Chinese diet – a strict method of losing weight

There are several versions of the origin of the Chinese diet. According to the
her menu is copied traditionally meager diet
residents of the Middle Kingdom, who almost do not suffer excessive
fullness. If you are ready to eat thin for two or three weeks
like a graceful Chinese woman, one and a half meters tall, this diet is for you.

Chinese diet - a strict method of losing weight


  • Basic principles and rules
  • Chinese diet menu
  • Duration of the diet
  • Out of the diet
  • What is good Chinese diet
  • Disadvantages of the diet
  • Video review of the Chinese diet


Basic principles and rules

The Chinese diet is extreme because its estimated
дневная калорийность колеблется в пределах 500–600 кКал.
It is assumed that in the first days of following the diet
rebuilds metabolism for energy consumption from adipocytes
adipose tissue. It should be understood that in such conditions the body will
to get rid not only of fat, but also of muscle tissue
an active consumer of energy that is not vital
(unlike the brain or the heart, for example).

600 кКал — это не более половины от уровня базового
metabolism that covers the energy costs of
vital functions of organs at rest. So the shortage
calorie content will be more than 50%.

If you are determined to strictly follow the austere rules
Chinese diet, get ready for the next week, two or three
give up alcohol, sugar, starchy and flour products –
in short, from all that is tasty, but not useful.

Your diet will be based on the following products:

  • Сырые овощи: салат кочанный или листовой,
    tomatoes, parsley root and parsnip, carrots.
  • Фрукты: зеленые или другие несладкие
  • Белковые продукты: низкожирная говядина,
    veal, poultry, and also fish and eggs.

You can drink tea or coffee, naturally, without sugar. By the way from
salt will also have to be discarded. To improve the taste
unsalted foods can use lemon juice – it will give
piquancy. Perfectly replaces salt powder from dried root
celery You can cook it yourself or buy it in
health food stores.

In the daily menu only two meals. True some
Options include three, but not in the classic diet.
not only lunches and afternoon tea, but even breakfast. To hunger
not so annoying, you can drink a cup of coffee or tea – green,
black or herbal, without any additives.

Due to the rapid weight loss, the body will have to get rid of
large amounts of toxins that have been stored in adipose tissue
for years. To make them appear, you need to remember about water – 1.5-2 and more.
liters of water per day are a must.

The lack of moisture in the body during the diet leads to
intoxication, which is expressed by lethargy, fatigue, headache
pain, and even more unpleasant symptoms.

Intense exercise with such a poor diet is unlikely
Is it advisable, since it is not necessary to fully train
succeed, but physical exhaustion with exhaustion, dangerous
lowering pressure and temperature is a real prospect. Will be
helpful slow walks in the fresh air. Good effect will give
Pilates, Tai Chi Chuan or Yoga, especially if the complex you
selects a competent instructor.

Chinese diet menu

Chinese diet menu большим разнообразием не отличается, что
not surprising with such a limited range of products.

Day 1

  • Обед. Two eggs omelette, white salad
    cabbage with a teaspoon of oil, 200 ml of juice from tomatoes or 1 large
    a tomato.
  • Ужин. 200 g fish boiled, baked or
    Steamed cabbage salad with a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Day 2

  • Обед. 200 г рыбы запеченной или жареной
    on a nonstick pan, cabbage salad with a teaspoon
  • Ужин. 200 г отварной говядины (телятины),
    200 мл кефира, ряженки или йогурта низкой жирности.

Питание по китайской диете

Day 3

  • Обед. 1 raw or boiled egg, salad from
    300 г отварной моркови с чайной ложкой oils.
  • Ужин. 2-3 large apples.

Day 4

  • Обед. Pasternak or root parsley,
    обжаренная на подсолнечном или оливковом масле — 200 г, одно
    Big apple.
  • Ужин. 200 г отварной говядины (телятины),
    омлет из двух яиц, салат из капусты с чайной ложкой oils.

