Calorie Diet: 1200 per day

  • 1 The principle of diet calories
    • 1.1 How many calories do you need to lose weight?
  • 2 Menus per week: 1200 calories per day
  • 3 Recipes for low-calorie slimming dishes
  • 4 Quitting a low-calorie diet

Often you will meet the person trying in the shortest possible time.
lose weight, which calculates the calories of all the dishes eaten in a day.
In order to simplify the lives of the above-mentioned persons, in this article we
Consider an effective universal weight loss diet with
properly selected average daily calorie intake.

As many women trying to lose weight with
all kinds of diets, are sedentary and physical
do not tend to burden themselves with loads, experts in the field
dietetics took up consideration of the universal quantity
calories, thanks to which a person can lose a couple of
extra pounds without harming health. According to the results,
a number of 1200 has been received. In more detail about the principles of such a diet with
approximate menu talk in the following material.


The principle of diet calories

Let’s take a closer look at what the essence of the diet is for
weight loss calculated for 1200 calories a day and what are its
basic principles:

Firstly, it is very important to follow the diet.
баланс нутриентов. For example, the daily intake of fat in
your body should be about 30%, protein – 15 and
carbohydrates – 55%.

Recall that for a diet is best suited precisely complex
carbohydrates. And with regards to fat, most of them should be
of plant origin and only 2-3 percent – of an animal.

Во вторых, не забывайте и о противопоказаниях
diets for weight loss calories. If you are in position
have not yet reached the age of majority, of that kind
restrictions in calories you are strictly prohibited.

How many calories do I need to lose weight?

Due to their physical characteristics, the representatives of the stronger sex
spend more calories per day by pumping muscle into
hall, or performing difficult physical work, the rate of calories per day
for women and men is different. Based on this, each
representative of the floor need to calculate the individual calorie
dishes for diet.

Для того, чтобы вычислить, сколько
calories needed per day for women to lose weight on the above
, выполните следующие действия:

  • multiply your weight in kilograms by 10;
  • then add your height in centimeters multiplied by
  • subtract from the number obtained the number of years multiplied by
  • then subtract 161.

Полученное число следует умножить на число,
appropriate to your level of physical activity:

  • 1.2 – sedentary lifestyle;
  • 1,375 – classes three times a week;
  • 1.4625 – fitness five times a week;
  • 1,550 – increased physical activity 5 times a week;
  • 1.6375 – daily exercise;
  • 1,725 ​​- intense exercise twice a day;
  • 1.9 – increased daily load in combination with physical

Мужчинам чтобы похудеть с помощью
вышеуказанной диеты следует вычислить количество
таким образом:

  • figure 10 multiplied by weight in kilograms;
  • then add the resulting number while multiplying the growth in
    сантиметрах на 6.2five;
  • отнять количество лет, умноженное на five;
  • add 5.

And, as mentioned above, in order to get the final number
calories for weight loss, you should multiply the resulting figure by
coefficient of your physical activity. Figures for counting level
loads are the same as for women.

Do not forget that the minimum number of calories per day required
man – 1,200.

Weekly menu: 1200 calories per day

In order to save you from this most difficult fate to make yourself
menu, and even count the calories, we present you your
наиболее эффективный вариант меню диеты для slimming на
1200 calories per day:


  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs – 150 g of omelet (60 kcal), a cup of coffee with milk
    (25 kcal);
  • The second breakfast: an apple (50 kcal), 200 ml of natural yoghurt
    (150 kcal);
  • Lunch: fish soup (100 kcal), sauerkraut salad,
    filled with vegetable oil (70 kcal), 150 ml of tomato juice
    (30 kcal), 50 g of boiled sausage (300 kcal);
  • Lunch: 150 g low-fat cottage cheese (100 kcal), orange (40
  • Dinner: chamomile tea (15 kcal), 250 g of boiled turkey meat
    (300 kcal).


  • boiled egg, toast of black bread and melted cheese, 200 ml
    Tomato juice – 300 calories;
  • 150 ml of natural yogurt – 100 calories;
  • vegetable soup cooked in chicken broth – 400 calories;
  • green tea with a tablespoon of honey – 100 calories;
  • 150 g boiled chicken meat – 300 kcal.


  • a glass of orange juice and a bun – 350 kcal;
  • green tea and apple – 150 kcal;
  • 200 g of baked cod – 300 kcal;
  • broth hips, apple – 150 kcal;
  • 150 g of buckwheat and 200 g of boiled beef meat – 250 kcal.


