Citric acid from scale: myth or reality?As citric acid scum on the kettle or in the washing machinecleans up

Чт, 03 дек 2015 Автор: Анатолий Шаповалов

It is a white crystalline substance, packaged in bright
plastic bags, recently, rightfully took its
rightful place on the shelves of small shops and

And although citric acid is widely used in food and oil
industry, medicine, cosmetics, construction (as
additives to cement), it is also successfully used in everyday life.

Due to its cleaning and whitening properties, lemon
acid “relished” many of our enterprising housewives,
who use it to clean kitchenware and even
�”Rejuvenation” of washing machines.


Scale and rust are the enemies of kitchenware and household

Scaling forms on the inside of the pot or
kettle, as well as on the heating element of the electric kettle,
the process of their operation. It appears over time
the reason for salt deposits and the layering of metal particles contained
in tap water.

* Накипь способствует преждевременному выходу
out of order electrical and ordinary household appliances.

* Из-за низкой теплопроводности образовавшаяся
on the electric heater scale leads to additional consumption

* Кроме того, частички накипи, растворяясь в
water, enter the human body and adversely affect its
urinary system and kidneys.

* С таким зловредным образованием, как накипь
sometimes difficult to handle even with costly, good
advertised household chemicals. And here, more than ever,
By the way, ordinary citric acid comes to the rescue.
any home is always at hand.

We clean teapots from a scum citric acid

There are several cleaning methods for this.

Способ № 1 – самый простой. Take the usual (not
electric kettle, at the bottom and on the walls of which is visible scale and
rust. Fill the kettle with water from the tap, we fall asleep in the water alone
(25 gram) bag of food citric acid and put the kettle on
the fire. When the kettle starts to boil, then scum, under the influence of
citric acid, along with rust well separated from its
walls. It remains only to drain the water and rinse the kettle. In order to
prevention this procedure must be repeated at least once

Способ № 2 — в чайнике много накипи. Bred
2-3 bags of citric acid in 1 liter of water. Fall asleep in the kettle and
warmed up. Then the water in the kettle is thoroughly shaken. Again
put on the fire and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils,
the fire is turned off and the kettle is left with the hot solution until complete
cooling down Repeating this operation 2-3 times, your kettle will be cleared.
so that you simply do not recognize him.

Способ №3 – грязный, запущенный чайник весь
covered with scum and rust. In the kettle pour water. Add
tablespoon of baking soda, boil. Water is drained. Again poured
water Add столовую ложку лимонной кислоты. Boil around
half an hour on slow fire. Boiled water is drained and immediately
poured fresh. Add полстакана уксуса, кипятят 30 минут и
merge again. I assure you that as a result of such an intensified,
combined cleaning from scale and rust will not remain and

Способ № 4 – в электрочайнике накипь покрыла
whole heating element. From this kettle can quickly get out of
building. But before you start cleaning it, you need to remember that for
electric vinegar should not be used. But citric acid
In any case, an indispensable tool for descaling.
It is necessary to dilute 1-2 sachets of acid in 1 liter of water. Pour
solution in a kettle and boil. When boiling plastic case
the teapot cleans well, dark scurf disappears, scum
exfoliate. It remains only to drain the dirty water again
boil the kettle in clean water and drain again to allow residues
scum did not get into tea or coffee.

Clean the iron from limescale

Not everyone probably knows that on the heating element of the iron,
over time, scaling also forms. Therefore, iron periodically
it is necessary to clean not only from above, but also inside.

To do this, in a glass of water diluted with a bag of citric acid.

The prepared solution is poured into the tank electric iron.
Turn on the iron, press the “Steam” button and set
maximum heating temperature.

Soon you will see for yourself how from the holes in the sole of the iron,
along with the steam, residues of scale and dirt will be popped up.

This is the dirt that when ironing could get on your white
shirt or sheet. The remaining water in the tank is drained and
repeat the cleansing process two or three times.

We lighten silver and rub furniture with citric acid

* It is known that silver jewelry can be very beautiful. They
practical and costly – relatively expensive. However silver is fast
tarnishes and often loses its appeal. But if you omit
silver chain, ring or bracelet in a heated solution with
citric acid and hold there for a while then
formed oxides are removed and silver takes its wonderful
original look.

* Silver can even be boiled in citric acid solution.
After such a “cooking” the metal becomes perfectly clean.

* Often citric acid is used not only as a cleaning
means, but also a disinfectant. Napkin soaked in solution
citric acid rubbed kitchen furniture, shiny and
chrome surfaces of sinks, kettles, coffee pots and
internal surfaces of the microwave.

And if you add lemon juice to olive oil (in a ratio of 2 to
1) then it is very good to rub this odor with this smelling agent
the surface of polished furniture that will literally shine its
natural shine.

To make your car last longer

– The deposition of calcium and magnesium salts contained in the piped
water leads to premature wear and tear
heat electric heating element (heating element) in the washing
the car.

– And the cost of heating elements is equal to one third the cost of the entire machine.
So it turns out that the more expensive your car, the more expensive it will cost you
heating element repair.

– In addition, scale complicates the process of heating the heating element and
увеличивает расход electricity. When washing overgrown
TEN, consumes electricity by 20-30% more than pure.

Therefore, in order for the machine to serve longer, and washing costs
Cheaper to use citric acid.

Clean the washing machine from limescale

Instead of washing powder in the powder compartment of the car fall asleep
200 grams of citric acid (you can pour the acid right on
drum). Put in the washing mode for a half to two hours at a temperature
80-90 degrees and, “in idle”, without things start to erase. After
the washing is completed, the drum door is opened. Bending over
sealing rubber, check to prevent it from accumulating
residues of scale. Then you need to open the machine drain flap and
see if there are any large particles of scale that could
fall away from the heating element.

After такой очистительной процедуры ваша «помощница» станет
work much better and longer.

In order to профилактики, можно воспользоваться еще одним методом. AT
the beginning of the wash white laundry add to the laundry detergent 20
grams of citric acid, which among other things possesses and
whitening property.

In this case, the washing quality will be excellent, and for heating elements and
The citric acid drum machine will only benefit.

Take care of your “helper”

– After стирки необходимо протирать резиновые детали стиральной
cars with a soft, dry cloth to prevent them from starting

– Try, as often as possible to leave the door of the drum
ajar, but so as not to accidentally touch her feet and not
to harm.

– Do not wash often at high temperatures. As evidenced by
practice, modern powders successfully cope with pollution
already at a temperature of 50 degrees.

To protect your irreplaceable “assistant” from scale and extend
its service life, it is necessary to clean it at least once a year with
using citric acid.

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