Clerodendrum: planting a “tree of fate.” Careclerodendrum, problems with growing

Чт, 11 авг 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

Clerodendrum is one of the most popular indoor plants.

Translated from the Greek, its name means “tree
of fate.

In vivo, representatives of the Clerodendrum clan
grow in the rainforests of the African continent, Asia and
South America, there are more than 400 species. At home
conditions grow such species as:

• Clerodendrum Thompson – fast growing liana.
In winter, it can partially shed its leaves. Decorative at the expense of their
contrasting colored flowers collected in bunches: from snow white
bracts look bright red flowers;

• the finest evergreen shrub reaching in height
up to 3 m. Abundant flowering from June to September. The flowers have a halo
dark red, calyx purple;

• Philippine – clerodendrum, with flowering exuding
jasmine scent. The flowers are terry, have white-pink color and
similar to small roses, collected in inflorescences;

• fragrant – shrub with pubescent leaves. Abundant and long
blooming at home. The flowers have a strong citrus.

• Ugandan – lianoid shrub. Breeds easily
cuttings, fast growing, unpretentious. The flowers have an unusual
coloring: stamens, blue upper and side petals, lower
are blue or purple.


Clerodendrum: landing

The soil for planting clerodendrum should be fertile and loose
with a weak acid reaction (pH = 5-6). For landing of a klerodendrum suit
as ready-made primers purchased in garden stores, and
cooked on their own. To do this, take equal parts
leaf and garden soil, peat, coarse sand. Before landing
plants must always disinfect the soil (treated with hot
steam or calcined in the oven).

At the bottom of the pot make a layer of drainage of large clay,
pieces of foam, clay shards.

After planting, the plant is watered and kept on the windowsill with
good illumination, but without direct sunlight.

Clerodendrum: Cultivation

It is possible to grow up the klerodendrum both from seeds, and vegetative
in a way.

Seeds for planting can be used as purchased in the store,
and collected directly from the plant. They mature about 3
months. The degree of maturity is determined as follows: immature seeds
soft, sepals around them pink, matured – hard
(sepals dried).

Clerodendrum Seeds

Sowing is carried out in bowls or plastic cups with a mixture
peat and sand (perlite) in March-April. Seeds are planted in depth
about 1-2 cm. After this, the box is covered with film or glass or
without shelter put in a greenhouse at a temperature of + 22-24 degrees.
Periodically shelter is removed for airing, remove accumulated
condensate. After the emergence of shoots shelter is removed (if it was).
Seedlings grow quickly: at the age of one month they already have 4
full leaf. Repot their pots the next spring.

Clerodendrum is also easy to grow from cuttings. They are harvested
spring during pruning. Only matured are suitable for grafting.
shoots (green twigs quickly rot). They are cut into pieces by
15-20 cm. It is easiest to root them in water with the addition of a stimulant.
rooting (Kornevin, Heteroauxin) and tablets
activated carbon. After the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in
pots with prepared primer. The strongest seedlings
bloom in the same year.

Rooted Clerodendrum Stalks

Root cuttings can also be in the greenhouse in a mixture of peat and sand
at a temperature of + 22-24 degrees. Rooting rate of cuttings
depends on the type of clerodendrum (quickly rooted to. Ugandan and
K. Thompson).

Clerodendrum: care

Care клеродендумом достаточно прост, но имеет свои

As a native of the tropics, this plant is necessary
increased air humidity and soil.
Therefore his
it is necessary to spray and water frequently. Water is used for this
separated from room temperature. In the spring and summer, when
The plant grows vigorously and blooms, watered every 2-3 days.
Excess water drained into the pan is immediately drained to prevent
rotting roots. When watering it is important to keep a balance and avoid
waterlogging or drying of the earth in a pot. Otherwise, the plant can
reset the leaves.

The most comfortable feeling klerodendrum feels
windowsills east or west. On the north window
due to lack of lighting, the plant may not bloom at all. If a
the flower is on the south side, it should be shaved from the straight
sun rays.

The optimum temperature for the maintenance of clerodendrum in the spring and
in the summer it will be + 18-25 degrees. In winter, he has a rest period and he
enough + 13-15 degrees. If a такой температурный режим не
observe, then you can not wait to bloom.

Another indispensable point in the care of clerodendrum
is pruning.
As this plant is fast growing
vine, then in room conditions can not do without pruning. Spend her
in the spring. Shoots shortened by 1/3. This procedure stimulates growth.
New shoots, which will form inflorescences. To that
the same pruning makes it possible to form the shape of the plant (climbing,
ampelnaya or bush). To give it a standard look, leave
the central stem, the rest cut out. At a height of 70-80 cm
the main shoot is shortened to stimulate tillering. From appeared
lateral sprouts pinching form the crown. Root growth
need timely cut.

After pruning, clerodendrum is fed with any complex
fertilizers for flowering plants once every 2 weeks up to
beginning of the rest period.

Problems with growing clerodendrum

At home условиях клеродендрум подвергается атаке такими
pests like spider mites, whitefly, scutes, aphids. For their
destruction use insecticides (Aktara, Biotlin, Fitoverm,
Konfidor Extra) and acaricides (Aktellik, Sunmite, Fufanon).

With excessive watering, klerodendrum may be affected by the root
rotten In this case, you need to pull the plant out of the pot, inspect
root system: the affected areas are removed, the remaining
treated with fungicides (Topsin, blue vitriol, Oxyhom, etc.).
After that, the flower is transplanted into a new pot and burned

Often, if non-compliance with the rules of care, clerodendrum stops
blossom. This happens for the following reasons:

• temperature is not maintained at + 13-15 ° C during the rest period
in the winter;

• lack of nutrients;

• excess nitrogen fertilizer (the plant “zhiruet”: the leaves grow
large, become dark green);

• lack of coverage during the period of active growth;

With insufficient watering, lighting, dry and cold air in
clerodendrum fall buds and flowers.

Yellowing and dropping of leaves at the klerodendrum may be
caused by the following factors:

• a natural process before a period of rest;

• poor watering

• dry and warm indoor air.

Watering clerodendrum hard chlorinated water causes chlorosis
plants: young leaves turn yellow, and old ones get marble

The manifestation of chlorosis on the leaves of clerodendrum (marble color):
dark veins, light leaf plate

Yellow-brown spots on the leaves appear when leaf burns
intense sunlight.

With insufficient lighting, the klerodendrum is strongly drawn out,
leaves shrink.

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