  • oatmeal with dried fruits and hot drink – 300
  • грейпфрут, стакан обезжиренного кефира — 200 kcal;
  • 100 g boiled rice and cucumber and tomato salad – 300
  • тост с сыром — 100 kcal;
  • 200 g of buckwheat and boiled sausage – 300 kcal.


  • omelet with vegetables and herbs, апельсиновый фреш — 300 kcal;
  • зеленое яблоко — 100 kcal;
  • 200 г запеченной рыбы с овощами — 300 kcal;
  • salad of dried fruits, 100 ml of non-fat kefir – 200
  • Tomato and Cucumber Vegetable Salad with Lemon Juice and Olive
    oil – 300 kcal.


  • cheese and ham toast – 300 Kcalories;
  • 200 мл обезжиренного йогурта с фруктами — 150 kcal;
  • гречневый суп с нежирными куриными тефтелями — 350 kcal;
  • апельсин и зеленый чай — 100 kcal;
  • carrot, cabbage and cucumber salad – 300 kcal.


  • омлет с брынзой и сладким перцем — 300 kcal;
  • цитрусовый смузи — 250 kcal;
  • суп пюре из капусты и брокколи — 200 kcal;
  • груша и отвар шиповника — 150 kcal;
  • lettuce leaves and 100 grams of nonfat cottage cheese – 300 kcal.

Observing the above menu diet calories, you will undoubtedly
lose weight without causing any damage to health.

Recipes for low-calorie slimming dishes

In this paragraph, we will acquaint you with the most useful and satisfying.
dishes containing the minimum number of calories. To start
let’s look at the recipes of the first dishes. So, we present to your
вниманию три найвкуснейших рецепта низкокалорийного супа
for the above diet:

Let’s start with a light meal for calories, which can be
Include in the menu three times a week. Soup for

Soup for slimming

Ингредиенты: пять небольших помидорок, 2-3 репчатых лука,
Bulgarian pepper, two carrots, half a pound of white cabbage,
celery stalk, dill pinch, bay leaf, 3-4 cloves

  • cut onion and garlic into small cubes;
  • grate the carrot;
  • chop cabbage;
  • peel and finely chop;
  • cut tomatoes into cubes;
  • chop celery and dill;
  • put all the ingredients in a saucepan, fill with water and put
    Bay leaf;
  • cook for 40-45 minutes.

Champignon soup

Champignon soup

Ингредиенты: полкило шампиньонов, 100 г сливочного масла, две
bulbs, garlic clove, two tablespoons of flour, a liter of low-fat
chicken broth, bay leaf, 5 tablespoons of cream, pinch

  • peel and chop the mushrooms and onions;
  • melt butter in a pan;
  • put the garlic and onions and stew until golden brown;
  • put mushrooms and stew for five minutes, constantly
  • cover the champignons with flour and mix thoroughly;
  • pour in chicken broth and bring to a boil;
  • add bay leaf and cook for another 10-15 minutes on
    low heat;
  • resulting in a smooth liquid consistency with
    using a blender;
  • mix with cream.

Следующее блюдо  для диеты по калориям рекомендуется
Include the menu twice a week.

Fish Soup

Fish Soup

Ингредиенты: полкило рыбы хек, пять картофелин, морковка, лук,
по щепотке зелени и salt.

  • boil water and pour grated carrot into it;
  • cut the potatoes into thin strips and, together with the spices, throw
    in the pot;
  • add the whole onion;
  • порезать рыбу кусочками и положить in the pot;
  • chop the greens and also put in the soup.

Далее вашему вниманию будут представлены самые легкие и
delicious recipes for dinner above diet:

Salmon steak

Salmon steak

Ингредиенты: полкило лосося, по 100 грамм мякоти ананаса и
mango, 150 g asparagus, 50 g ginger.

  • whip pineapple and mango in a blender;
  • rub the ginger root and add to the resulting mashed potatoes;
  • cut the steak into several small pieces;
  • dip each in the resulting fruit mass and fry with
    both sides;
  • boil the asparagus and serve as a side dish to the fish.

The above diet recipe is best used in the evening

Vegetarian cabbage patties

Vegetarian cabbage patties

Ингредиенты: килограмм белокочанной капусты, стакан нежирного
milk, 50 g butter, 150 g semolina, 2-3 tablespoons
spoons of breadcrumbs, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, 150
г обезжиренной сметаны, щепотка salt.

  • pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil;
  • add butter;
  • мелко нашинковать капусту и добавить in the pot;
  • stew for 7-10 minutes;
  • add semolina to the pan;
  • mix thoroughly to avoid lumps;
  • cover the pan with a lid and cook for another 10
  • salt the finished mass and allow to cool;
  • form burgers;
  • roll them in breading;
  • fry in a pan on both sides until golden
  • use in combination with sour cream.

The following is a recipe for a dish that you can cook each
день при соблюдении вышеупомянутой диеты для slimming.
Buckwheat soup

Buckwheat soup

Ингредиенты: 300 г гречневой крупы, 150 г куриного мяса, один
onions, two carrots, two potatoes, salt and spices
to taste.

  • rinse chicken meat thoroughly, add water and bring to
  • peel and dice potatoes;
  • добавить его к курятине in the pot;
  • chop onions;
  • peel carrots and grate;
  • выложить все овощи in the pot;
  • thoroughly wash buckwheat;
  • add it to the rest of the ingredients;
  • cook for 40 minutes.

Ну и, куда же мы без низкокалорийных десертов в меню для
calorie diets:

Marshmallow Cake

Marshmallow Cake

Ингредиенты: полкилограмма белого marshmallow, half a kilo of sour cream, 150 g
sugar, a tablespoon of ground walnuts, 50 g of black
chocolate, 150 g of your favorite berries and 200 g of any fruit.

  • cut thinly marshmallows;
  • whip sour cream with sugar;
  • put a layer of chopped marshmallow on the pot;
  • smear it with sour cream;
  • lay out the remaining marshmallow and re-anoint it with cream;
  • decorate the top of the cake with fruit and berries.

Carrot cake

Carrot cake

Ингредиенты: две морковки, большое зеленое яблоко, пять столовых
spoonful of cereal, a tablespoon of bran, 30 g of dates, chicken egg,
350 ml of natural nonfat yogurt, vanillin and half juice
lemon, 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, 150 g raspberries and a teaspoon

  • mix flour with bran;
  • separate the white from the yolk;
  • beat the protein along with 150 ml of yogurt;
  • combine the resulting mixture with flour;
  • chop dates;
  • grate carrot and apple on a coarse grater;
  • mix with dough and pour over lemon juice;
  • knead the dough and put in a baking dish;
  • ready to divide the cake into 4 parts;
  • Blend cottage cheese with raspberries and honey;
  • anoint the cakes with the resulting berry-curd cream;
  • let stand for 2-3 hours.

The following recipe is a good diet.
use the menu 2-3 times a week.

Cheesecake dessert with fruit

Cheesecake dessert with fruit

Ингредиенты: 300 г обезжиренного творога, столовая ложка
gelatin, 100 ml of water, an apple and an orange.

  • желатин залить водой и оставить на 15 minutes;
  • then pour it into the curd and mix thoroughly to obtain
    homogeneous consistency;
  • cut apple into slices;
  • peel an orange, get rid of its white skin
    the pulp;
  • нарезать the pulp;
  • lay the fruit on the bottom of the baking pan;
  • top with cottage cheese mixture;
  • put in the fridge overnight.

Out of low-calorie diet

Like any other dietary restriction, calorie diet
requires the correct output in order to save the result and
do not cause damage to health, abruptly returning to the usual

With regards to the number of calories, after leaving the diet, to
вышеуказанному количеству нужно добавлять от 150 до 200
калорий в сутки
. That is, gradually enter into the menu
favorite foods.

Первое время по завершению диеты для slimming по
calories are valid in the diet:

  • a piece of bread;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal.

Еженедельно добавляйте в рацион около 10 грамм,
так называемых, чистых углеводов (фрукты, овощи,
pasta). Also the first time to complete the above diet,
It is desirable to use the menu liquid or puree dishes (porridge,
soups, broths).

Ограничьте себя в употреблении соли и острых
sauces Also, if you want the result of the diet for
slimming по калориям сохранился надолго, откажитесь от
convenience foods, fast food, fried, fatty and smoked dishes in

In order to choose the right dishes at the exit from the diet for
slimming, ознакомьтесь со следующими материалами о рассчете
calories of soups, salads and drinks.

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