Can I hang a mirror in front of a mirror? What forhang a mirror in front of the front door: there is something to think about

Вс, 03 июл 2016 Автор: Инна

Mirrors – the door of the soul! Why else our ancestors believed that for a long time
look in the mirror – bad? Why many consider that it is impossible
to hang a mirror in front of the front door, opposite another mirror?
Worth to understand.


Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror: mirrors and their

Mirrors from time immemorial were considered one of the most important magical
attributes. Wizards and witches always carried with them a small
the mirror, which was used far from for narcissism, but for
conducting simple and complex rituals.

Mirror protection is one of the most powerful amulets against evil and
negative, it is used by famous esoteric.

А всё потому, что зеркала имеют ряд secretsх

• Mirrors reflect not only the appearance of a person, but also his

• Mirrors can serve as a passage for astral projections;

• Thanks to them, you can create a mirror corridor.

Этими secretsми свойствами зеркал пользуются иллюзионисты, когда
put their numbers. Due to the distortion of the reflection can even
It seems that the object has disappeared. Also with a distortion effect you can
meet in the so-called “laughter rooms”, when at the expense of
wrong arrangement of mirrors opposite each other, human
the look in them becomes unrecognizable. But is it good for the most
man? И чем важны secretsе свойства зеркал?

How important is the property of mirrors to reflect energy
It is important because a person can independently
send yourself a positive message thanks to the mirror. He can
tune in to positive changes in life, give yourself
smile. You can tell a lot of nice things in the mirror and
Make a wish. Often these desires come true and life
getting better. And all because the positive charge sent from
joy and smile —reflected off the surface of the mirror and returned to

But you can also send yourself a negative message.
This is the so-called samoglaz and self-corruption. Self-eyes can
arise if you stare at your reflection for a long time, admire
by myself. Therefore, it is not recommended to often look at yourself in the mirror.
You can simply jinx yourself.

You can also spoil yourself – to damage.
If you do not get along in life, something terrible happened,
tragic – do not sit opposite the mirror and peer into
him Why? It’s simple – because at such a moment you will
emanate negative energy. Energy offense. You will shed tears, and
they simply return to you, thus increasing your grief.

If you direct your negative energy into
the mirror you sit in front of is she to you and
. It will bounce off the mirror surface and hit
according to you It is necessary to carefully select the words that you say.
in front of the mirror – it is better to praise yourself and enjoy yourself. Then
energy of good and positive multiply.

It is worth considering the second property of mirrors – the possibility
become a passage for astral projections.
a mass of rituals that use a mirror to call the spirits
dead people and other entities. They use special
conspiracy, but not rare cases when a person is looking in the mirror –
may spontaneously consider in him some other creature.

И наконец — зеркальный коридор. What is it and how
is it being created? This is exactly the option when one mirror hangs
opposite the other mirror. The effect is created at this moment.
illusory deception and it seems that the mirrors are not two, but infinite
lots of. But such a corridor is quite dangerous for humans. Than

Mirror corridor – why hang a mirror in front of the mirror

Mirror corridors tend to distort the images depicted in them.
objects, distort the distance to these objects. Physicists claim
that through such corridors even reality is distorted. Where is he going
leads – unknown, but the reflection of a man caught in such
corridor – significantly changed, sometimes beyond recognition.

Mystics say that due to this mirror effect – you can
to travel to other dimensions. To the townsfolk such
travel is alien. But if we consider them from the point of view
bioenergy, the arrangement of mirrors opposite each other can
give a significant outflow of human energy.

Thus, the mirrors located opposite each other
friend can give effect:

• Energy Vampirism;

• Open a passage to enter the dwellings of various astral

• To allow a person to dive into astral.

For those who are not keen on bioenergy practices, you can
All of the above is easier to explain. Can I hang a mirror opposite
mirrors – no. Because the person who will look into such
mirrors – will gradually lose energy. They can
See different bizarre creatures and objects at night in
apartment with such a corridor can happen strange things. Even
if the corridor effect is not achieved, but the mirrors weigh each other
friend’s – it can contribute to stagnating energy and
the accumulation of negative in the room. And such an effect as times and worth
to avoid.

Can I hang a mirror opposite входной двери: «за» и

Another question that interests many – is it possible to hang
mirror opposite the front door? It is believed that the front door –
starting point for energy flows in the house. It is through
The entrance door comes in positive and negative energy.

Довольно часто можно встретить квартиры, в которых над
входной дверью висит подкова
. This is done by the masters.
dwellings in order to attract good fortune and wealth. But what
will be, if opposite the door to hang a mirror – attracted
good luck and prosperity just fly into the mirror like a tube.

Some apartment owners have a mirror specifically
напротив входной двери с целью, если кто-то войдёт
in a house with bad thoughts, so that he immediately left them in the mirror.
Or so that, looking in the mirror – the negative is reflected from the mirror
surface and flew back to the abuser. On the one hand, everything
naturally and fully justified, but it is worth referring to the doctrine of
energy in the house and understand that from the front door begins exactly
circulation of energy flows.

If it must circulate, and it is reflected from the mirror and
comes back to the door and back to the mirror, it means
that the farther entrance door energy will not advance. In this way,
можно ли вешать mirror opposite the front door? – It is impossible. If you
do not want to achieve the effect of stagnant energy in your home, which
adversely affects the physiological and psychological
condition of its tenants.

What if there is no other place to hang it?
You can cheat and hang it obliquely. Slightly angled, or
slope. Of course, it will not be so convenient to look at it –
the reflection will be distorted, but the energy reflection effect is not
will be.

Also worth paying attention to the fact that you can accommodate
opposite the door is a small mirror at an angle to see only
just your face. Then это максимально уменьшит негативные
consequences for a person from such its placement. But look in
such a mirror is rather uncomfortable. And the best is not
experiment with mirrors, and use them correctly and by
intended purpose.

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