Combined method of cleaning carpets in winter

Combined method of cleaning carpets in winter

The onset of a snowy winter is not a real joy.
only for kids, but for all the zealous hostesses. This time of year
each of us has a great opportunity to come to grips
general cleaning inside cabinets, shelves in cabinets or on
the kitchen. In addition, the snowy weather creates ideal conditions for
cleaning carpets that are hotbeds of dust and

In the absence of proper care, carpets are lost.
attractive exterior and vacuum cleaner unable to cope with
basic cleaning at 100%. Elementary rules of hygiene
require general cleaning of carpets at least 2
times per year:

  • In winter – for cleaning dust from snow
  • In the summer – for removal of strong pollution with plentiful
    using water and detergents;


The necessity and importance of the procedure

To maintain perfect cleanliness and freshness in the house is special
Attention is paid to carpets of other removable flooring.

Cleaning in winter does not cause significant difficulties when performing
complex work in the fresh air. Attract to such interesting
occupation and useful work can even the smallest.

The importance of cleaning in winter is justified by the possibility of processing with snow,
which will allow:

  1. restore cleanliness;
  2. eliminate odors;
  3. prevent the development of ticks and the colonization of harmful
    microorganisms in tissue products.

Additional use of chemicals in the room
allows you to consolidate the effect and eliminate the cementing of dust
particles inside the carpet.

Features of cleaning

Combined cleaning method involves using
following rules when working with carpet:

  • soft and loose fresh snow without a crust is able to save
    decorative dust cover to avoid getting wet
    textile material;
  • choose areas without slags and gas emissions, preferably in
    ecologically clean area;
  • pre-vacuum the carpet or knock it out
    will allow to get rid of visible dirt;
  • leaving the textile in the cold, you can be sure
    eliminating microorganisms from it;
  • when processing massive products do not refuse help
    friendly company, rationally distributing sites;
  • a rubber beater or electric brush will speed up
  • for best results, snow brushing procedure
    should be repeated in several approaches;
  • in the presence of a long nap and to avoid injury
    material, it is necessary to use a layer of
    a terry towel that periodically changes due to its
  • washing and cleaning substances to use after snow treatment,
    at home.

The first stage of cleaning

The most important condition for work is heavy snow,
good company and great mood. For achievement
Maximum preparatory effects are needed.
work – carpet knock out. The main task – after removal
significant stocks of textile dust in the open air
necessary to apply wet cleaning with chemical

The sequence of operations is as follows:

  1. the product is placed on a non-trampled area
    side up;
  2. evenly and generously sprinkle the surface with fluffy snow;
  3. the active movements beat out a rug;
  4. sweep the remnants of pressed snow with a broom;
  5. the carpet is moved to a new site and procedure 1-4 is repeated until
    as long as the snow under the carpet does not remain clean;
  6. after that the carpet is turned over and procedures 1-4 are repeated with
    front surface, only instead of a broom for shaking off better
    use an elastic bristle brush.

Second stage of work

After that, the carpet is brought into the house, not giving him the opportunity
dry out, proceed to perform wet cleaning. Despite
which is difficult to do at home and in the absence
conditions of intensive drying, wet cleaning will fix
the result of purity.

As a cleaning and detergent can be used as
household chemicals and folk remedies. Noteworthy such
budget stain removers like Vanish and Cinderella.

Get rid of stubborn stains will help such means
which are always at hand:

  • water solution of soap and vinegar / lemon juice and
    уксуса – от шоколадных и фруктовых пятен;
  • soap solution in combination with dishwashing detergent and a spoon
    уксуса позволит забыть о пятнах от напитков;
  • смочить проблемные места и избавиться от жира
    kerosene, gasoline, ammonia solution will help;
  • приложив лед к склеенному с ворсом пластилину,
    можно будет раскрошить его, а жирные пятна убрать
    means recommended above.

In case of significant contamination, snow treatment after
carrying out wet cleaning is desirable to repeat. This is especially
relevant in the absence of a washing vacuum cleaner because
snow can get rid of the foam, and abrasive particles of snow
intensify the procedure of stain removal.

After these procedures, the textile product must
leave for a while outside to ventilate the product and
refresh his smell. Such a general cleaning gives wonderful
results with minimal cash outlay but will require
the mistress of effort and make make time in her compressed

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