Day 5

  • Завтрак. Салат из 300-400 г сырой или
    вареной (паровой) моркови с чайной ложкой oils.
  • Обед. 200 г рыбы отваренной, запеченной
    или паровой, 200 мл сока из томатов или 1 большого
  • Ужин. 200 g fish boiled, baked or
    паровой, капустный салат, заправленный чайной ложкой oils.

Day 6

  • Обед. 200 г куриного филе — запеченного
    or fried in a non-stick pan, cabbage or carrot
  • Ужин. Омлет из двух яиц, салат из 300 г
    boiled carrots with a teaspoon of sunflower or olive

Day 7

  • Обед. 200 г отварной говядины (телятины),
    Big apple.
  • Ужин. 200 г рыбы отваренной, запеченной
    или паровой, капустный salad.

Duration of the diet

Nutrition scheme for different durations of one diet
and the same. Chinese diet can be maintained for five days. In this case
from the above table is used menu on the first to fifth day.
Most often, the weekly option is used, which is designed for
menu. If you are going to follow the diet for 14 days, starting from
the eighth day just repeat the diet of the first week.

Best of all, do not exceed the weekly period of the diet,
then the body will perceive it as a fasting period, free from
slags and toxins, optimizes the digestive tract. Impressive however
the result from such a short-term diet can not wait –
максимум, от чего вы успеете избавиться — это 1 кг жировой
ткани и 1-2 л жидкости плюс незначительное количество

Those girls who decide to stay on this diet 14 or
21 days, still it is better to add breakfast to the menu not only
Fridays, and daily. It can be a salad of permitted vegetables with
egg and tea (coffee). So, you will increase energy
the value of the daily menu and help your body hold out
three weeks. If too hungry, you can slightly increase
serving sizes, bringing the total caloric intake to the daily diet although
бы до 1000–1200 кКал.

A long-term diet will reduce your weight by 5-8 kg, but low-calorie.
nutrition can lead to slower metabolic processes, anemia,
chronic fatigue syndrome.

Out of the diet

It is necessary to leave the diet gradually. Preferably another week
eat the same foods, only slightly increasing portions and adding
light breakfast, if it was not in the diet plan. Than
faster you will return to the diet foods that got better
earlier, the more likely it is to return to its original weight. Perfect
it would be to reconsider their attitude towards food and, taking this opportunity
some harmful products completely eliminate from your menu to the whole
the rest of your life.

What is good Chinese diet

Like any extreme diet with sharply restricted food
value, Chinese leads to a rapid decrease in weight. Its quite
can be considered as a unloading period during which
the digestive system rests from constant load.

If while following the diet to refrain from heavy loads
– both physical and mental or emotional, to pay
time to practice and meditation, be sure to
A noticeable result was obtained:

  • significant weight loss;
  • cleansing the skin, improving the condition of the mucous membranes;
  • feeling of lightness in the body, rejuvenation;
  • decrease in need for food.

Disadvantages of the diet

This is a long, salt-free diet that can lead to
dehydration with all the resulting sad
the consequences. Therefore, it is very important to carefully monitor the amount of
consumed fluid. Extremely low calorie diet can
lead to depletion of the body, which receives less than just
energy, but almost all the vitamins and minerals. Therefore, all
better to limit the week course.

Use this diet for speed weight loss is not more
twice a year.

Video review of the Chinese diet

Popular blogger Julia Ulyanova talks about how
rebuilt her food during a six-month stay in
Celestial Arriving home, she clearly saw how
heavy for the stomach and waist; domestic eating habits:

Summing up, we can say that the real Chinese diet is
not at all almost hunger strike, which is understood by this name
us, mostly vegetable, richly seasoned
spices, food, not burdened with excess fat, healthy and easy to
digestion. But this is not a two-week diet, but a food culture,
which you have to stick to all your life. Which of these Chinese diets
choose, decide for yourself.

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