Clematis in the fall: landing and care, how to prepareflower for wintering. Features of the autumn planting clematis(a photo)

Вт, 04 окт 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Clematis or clematis – a perennial vine of the family

Over three hundred species of this amazing plant have been bred
each one is unique.

It is a rather unpretentious flower, a highlight in its
Cultivation is meeting deadlines for planting and breeding.

Autumn planting clematis has its own characteristics, which
need to know every gardener.


Features of the autumn clematis care

Despite the breeding work and high ability of the plant
adapt to our climatic conditions many varieties
Clematis in the fall need special preparation for the winter

What a gardener should consider:

• dates of autumn planting of clematis;

• the possibility of transplanting plants in the fall;

• the need for reproduction;

• Compliance with standard autumn care procedures.

Experienced gardeners take care of the plant by well-planned
a scheme that has been developed with respect to all biological
features of clematis. But newcomers need to consider
features of the region where the plant is grown to
adjust the timing of the autumn planting of clematis, transplanting and

Choosing a seedling for planting clematis in the fall

The further flowering of the plant depends on the planting material,
and its duration.

When purchasing seedlings, you need to consider the following

1. A healthy planting material does not have a mechanical

2. A developed root system consists of five or more.

3. An autumn seedling should have several shoots with
by the kidneys.

4. Better time to buy a sapling – mid-September.

5. When choosing a seedling, it is better to stop at the plant with a closed
root system.

Клематис: посадка осенью (a photo)

Autumn planting has its own characteristics, which
necessary. Experienced growers advise planting
September, but for each region the dates are shifted depending on
weather conditions. It is important to remember that clematis must have time
take root before frost. Depending on the climate
landing can be carried out ahead of time.

Choosing a place for landing

Clematis is able to grow in one place for about 30 years, so by
the choice of location must be approached responsibly. In the southern regions is not worth
plant the plant in open sunny areas as well as near
walls and fences. The best option would be a secluded place in
garden, without drafts and the scorching sun.

Special attention should be paid to moisture.
предназначенного для посадки клематиса. Plant
does not tolerate stagnant moisture at the roots, the proximity of groundwater
will adversely affect the plant.

Clematis can grow on any soil, but preferably
non-acidic soils. Especially beautiful plant blooms on nutrient
loose soils. Fertilizers will help to enrich the soil composition,
however, fresh manure should not be applied under clematis.

Autumn clematis planting

Planting this plant has some differences from others.

1. In the autumn clematis is planted, deepening it into the soil on
several buds. Such planting is a guarantee of survival of the plant.

2. A landing pit is made at a depth of two bayonets. Down
a thick layer of drainage is laid, about 15 cm of broken brick,

3. The soil before planting is enriched by mixing it with humus,
mineral fertilizers, peat, sand and ash.

4. The distance between the bushes leave about 1 meter.

5. Before planting, install a support under the vine. She is
must be strong enough to withstand strong impulses

Immediately before planting, the plant is checked for condition.
root system. If the earth lump dried up, then the pre-liana
soaked in water for several hours. On the bottom drainage layer
pour fertile land and lower the seedling. Plant roots
straighten, deepening the root neck of 5-10 cm in the ground. Above
seedling sprinkle with prepared soil. Landing place

Important! Deep planting saves the plant from
freezing in the harsh winter, and also contributes to the development
additional shoots and protects the roots from overheating in

Clematis pruning

Autumn clematis planting — это очень ответственное дело. If not
to observe the entire sequence of works, the sapling will simply die.
Pruning refers to the main activities when planting plants.
It is required. How to cut clematis? it
depends on the type of plant. Those creepers that bloom twice in
season, need a little pruning. It is carried out so that it remains
not less than 1 meter of escape.

If clematis blooms only on annual shoots, its
cut off otherwise. The branches are shortened so that only 2-3 are left.
node. Such pruning is called radical.

When to transplant clematis?

If there is a need to transplant the plant, it is better to wait
of autumn. it лучшее время для пересадки клематиса. Transplant spend
no later than mid-September.

Experienced gardeners do not recommend replanting old specimens. They
worse take root on new place. Remove the earthen ball with the roots
very problematic, no injuries to do. You can resort to
hemming the root system, but you need to do it very carefully.
After transplanting vines to a new place, next year’s flowering will not
will come.

If the cause of the transplant is a plant disease, then the root
the system needs to be rinsed well, and ashes are added to the landing pit.

Important! Young plants are better tolerated
transplant, adapt to new conditions more quickly and start to

Clematis: preparation for wintering

All kinds of plants need shelter from frost, despite their
winter hardiness Planted in the fall of young Clematis harbor
especially carefully.

What to consider:

1. Before proceeding to the shelter of the plant, you need to remove from
all its leaves.

2. In the center of the bush poured a bucket of ripe humus, then
hilling is carried out with sand mixed with ash. Height
hilling about 10-15 cm.

3. Inside the shelter should be dry. The main purpose of the shelter
Clematis – protect the plant from moisture and moisture, which is detrimental
acts on the liana.

4. The covering layer should be loose, well ventilated. Without
air access liana can evaporate.

5. For winter shelter clematis can not use sawdust. They
they absorb moisture, freeze, and in the spring they disappear. Plant в
such conditions will perish.

6. It is possible to remove shelter from liana only after the threat of returnable

Proper clematis cover is done by
The following technology:

• shoots are removed from the support and laid on a layer of spruce

• on top of them fall asleep with a thick layer of dry leaves;

• set the boards of wood, you can cover them with a film.

Important! If you organize the wintering correctly
clematis, the flowering will come earlier than usual, and the flowers will

Problems in growing clematis

Clematis is most often damaged by fungal diseases.
Since the disease is in the soil, it is primarily affected
plant root system.

To avoid damage to the vine, you need to monitor its condition and
time to take action. You can notice the infection in early spring. With
the first signs of its appearance need to cut the damaged parts
plants and process shoots fungicides. If a big hit
part of the bush, then it must be dug out entirely. And the landing place

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