Chrysanthemums – growing, care, transplanting andbreeding

Sun, Mar 13, 2016

Род Хризантем (hrysanthemum) из семейства
Aster (Asteraceae) or Compositae (Compositae) includes
more than 200 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants.
The name of the chrysanthemum is translated from the Greek as “golden flower”,
due to the yellow color of its inflorescences.

The homeland of chrysanthemums is the Far East, where people admired
them since ancient times. So, 3 thousand years ago
the Chinese cultivated these beautiful potted plants.
For Japanese, chrysanthemum is also a favorite flower and symbol
longevity. In addition, in Japan, this flower is also honored as an emblem
countries and an important part of national culture.

A unified approach to the classification of chrysanthemums today
missing. Specialists from China, Germany and France adhere to
opinions that there are 10 classes of chrysanthemums; USA and England – 15.
Our varieties of chrysanthemums belong to the large-flowered, medium-flowered and
small-flowered. Also chrysanthemums are divided according to
type of flower, the height of the bush and timing of flowering. Depending on the
timing of flowering varieties of chrysanthemum are early, medium,
middle late and late. Obviously, with the help of selection
chrysanthemums with different periods of flowering can be created in your garden
magnificent flower arrangement that will delight their
bright colors from summer to late autumn.


Chrysanthemums – growing and care

Chrysanthemums are heat-loving plants, so their successful
The cultivation begins with the right choice of landing site.
Gorgeous chrysanthemums can be grown only on a sublime sunny
place with slightly acidic or neutral soil with good drainage and
high water permeability. With a lack of lighting in chrysanthemums
shoots will be pulled out and the flowering period, characteristic
for this species. Good results when growing these plants
can only be achieved on fertile land, so poor soil
before planting should be fertilized with rotted manure, compost,

Chrysanthemum loves moisture, so before it blooms
in abundant watering. For watering is best to use soft water
rain or one that defended at least 12 hours. If a
the plant will lack moisture then this is immediately
will affect its decorative properties.

Chrysanthemum is very responsive to fertilization, as
mineral and organic. Better for young plants
use fertilizer nitrogen fertilizers for fertilizing
build up green mass and positively affect coloring
leaves and the size of the flower. Then you should use
potassium phosphate fertilizers to improve flowering
plants and increase their immunity. However, it must be remembered that
watering chrysanthemums feedings can only be at the root to
Mineral fertilizers on the leaves did not cause a burn. Good ones
results are also given by feeding a burnt mullein or chicken

Хризантемы – пересадка и breeding

Chrysanthemum is an open ground plant, so it follows
annually planted in the garden or on the plot. It is better to dig
for its landing is not a hole, but a trench, keeping the distance between
cuttings 30-50 cm (depending on the characteristics of the variety). Planting
cuttings, cover the seedlings with a covering material to create
favorable microclimate.

The easiest way to reproduce chrysanthemum – the division of the bush.
Carry it out in the spring, after the disappearance of the threat of return
frosts. To do this, digging a bush and dividing the young
sprout, immediately plant sprouts with roots and water them abundantly.

Also chrysanthemums are propagated by cutting. For such
breeding should be in the spring to cut green shoots having a length
from 10 cm to 15 cm, plant them in the soil mixture and water well
before rooting cuttings.

Can be used for propagation of chrysanthemum seeds. They are sown
in May, straight into the ground for 3-4 pieces per well. With this method
Breeding chrysanthemum will bloom around the beginning of August.
To start flowering earlier, planting should be done in March, in
warm room, and after the appearance of seedlings to implement them
swoop down in pots, then land in the ground at the end
May With this method размножения хризантемы начинают цвести с
the end of June.

Cuttings can be obtained in the fall, after flowering plants. In that
In case of chrysanthemum, it should be left for the winter in a pot as a masterbatch
plant. Shoots that have bloomed need to be cut off near the ground in
pot and place the plant in a cool place, limiting it
watering so that it does not die. In March of the earth from its roots
apical scions will appear which must be used in
as cuttings.

Such cuttings are planted in bowls or boxes with a mixture of humus with
peat and sand, poured on top of 2-3 cm. Before planting
It is recommended to make a sharp cut on them with a sharp knife under the sheet
knot for better rooting. Then the cuttings are planted shallowly in
a layer of sand, and, pre-sprayed with water, cover glass
It is better to keep them at a temperature of 13 ° C to 15 ° C, and
after rooting, which occurs after about 3 weeks, glass
should be removed and planted young plants in small pots.

Chrysanthemums – diseases and pests

Diseases of chrysanthemums occur most often from the wrong
care and usually occur with insufficient or excessive watering
or too high a temperature of air. Most common
Chrysanthemum disease is considered gray mold, which is manifested in
damage to the plant by light brown spots and rotting
inflorescences. In that случае пораженные растения необходимо удалить и
burn it.

Another common disease of chrysanthemum is powdery
dew that can be recognized by the whitish bloom on the leaves. In order to
treatment plants are sprayed with copper liquid.

Also chrysanthemums can get rust of leaves,
leaf spot (septoriosis), root bacterial cancer. AT
the first two cases, they are treated by spraying fungicides, in
last – immediately removed from the landings and burned.

The main pests of chrysanthemum are aphid and spider mite. Aphid
destroyed by washing the plant with soapy water once a week. Also
You can use for this solution pyrethrum, which is preparing
by infusion 200 gr. pyrethrum powder in 10 liters of water per
for 12 hours. Then 50 ml of the resulting infusion is diluted in 10
liters of water and adding 50 grams. soap, used to combat

Both aphids and spider mites can be destroyed with water
garlic extracts, as well as prepared insecticides.

Thus, acquiring quality planting material and
observing the rules of caring for chrysanthemums, you can successfully grow on
its plot plant, which is a symbol of longevity,
happiness and beauty.

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