Characteristics of apple varieties “Orlovskoestriped “, photos, growing areas. Care Orlovskimstriped “correct pruning

ATт, 20 мар 2018 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Oryol apple varieties can be found in almost every
garden, and it is not by chance. Trees of domestic selection practically
do not get sick, give a good harvest, adapted to the local climate,
which allows them to grow throughout Russia. Today speech
will talk about the famous autumn variety of apples “Orlovskoe striped”.
The fruits of the apple are not only beautiful, but also tasty, not just received
gold medals at international exhibitions.


Detailed description of the variety “Orlovskoe striped” and areas
growing apple trees

The apple tree is distinguished by its medium growth force and rounded crown. Was
obtained by crossing two Macintosh varieties and
�”Bessemyanka Michurinskaya”. In 1967, the hybrid was recognized as an elite.
Tree with late autumn fruiting, skoroplodnoe. The first
harvest can be obtained after 4 years from planting.

Apple shoots are powerful, flexible. Skeletal branches are located under
right angle to the trunk. Bark brown, smooth. The goodness is good
most of the leaves are at the ends of the branches. Leaf plate
large, wrinkled, slightly pubescent, bright green. Myself
the leaf is curved along the central vein, the edge is pointed.

The apple tree blooms in May. During the flowering period is covered with large
soft pink flowers. Fruiting is good. Harvest
formed on biennial twigs and ringed residues. amount
The harvest is increasing every year. From a young tree collect up to 50
kg of fruit, after 10 years of cultivation it is possible to collect more than 80

The variety has good winter hardiness, zoned for
cultivation in the Central part of Russia and other regions:

– North;

– Northwest;

– Middle Volga.

The tree tolerates lower temperatures, but in the fall buds
can freeze slightly.

The variety is resistant to various diseases, especially scab. On
one place grows well and bears fruit for more than 40 years. but
is almost self-infertile. To increase yields
several pollinator varieties should be planted, for example, Papyuka,
Titovka or Slavyanka.

Characteristics of apples “Oryol striped” and photo varieties

Apples “Oryol striped” universal purpose. Their
used for fresh winter consumption, drying, cooking
juices, compotes, pies.

Fruits are large, up to 150 grams each, oblong. Very beautiful,
pleasant yellow-green color with bright crimson stripes.
Differ in an oily delicate skin and wax coating. Pulp
fruits are fine-grained, cream-colored, juicy. To taste more
sour than sweet, aromatic.

Harvest собирают аккуратно, чтобы не травмировать тонкую кожуру,
otherwise, the apples will start to spoil. In a cool room fruit
stored for more than 4 months, while not losing their taste

Store the crop in wooden boxes that are good
are ventilated. You can each wrap in paper and lay down. AT
storage room keep the temperature from +4 to +10 ° C.
If there is no such room, then apples are stored on a glazed loggia,
but so that they do not spoil from the frost, the boxes are covered with warm
a blanket. Some apples can be folded in the fridge.

Planting and cultivation of apple varieties “Oryol striped”

Apple tree of this variety does not tolerate drought, this feature is worth
consider before boarding. For landing it is better to take a place with
moisture-intensive and nutritious soil. But the groundwater level should
be low because the root system suffers from constant
contact with moisture. Do not forget about good drainage.

Choose a well-lit and quiet place in advance,
preferably with neutral soil. If the soil is too sour,
then deposit wood ash or hydrated lime. For growing
Apple trees fit loam or sandy soil. Plot in advance
dig, make humus, prepare the well a month before
planting seedlings. The depth of the landing hole of about 80 cm. Fill the pit
to one third with nutritious soil mixed with mineral fertilizers,
organic matter and peat. Leave the pit until landing.

Tip! When planting, do not bury the root
the neck of the seedling. It should rise above the soil level by 5-6

Young apple trees are planted in spring or autumn, it depends
from the growing region. The main thing to remember is that the autumn planting
spend two months before frosts. It takes so much time.
for rooting seedlings.

How to choose an apple tree for planting

It is better to buy the Orlovskoye striped apple tree in the nursery,
so as not to lose with the variety. Best take root young
trees, which age is 3 years. One year after landing such
seedlings will give the first harvest.

Pay attention to the condition of the seedling. Perfectly fit trees
height from 1.5 m to 1.8 m with a well-developed root system.
Apple trees are placed at a distance of 4-6 m from each other.

Caring for the Orlovskoye winter apple tree and pruning the variety

The main care of a young tree is reduced to watering, feeding,
competent pruning. Besides addition, immature seedlings necessarily
shelter for the winter.

Watering and feeding

Water the apple tree abundantly, but considering the weather conditions. If a
it often rains, then you can do without additional watering. AT
the drought period is watered once a week, spending up to 2 buckets of water on
one tree Watering is better in the evening so that the root system
completely absorbed moisture. ATажное условие — почва не должна быть
swampy. After watering, do not forget to loosen the soil and
Mulch the trunk circle with humus. AT августе полив
cut, the soil is allowed to dry. If a этого не сделать, то
winter seedling is reduced.

Top dressings bring annually in the spring. One year after landing
pristvolny circle digging with the addition of organic matter.

It has been observed that the apple tree bears good fruit with a vase-like or
sparse-tiered type of crown. To do this, the crown is formed in the spring to
bud break. AT первый год после посадки все побеги обрезают
by a third. AT дальнейшем вырезают ветки, которые от урожая клонятся к
the earth. From young shoots leave only strong and growing under
right angle, the rest cut out.

Formation of longline type crown

AT первый год закладывают штамб высотой 50 см, от него отмеряют
another 30 cm, choose the most developed kidney, the remaining shoots are removed.
On второй год закладывают еще один ярус. On штамбе удаляют все
branches, 50 cm recede from the first tier, leave three strong
branches, the rest is removed. So gradually lay each tier.
Extra branches are removed on the ring, and shoots are slightly shortened.

Vase crown formation

The skeleton of a tree is 3-4 strong shoots. On них
form two branches of the second order and four –

Fight against diseases and pests

Onиболее распространенной болезнью среди семечковых культур
is scab. Variety “Oryol striped” has a good
immune, but young apple trees need preventive
spraying. It is better to use complex drugs that
protect trees from powdery mildew, scab and other fungal or
viral infections.

With pests begin to fight even before they appear. Often
Apple trees are affected by aphids and moths. From aphids will help get rid of
use copper sulfate solution, use Actellic against fruit moth
or Malathion.

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