Chinese way of growing tallTomatoes. How to sow seeds and pick out tomato seedlingsin chinese way

ATс, 22 янв 2017 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Growing tomatoes involved in every summer resident. Everybody is trying
time to sow, swoop down, fertilize your seedlings, then
enjoy delicious homemade tomatoes. In addition, any
A gardener is studying various methods of growing beloved varieties,
to get as much harvest as possible. One of them is
китайский способ выращивания Tomatoes.


What is the advantage of the Chinese method?

In the land of the rising sun, this method has been used for a long time,
although he came to us relatively recently. Not many gardeners
tried it out. However, everyone who introduced this cultivation technology
tomatoes on your site, were satisfied with the result. Harvest
really pleased.

The advantages of the Chinese method of growing tomatoes are
in the following:

• seedlings ready for planting a month or a half earlier
the rest;

• plants are less sick;

• 100% survival after picking;

• tall tomatoes are not so drawn out after disembarking

• 1.5 times crop increases.

And that’s not all pluses. By the time of landing in the ground, tomatoes have
well developed thick stems, they do not need to be deeply buried in
the ground since the first floral brush will be at the height
20-25 cm from the ground. This contributes to the formation of more
ovaries that have time to ripen, which increases the yield.

How to grow tomatoes in the Chinese way

Growing tomatoes using this method starts with sowing seeds,
which has its own characteristics.

1. Sowing plan at the time when the moon decreases and is
in the sign of Scorpio.

2. Seeds are treated in specially prepared

3. A pickup of a seedling is done in a month, also in a sign.

Selected seeds of favorite varieties two days before planting
subjected to special treatment.

Seed preparation

Seeds are soaked in different solutions, wrapping them in a moist
the cloth.

1. For three hours planting material is placed in the hood of

2. Then hold for 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate.

3. Next, keep the seeds warm for 12 hours, in solution.

4. Place bags of seeds for 24 hours in the bottom drawer.
the fridge.

The ash extract is prepared according to the following recipe:

• 2 tbsp. l ash;

• 1 l boiling water.

Ash pour boiling water and insist for a day. Then in
This solution is to place the selected seeds.

After three hours, the water from the tank is drained, and the seeds are immersed in
a strong solution of potassium permanganate, where it is kept for 20 minutes. Further,
the seeds are washed, changing the water several times, and wrapped in
fabric bags.

Appin solution is poured into small saucers, bags are placed into it
with seeds and incubated according to the instructions. Then the bags
slightly squeeze and put in the fridge.

Tip! To carry out the stratification of seeds, their
can be placed in a plastic container and prikopat in the snow.

After that, they sow tomatoes in the prepared
the soil.

Sowing seeds according to the Chinese method

Capacities for seedlings are filled with soil mixture and watered with hot
solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds are removed from the refrigerator and immediately
they sow, i.e., sow them cold.

If several different varieties of tomatoes are harvested, each variety
take out alternately so that the seeds do not have time to warm up.

Containers with seeds covered with glass or package, creating
тепличные условия для Tomatoes. In addition, all the pots need
clean in a dark warm place.

Tip! Put the seed containers on the floor
near the battery. So they will get the necessary heat and enough

After five days, the packages can be removed. At this point, the seeds
must climb. Containers move closer to light to seedlings
not stretched out.

It is important with this method of growing seedlings the difference of daytime
and night temperatures. To provide the necessary temperature,
seedlings for the night put up in a colder room or clean
на поl

The most important thing in this method is the moon phases. The Chinese believe that
planting and sowing seeds on a waning moon stimulates good
rooting, which significantly affects the condition of the seedlings.

Growing seedlings of tomatoes in the Chinese way: picking +
a photo

A month later, when the tomatoes have grown a little, and the moon again
located in Scorpio, carried out a pick of seedlings. To this moment
they have two pairs of true leaves. Pikes are held special
способом, как на a photo.

1. Cut the plant at ground level below the cotyledon

2. Immediately they land in new cups, which are in advance
filled with earth.

3. A little water and cover the seedlings with a package.

4. Clean the tanks with the disguised seedlings in the dark and
cool place for a few days.

5. Further grown in a bright room.

For picking and growing tomatoes necessarily used
purchased neutral soil, which is made on the basis of peat. If a
raspikat tomatoes in the garden land with the addition of humus, then
the effect will be the opposite – all plants will be sick. it
due to the fact that humus infects plants putrid
bacteria. After picking or landing in the ground microbes immediately
will begin to act. No spraying can save

Why cut the plant with scissors, and not to dive familiar
in a way?

This is done in order not to transfer all possible
sores that remain in the ground and seeds in new containers. AT
As a result, seedlings are less sick, grows healthy and strong.

ATажно! For picking pick pots around
100 мl If necessary, then carry out transshipment in containers.

Seedling care

Seedlings need light, sometimes they have to light up
containers by lamp. With this method of growing seedlings will not
pull out

If a в помещении сильно жарко и рассада вытягивается, то лучше
clean it at night in the cool. You can spray the plants with the drug
�”Athlete”, which somewhat slows down the growth.

After picking, it is necessary to loosen the soil mixture in
glasses, otherwise the roots will not breathe, it will negatively affect
состоянии Tomatoes.

Watering tomatoes is the norm and the extent of drying of the earth. For one
a capacity of 100 ml of water consumes about 1 tbsp. l For larger capacity
volume of water is calculated on the basis of this norm. With
such an organization watering tomatoes practically do not get sick with black

The first time the tomatoes are fed 10 days after planting in
priming. Для этого используют органические препараты типа Байкаl

ATторой раз подкармливают томаты, когда завязывается третья
brush. To do this, scatter mineral fertilizers around the wells with
boron content, for example, Magbor.

If a осыпается третья цветочная кисть, то это говорит о
excess nitrogen!

Как формировать куст, выращивая томаты in chinese way

ATысаживают рассаду в начале мая, но это зависит от региона
growing and weather. However, it has been observed that even when summer is worth
rainy no bush fell ill with blight.

After planting the seedlings, when the tomatoes started to grow and began
step up stepchildren, you need to do the formation of the bush.

ATысокорослые томаты, выращенные таким способом, формируют в два
stalk. With этом урожай нормируют, чтобы кисти не обламывались. Not
feel sorry and tear off all brushes, leaving only the first 6 on one
the plant. ATсе, что выше — истощает растение и снижает урожай.
Tomatoes will be small and will not ripen for a long time. Due to this
normalization of the crop can grow a lot of large and juicy

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