrant lavender water for clothes,
sleeping and table linen, etc. It is distinguished by special
relaxing and soothing properties, thereby helping
man overcome stressful situation.

Lavender Recipes

Here are some classic lavender recipes.
water that can be used to improve the comfort of your

Рецепт №1. This is the easiest recipe for lavender
water. The prepared composition can be used as a perfume.
или дезодоранта для houses. The ingredients are water and lavender oil.
Manufacturing procedure: Смешать эфирное масло лаванды и water в
пропорции одна капля на 30 мл water. Store the mixture in
dark bottle in a cool place for two weeks, after which the lavender
water will be ready for use.

Рецепт №2. Ingredients – alcohol, lavender oil
and violet root extract. Manufacturing procedure: Mix 250ml
alcohol, 50 ml of lavender oil and 10 ml of extract of orris root.
Mix well and strain. Store the resulting solution in
dark bottle in a cool place for two weeks. After expiration
time can use.

Рецепт №3. Components are fresh lavender flowers,
ethyl alcohol or vodka. Manufacturing procedure: Take
a small clean glass jar with a tight lid. Put into it
lavender flowers and cover to the brim with vodka or alcohol. Tightly
close the lid and put it on the window. After two weeks, strain
раствор, и ваша лавандовая water will be ready for use. Than
the more lavender flowers you take, the richer the aroma will be.

Рецепт №4. Components – lavender essential oil,
ethyl alcohol or vodka, reading water. Manufacturing procedure:
mix 90 ml of vodka with 3 cups of pure water and 30 drops
lavender oil. Pour the mixture into the bottle from the dark.
glasses and store in a cool place for 2 weeks. After time
лавандовую water можно использовать.

These were the best traditional lavender recipes.
water. You can use one of them, or try

Do not be afraid to experiment, success to you.

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