Care for an apple tree in the spring: what, why and how.Does the amount of harvest depend on spring care for apple trees?

Чт, 16 июн 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

It is impossible to imagine a good garden without an apple tree.

Fragrant ripe fruit and a healthy tree – that is what cares
every gardener.

And for this you need to make a lot of effort.

Each tree requires special care on which it depends
amount of harvest.

Need to care from early spring, not losing precious
of time.


How and why take care of an apple tree in the spring?

With the arrival of spring, the summer resident has a lot of worries. Start gardening
need as soon as the temperature has risen above 0 degrees. What kind
work to spend in this period?

1. Digging an apple tree.

2. Sanitary and formative pruning of the crown.

3. Preventive spraying against pests.

4. Feeding.

The future harvest directly depends on spring events. Often,
from improper care, in inexperienced gardeners young seedlings
Apple trees are dying.

What is the need to dig in the care of apple spring?

In early spring you need to clear the snow around the apple tree, well
trampling on him. It is not worth neglecting this procedure, it helps
prevent damage to the tree by mice. Hungry rodents in the spring
spoil the fruit bark that affects the health of the tree and
yield. Even if there is a lot of snow, the apple tree needs to be excavated.
It is possible to lay out baits with poison from

Откапывание и утаптывание снега спасает не только от rodents.
Young trees suffer from thaw when snow cover
breaks off fragile branches. By removing the snow before the onset of heat, you can
save the seedling from many diseases that develop on the spot

How to care for apple crown in spring

Proper pruning ensures a good harvest, large
fruit and tree health.

Pruning young and adult apple trees

Pruning should be in March or early April, while the tree
not affected by growth, but the kidneys are already swollen. In adult trees
cut out part of last year’s otplodivshie branches, the remaining –
shortened. This procedure stimulates the growth of new flower buds.
and increases the yield of apple trees. Old branches need to be replaced
young, which will reduce the likelihood of overloading the tree with fruits and
save him from disease.

It is necessary to cut out mercilessly all branches growing inside the crown.
It is important to monitor the thickening of the tree and promptly remove
three year branches.

It is important to remember that the upper branches do not produce a significant crop,
They are designed for foliage and are crown-forming. If a
the apple tree is more than seven years old, then you need to cut off the top of the tree. Have
young seedlings do not need to remove the top branches.

The first rule in the spring formation of the crown of an apple tree – than
the smaller the growth of young branches, the stronger the pruning.

Of course, from the first time it’s not always possible to reach
positive results. But you need to look at the tree,
follow its development and health. Formation of the crown need
spend every spring throughout the life of the apple tree.

Pruning Apple

If a в саду растут миниатюрные apple trees — это не повод
neglect the spring pruning. It is necessary to perform the procedure taking into account
all the features of the tree.

Using the tips of experienced gardeners you can form
good tree and get excellent harvest. Principle of spring
pruning is to remove as many branches as possible,
providing a good growth remaining. Nothing complicated about it.

You need to start the formation process before the start of sap flow. For
start you need to know what should be cut to protect the tree from
diseases. The correct cut will drag on faster without damaging
apple trees.

You need to cut a significant part of the branch, leaving only up to 4
buds from which strong fruit bearing branches will develop. If a
cut only the third part, weak shoots will develop,
the amount of harvest will decrease. Spending just pinching the tops,
gardener provokes the growth of a large number of weak branches, on
which will not develop fruit.

Diagram of the correct trimming of the columnar
apple trees

Верхушка у колоновидной apple trees срезается только в случае, если в
winter she froze. With regular spring pruning
apical bud not cut off.

Haveход за яблонями — весеннее опрыскивание

It is not always possible to avoid the use of pesticides in the garden.
High-quality pruning and good fertilizers do not yet guarantee
excellent harvest, because the presence of pests adversely affects
on the apple tree.

Treatments are carried out in several stages, starting preventive
spraying from March. When blooming all processing

• The first step is to clean the trunk of the tree from the old bark and
to prune. Then spray the crown, tree circle and
побелить известковым раствором ствол apple trees и скелетные ветви.

• At the beginning of April, when the buds are swollen, but not yet blossomed
flowers, you need to carry out the processing of biological preparations from
tsvetoedo apple. The use of chemicals reduces
the number of insect pollinators on the tree.

• In the second half of May, when the fruits begin to form,
spraying spend drugs from fruit pests and

For опрыскивания используют медный купорос, бордосскую смесь. WITH
early spring and before flowering can be sprayed with the drug ”
Trichlorol-5 ”, after flowering, you can use karbofos.

What kind весенние подкормки применять в уходе за яблонькой

If a не использовать никаких удобрений ранней весной, то о
good harvest will only have to dream. Professionals advise
make feeding, which regulate the growth of green mass,
produce good seedling immunity and form a good

Когда снег полностью сойдет нужно вскопать землю вокруг apple trees и
sprinkle with ammonium nitrate. The granules will gradually dissolve and
absorbed by the soil.

Remember, digging the soil under the columnar apple is impossible.
Such a procedure would violate its surface roots and lead to death.
tree. The soil under the seedling gently loosened, all are cleaned

Springtime is a great time for nitrogen supplements. Good
сказывается на росте apple trees полив раствором птичьего помета,
mulching with peat or compost. When working with bird droppings
need to observe the concentration of the solution and act according to the method
�”It is better to underfeed than overfeed.”

Nitrogen fertilizers include:

  • urea;

  • humus;

  • ammonium nitrate;

  • nitroammofosk.

Make a feed on wet soil or after rain. Doing so
need around the entire circumference of the crown.

During the flowering period, the seedlings need fertilizing with urea.
Young trees are especially demanding to fertilize. Their
fertilized three times at intervals of half a month.

For второго этапа подкормок хорошо

  • urea;

  • ash;

  • manure;

  • potassium sulfate.

Complex mineral fertilizers also give good results.
in the spring dressing. They contain all the substances needed
для роста и развития apple trees.

В период формирования плодов стоит подкормить apple trees для
the formation of large fruits.

WITHтимулировать хороший урожай можно следующими

  • herbal infusion;

  • sodium humate.

Herbal infusion is made from freshly cut grass without seeds,
which is placed in a container and filled with water. Grass is left
wander about two weeks. As soon as the liquid turns dark
color and peculiar smell, it can be used to feed
apple trees. The finished slush is diluted 1:10 and watered.

Summing up

In fact, spring care for apples is simple. But him
timeliness ensures a stable harvest every year. WITHледуя
all the rules, you can grow large and juicy fruits on each

All stages of spring gardening should go consistently.
Chemicals should be used strictly according to the instructions, so as not to
harm trees.

Haveвидеть плоды своего труда можно очень скоро. The trees will be
Look healthy and make you happy with your crops. There are no lean trees,
there are owners who are inattentive to their garden.

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