Causes and symptoms of infection planting watermelonsgourd aphids. What to do if you started aphid on watermelons?

Пт, 18 авг 2017 Автор: Евгений

Watermelon aphid – often affects melon plants, this insect
able to damage 40 species of wild and domestic crops. Among them
There are also watermelons; the aphids who settled in them are the main reason for the appearance
fungal diseases.


Danger number 1 for melon crops!

Adult aphid can be with wings and without them, harms more
plants wingless aphid. If melon melon breeds on watermelons,
then the risk of various diseases is increasing dramatically –
curly tops, cucumber mosaic. Ants contribute
infestation of plants by aphids, these are their peculiar “cows”, which
provide ants with sweet discharge.

These little insects survive the winter on the weeds,
growing on the edge of the field. In the spring they crawl into the garden and begin
lay eggs on shoots of garden plants. Through time when
the plants will rise, the aphid will move under the leaves of the watermelon and
continues to multiply there.

Aphids appear on watermelons after acquiring infected seedlings,
They are grown by ants (they carry larvae on their paws) and strong
wind blowing from pest contaminated sites.

What is the danger of watermelon aphids?

1. • The parasites suck the sap from the plant, after which it fades and
dies, as a result, you can lose a significant portion of sweet

2. • Insects secrete sticky substances that are nearly perfect.
for the development of fungal and viral diseases.

How to quickly detect aphids

The presence of aphids on plants can be seen unarmed
by eye. It is only necessary to inspect the bushes and watermelon to draw
attention to:

• The presence of white bloom on the bottom of the leaf blade;

• Inflorescences and ovaries wither and crumble;

• Shoots become thin;

• Leaves curled.

Regularly inspect the bottom of the sheet, it will allow time
detect insects and reduce the risk of mass distribution
pest. The main task is to find the first settlements of aphids, which
it is easy to destroy even by washing them with plain water. If you miss this
moment, then surely all the bushes watermelon on bahche will be populated

Methods of struggle


• In the autumn you need to clean and burn plant residues;

• Dig up the soil at a site at a depth of 20 cm;

• Arrange timely watering and proper feeding;

• Extra root top dressing with solution of potassium chloride in
concentration of 0.5% and superphosphate 0.1 %%;

• Sow seeds early or prepare seedlings;

• Buy seeds of early ripe hybrids, well-resisting

• Permanently destroy weeds.


• Plant parsley and dill near watermelon bushes;

• Spread out along the beds with gourds strongly
aphid-repelling herbs – horse sorrel, tomato shoots, dandelion,
celandine and garlic;

• Spray the plants with extracts of tobacco or hot pepper;

• Spray gourds with ash and soap solution (8 l
Water diluted 1 UF. soap and insist there day 1
kg of ash).


Watermelons are treated for aphids with insecticides – Fury, Ditox,
Golden Spark, Aketellik, Confidor, Decis. They can be used
only in strict accordance with the instructions. Processing is carried out
only in dry weather, in the evening or in the morning.

If a plantation with watermelons is affected by aphids up to 10% of plants, then
You can destroy the pest with a 60% solution of karbofos. If a
the number of affected plants is greater then you have to use
drug “Commander”. It is one of the most effective and inexpensive.
составов против pest. Most importantly, the effect of the drug
continues after the treatment of plants, and it works even
time of extreme heat.

Important! �”Commander” – a systemic drug is very
toxic, including for the gardener. Its impact lasts
several days. For this reason, it cannot be used.
consume watermelons for a long time (until
does not decompose the chemical in the berries), and in preparing the working solution
you must follow the instructions exactly.

If a возле грядок с арбузами растут кустарники или деревья, то
to prevent the appearance of aphids, it is necessary to process early in the spring
fruit and berry crops. Do this job before you start.
sap flow without waiting for the swelling of the kidneys. This prevention,
поможет оградить свой участок от появления pest.

Attention! In open areas, use only system
drugs, they are very effective. In protected facilities
it is necessary to use preparations of intestinal and contact action,
if used properly, they will not harm the person.

In greenhouses poorly ventilated, closed space and people
breathing toxic substances is not desirable. No need to use
some insecticides for a long time, insects to them quickly
get used to it, after 2-3 years you don’t

Folk ways

1. • With a slight spread of aphids on watermelons, you can
use wood ash, adding tobacco dust to it, and pollinate
her affected plant louse. For good adhesion of the drug
is necessary pre-spray the plants with water;

2. • In 1 liter of water soak 200 gr. oven ash, insist 24 hours,
then add 50 grams. finely planed soap,
mix the solution and strain add 9 liters of clean water and
process watermelon bushes, trying to wet the bottom well
leaf blade;

3. • Half a kilo of dandelion leaves, you need to fill a bucket
heated to 40 degrees water, insist this solution for 5 hours,
strain and then spray the plants;

4. • Take 200 gr. onions, grind it, add 120 liters of water,
hold the solution for 8 hours, then spray the bushes with watermelon;

5. • At 1/3 of the volume fill an empty bucket of finely chopped
wormwood, fill the bucket to the top with water, soak for 48 hours,
strain and process watermelons;

6. • Pour liter of boiling water, 200 gr. crumbs, insist 5
hours, pour to a bucket of water pour boiling water (1 l). Sustain
Infusion 5 hours, strain, add a bucket of water and process

7.•При сильно заражении тлей арбузной плантации, is necessary
after collecting the berries, take out and burn the remains of the plants. Thereafter
You can dig up the plot.

There is no accurate assessment of the effectiveness of folk recipes.
It can be assumed that there is a small effect of using
means of tobacco, dandelion, onions and ashes, with suitable external
conditions – the presence of nearby pest breeding sites,
the number of treatments, irrigation, wind speed, quantity

When growing watermelons, you should not forget that there are large
chances of aphids entering your site. Provide in advance
preventive procedures, do not spare money in advance
get an effective drug. Prevention needs to be addressed before
planting watermelon seedlings on the beds. Properly use
insecticides, plan in advance all treatments.

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