Can pregnant women take a bath? Mainrules to follow when pregnantbath

Пт, 13 май 2016 Автор: Юлия Гридчина

Daily pregnant women face more
restrictions, prohibitions and rules.

In addition to the usual restrictions (such as intensive
physical activity), women are interested in the following: is it possible
do some usual procedures for all people.

Today we will talk about water procedures.

Can pregnant women enjoy bathing, why
sometimes it is strictly prohibited.


Можно ли беременным принимать теплую bath?

Many women during pregnancy are interested in the question: not
does it hurt the child to take a bath with warm water at different times
pregnancy? How long can this procedure take?

People used to think that water contained a large amount
bacteria that can penetrate the vagina and harm the baby.
Therefore, during pregnancy, the woman was strictly forbidden.
bathe. Modern scientists have proven that this opinion is wrong. With
water entering the vagina, tight cork does not give any
bacteria get to the baby and cause him even the slightest harm.

Only the negative impact of hot water is not dependent on
gestational age

In fact, in a bathroom, a woman in a position may encounter
following hazards: hot water, slippery floor and bath,
therefore, it is recommended to use special rubber mats.
Too warm or hot water adversely affects the body,
increasing pressure, resulting in miscarriage or
start preterm labor.

For pregnant women, as well as for small children, it is good
fits a temperature of 37 degrees. It will help to relax and
relax. If there is no thermometer, determine comfortable bathing
the temperature will help you own face that you want to lower in
water before immersion. It is the most sensitive part.
body, so hot water you immediately feel.

The effect of water procedures on the body of a pregnant woman

Do not forget that the safety of water procedures during
pregnancy should be discussed with your doctor.

Experienced experts believe that if there are no contraindications,
a warm bath taken after a shower will be completely safe for

This procedure will have a positive effect on the body itself.
women. Puffiness decreases, blood circulation improves, to legs
more blood flows, causing tension to be relieved and
back and waist pains are reduced. As one of the useful options
baths, doctors recommended foot baths with the addition of marine

With increased tone and pulling pain in the abdomen will help
справиться теплая ванна с добавлением килограмма морской salt. WITH
For a long time this method is used as a reliable means to remove
threats of preterm birth. It should not be used more often than one.
times a week, otherwise it is fraught with changes in mineralization

The only risk is that while taking a bath to the pelvis
blood rushes that can start the process of labor
ahead of schedule. But this can be easily avoided, because
only very hot causes adverse effects

Можно ли беременным принимать bath с солью или маслами?

We should also talk about aromabahnas. Doctors still not
came to a consensus. Some – categorically prohibit such
procedures, others – they are constantly recommended.

Pregnant women are best suited: pink, eucalyptus,
orange, bergamot, lemon, sandalwood, and oil
tea tree В bath нужно добавлять не более трех-четырех

We strongly recommend to refuse the means raising or
lowering the pressure.

It is strictly forbidden to use the following oils and
salts containing them:

• thyme;

• cypress;

• rosemary;

• cedar;

• patchouli;

• basil.

Using oils, do not forget that all means
instantly absorbed into the blood and passed to the child. Preference
It is worth giving only gels and products with natural

Women during pregnancy are strictly forbidden to visit
Jacuzzi even for a few minutes. This procedure is too strong
affects the uterus and fetus, which increases the risk of miscarriage or
preterm delivery.

Можно ли беременным принимать bath: основные правила,
can help avoid adverse effects

Women during pregnancy are recommended water treatments.
Withнятие теплой ванны принесет большую пользу, если придерживаться
some of the rules, they also help to avoid adverse

• water temperature should be from 30 to 37 degrees (no
the case is not warmer);

• in the first and third trimester due to the high riskiness
It is recommended to minimize water treatments;

• the upper body should be above water (especially in those
women who suffer from pressure);

• In order to avoid overheating of the body, hands and feet can sometimes
pull out of water, together or in turn;

• Not recommended принимать bath в одиночестве, чтобы было к
who to ask for help if you feel bad;

• bathing time should not exceed fifteen

• if you feel the slightest discomfort, the procedure immediately

• не покидайте bath сразу, посидите пока сливается вода (это
avoids a sharp pressure drop).

Если вы до сих пор сомневаетесь, принимать bath во время
pregnancy or not, just calm down. WITHовременные
gynecologists not only allow this procedure, but often
recommend. Withнятие ванны приносит слишком много пользы и
pleasure, so it can not be abandoned. So don’t
think it over.

Withнятие ванн имеет ряд преимуществ. In addition to the above
beneficial effects, bath contributes to mood elevation,
improvement of blood circulation, restoration of the nervous system and
removal of toxins from the body.

Cosmetic essential products also have a beneficial effect on
woman’s body during pregnancy. With выборе стоит отдать
preference means intended for pregnant women.

If someone you know is strongly recommended to avoid
bathing during pregnancy, do not worry – they just
deeply mistaken. WITHовременная медицина рекомендует водные

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