Crafts from plasticine do it yourself – we developfantasy. How to make a beautiful craft from plasticineby hands

Ср, 18 янв 2017 Автор: Марина Ивасюк

Sculpting from plasticine brings pleasure. Same
helps children develop fine motor skills of hands, which in its
queue affects the speech apparatus and development


Поделки из пластилина своими by hands: особенности

Тот факт, что от развития мелкой моторики рук напрямую
зависит речь ребенка
, давно доказан. Therefore from you
Depends whether the child learns to speak correctly. Develop
finger skills, stock up with colored clay and
invite your child to participate. Start playing games with
clay you need with a child aged 2 years or so
time, as he had just stopped pulling foreign objects into

It will be interesting for the baby to sculpt if you also take part in
process. The question arises, what kind of craft from their clay
by hands можно вылепить. A little child will be interested in doing
those objects that surround him in everyday life, namely:
car, animals, heroes of favorite cartoons. Suggest a blind
dinosaur or kangaroo can be a child who already has an approximate
representation of these creatures.

Поделки из пластилина своими by hands: материалы и способы

To start sculpting you need colored clay, plastic
knife for cutting clay, orange stick (manicure) and a table,
on which you will do crafts. The orange stick will be
It is convenient to make indentations in plasticine, because there are
sharp and flat edges.

Well, if you have not one set of clay, and the whole
palette of various colors. The child must be given time to
fantasies. Support him, praise, suggest, but in no way
If you do not push it, do not scold or criticize. Sculpt should
gives pleasure.

Cartoon characters from plasticine

Favorite fairy-tale characters delight children. They themselves
associate with characters, want to imitate them. It is for this
the reason it will be especially interesting for the child to participate in the process
sculpting with you.

Select the character you want to make. Pick up for it
suitable shade of plasticine and start to create. To blind
the hero of the cartoon “Smeshariki” will need a ball of clay,
a pair of legs and arms, ears, nose or beak, eyes and hair.

Let your child help you. Ask him to do
legs and pens for a hero while you work with a little body.

Sculpt all the necessary pieces and stick them to the calf,
collecting, thus, the figure of the character entirely. With help
tool draw mouth, nostrils and claws or hands.

Plasticine Village Yard

When the child already knows what pets look like,
It will be interesting to try to recreate familiar characters from

Try to make a cow. For it will need to blind the following
Details: head, eyes, body, four legs, tail, ears, horns and spots
to imitate color. Head and body in the shape of an oval. Collect all
pieces between each other, draw a nose and stick spots on the body,
slightly smearing or stretching them. You have a thoroughbred
spotted cow.

Make a yard bird out of plasticine, for example a chicken or a duck.
To do this, you will need to make the body of the bird, tail, wings, legs,
crest, beak and eyes. For the body, roll the clay into a ball and
give it an egg shape. The narrow part will be head and wide
belly. Blind all the prepared parts in their places.
With an orange stick, make indentations in the beak or draw

To make the horse prepare the details in the shape of the head, neck,
the trunk, legs, ears, eyes, mane and tail. Body and head in the form of
oval, neck and legs – the figure of a cylinder. Connect all the details with the body and
With the pointed end of an orange stick, draw a nose and hooves. Same
You can draw curls in the tail, holding the sharp end of the stick
along the tail. The joints between the parts blend with a finger so that
the seam was not visible.

Village yard can not be without barns, stables, creches and
other feeders. Make simple houses in the form of walls, roofs and
воmouth. If you want something special, you can build
more complex structure. If the house of plasticine is expected
high, so that the crossbar does not sag, in the design can be
add wooden sticks or toothpicks. To do this, measure
the length of the vertical beam, roll it sausage and inside in
clay hide a wand of the same length. It must pass
along and it should not be visible.

Make four such columns and install them in the corners of the building.
Now make the walls, for them roll out the clay in the form of a sheet and
lean it against the pillars. There should be three such walls.
The fourth wall will be the entrance to the shed, so at that place you can
make the gate.

Use wooden sticks to ensure that the roof does not
sagged, putting them on the walls in rows across the building. On them
Put a sheet of clay so that the rods are not visible.

Volume picture from plasticine

Same интересно будет создать объемную картину из plasticine.
Come up with an event that you want to highlight and related

You will need to work: the basis for the picture, color
clay and pencil. The base should be dense solid.
a surface, such as a piece of wood or cardboard, cut by

Draw based on the outline of the image you want.
transfer to the picture. Next, select the background color and smear it on
the fingers with a thin layer of fingers, in order to paint
surface. Putting the background, go beyond the contour line by 1 cm.
bringing clay under the image that appears in that place
where is the contour now. This is done for reliability, that would not appear
random gaps and through the cracks did not seem cardboard.

Now you have a choice of how the images will look like.
picture. They may be slightly voluminous and stand over
surface or be completely flat flush with
by the surface.

If you want to see the picture is flat, then apply the clay
spreading over pre-thought places next
sequences: first the background, then the character’s figure, then
small details: eyes, beak, pocket on clothes, button and so

If you want to make the figures of the characters appear volumetric, then
smear on the surface they do not need. Make in the hands of the desired
hero, and then stick to the picture and slightly press, it turns out
oblate figure. Do the same with the others.
parts of the character. Proceed in the same sequence: first
background, then character, then small details. This is how it looks.

Поделки из пластилина своими by hands: советы профессионалов

• When choosing a color, do not require the child to use
only the color of the animal. Do not limit imagination
baby The pink horse will delight him no less gray.

• If the clay is too hard, knead or warm it in
arm. Do not put it on a hot battery, otherwise it may leak
smearing the battery and the floor.

• Try to work with clay only on harvested
surface. If the clay falls into the carpet, then withdraw
it can be, but will have to work hard.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: