Calla potted: care at home.Secrets of flowering and successful breeding calla at homeconditions

Чт, 14 апр 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

Kalla is one of the most elegant plants from the Aroid family,
цветущих в комнатных conditions.

Her “popular” names: calla, arum. She comes from
swampy forests of south africa.

In nature, there are 8 types of callas, which are divided into 2
groups: tuberous and rhizomatous.

In addition to the type of root system, they differ in size and color.
covers (varieties of tuberous callas have different colors, and rhizomatous
bloom mostly white flowers).

Из них для выращивания в домашних conditions пригодны:

Калла эфиопская (зантедеския) — самый крупный
species cultivated in indoor floriculture. Large leaves have
heart shape. Blooms funnel-shaped white flowers. AT
in contrast to colored callas, in the dormant period, leaves remain and remain
green. Most popular varieties: Green Goddess, Pearl,
Nikolai, Childsian; Albomaculata.

Калла Элиота достигает в высоту до 50см.
It has large motley leaves, a cover of a flower of yellow color.
Известные сорта: Черноглазая красавица, Желтый уголок, ATермеер,
Black Beauty, Captain Chelse.

Калла Ремани — компактный клубневый вид
(up to 70 cm). Based on it, varieties with red are bred,
pink, purple, black shades of bedspread. Popular
сорта: Хамелеон, ATечерок, Индийское лето. Anneke, Black Forest,

Каллы в горшках, уход в домашних conditions, за которыми не так
complex, as it seems at first glance, still need a special
approach. So that they not only grow, but also bloom in the room
conditions, от цветовода требуется создать оптимальное сочетание
conditions most similar to natural.


Калла: уход в домашних conditions — размножение, пересадка


AT домашних conditions каллы размножают в основном вегетативно. Have
Zantedes rhizome divided into parts. Have каждой из них должна быть
at least one kidney. Sections are dried and powdered with powder.
charcoal or disinfected with green paint. Division of rhizomes
must be carried out at least once every 4 years. AT противном случае
side shoots are formed around the mother bush, which
will not give flowering. After that, delenki planted in a separate

Have цветных калл отделяют дочерние клубеньки от материнского.

Sprouted calla tuber ready for dividing

Breeding семенами – самый сложный способ. This is due to
low percentage of germination. If managed to get ripe
seeds, they must be soaked in a growth promoter before planting
(Cornevin, Appin, Heteroauxin, Etamon, Zircon), and then leave
for germination in a warm place on a damp sponge or gauze. After
after the seeds have slipped, they can be planted in the ground. but
here another difficulty arises: planting material is often
rotting. To reduce losses to a minimum, moisten sprouts
better not from above, but through the wick. ATыращивают посадки при температуре
+ 22ºС. Seedlings dive 2 months after sowing.


Calla transplanted annually in the spring after the end of the period
rest. At the same time you can divide the rhizomes or tubers.
The pots use wide, not too deep. At the bottom is required
drainage up to 5 cm thick. AT горшки белокрыльники сажают не глубже
5-10 cm

Have цветных калл выбранные клубни должны быть упругими, живыми, с
smooth yellowish skin. Recommended before planting
soak in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or process

Delenki white callas are planted to a depth equal to their 3-fold
the diameter of their rhizomes.

At first, watering the landing is not worth it – the probability is high
decay (better to spray from the spray). After появления
sprouts (approximately 14 days after transplantation) begin active
watering and fertilizing.

Каллы в горшках: уход в домашних conditions – почва, освещение,
air temperature and humidity, conditions for flowering

The soil

For the tuber variety of callas, the suitable soil composition will be
such: sheet, turf ground, humus, coarse sand in
ratio of 1: 2: 1: 0.5. For rhizome varieties can be used
Universal soil for flowering plants or replace it with such
mixture: equal parts of humus, leaf soil, coarse sand, 2
parts of sod land, 1/4 part of clay. AT обоих вариантах на 3 л
total substrate add 1 tablespoon

Lighting and location

Callas need bright diffused light. Duration of daylight hours
should be 10-12 hours. In autumn and winter it is necessary to ensure
additional lighting with an intensity of at least 700-800 Lux.
The lack of light leads to a loss of decorative plants:
leaf stalks are pulled out, flowering is absent, in tuberous ones
Callas are observed blanching of the color of the bracts.

In the summer, the best location for zantedeskii will be the western and
east windows. In winter, on the contrary, for additional
sunlight its better to rearrange the south side.

Air temperature and humidity

For different types of callas, temperature and air humidity in
indoors has some differences.

Rhizome plants during the active growing season well-behaved
feel at + 17-21ºС. After цветения в период покоя их содержат
at + 10-13ºС at least 2 months.

�”White” callas need high humidity (70-80%). For
that their leaves are sprayed with soft water, put the pots on pallets
with wet moss, expanded clay. Better yet, use special

The optimal temperature for the development of “color” callas will be
+ 20-24ºС. ATо время «отдыха» растений ее повышают до +25-28ºС, чтобы
ripened tubers and flower buds formed. Tuberous callas
fairly moderate air humidity (50-60%). Daily they have
rub leaves with a damp sponge.

Haveсловия для цветения: почему калла не цветет?

It often happens that the store bought in Calla does not bloom in
домашних conditions. One of the reasons for this behavior – disrupted mode
�”Vegetation-rest”. Going on sale plants “pumped up”
phytohormones to preserve a presentable appearance. To
send arum to “hibernation”, it is necessary to reduce watering and put
pot in a cool room.

Improper irrigation mode also “slows down” the beginning of flowering.
Brat as a tropical plant likes to actively “quench thirst”
during the growing season. This is especially true for the Ethiopian calla.
ATажно помнить, что поливать холодной водой этих «зеленых африканок»
it is impossible – the probability of rotting of roots is great. Better for that
use soft warm (+ 20-25 ° C) separated water.

Unsuitable pot size is another likely cause.
lack of flowering calla. This tropikanka is growing quite fast.
When she gets cramped in a pot, she stops growing
not in a hurry to please with its elegant flowers. After периода покоя
from the overgrown “family” it is necessary to separate the weakening maternal
plant “babies” and transplanted into separate pots. Ground at the same time
change to fresh.

Incorrect dressing mode adversely affects the ability
calla to bloom. With an excess of nitrogen, the plant “fattens” –
it develops a deciduous mass to the detriment of flowering. therefore
it is necessary to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, “responsible” for

With an insufficient planting depth of a tuber or rhizome in the soil
there is an active increase in lateral shoots. If they are not separated and not
repot, it will not bloom.

Калла: уход в домашних conditions – подкормки и полив


AT поливе каллы предъявляют также разные требования. So,
�“Colored” callas are watered moderately: stagnation of moisture in the soil can become
deadly for them (rot on tubers). Excess water with
pallet drained. The next watering is carried out when the top layer
soil dries to 2-3 cm deep.

�“White” callas love abundant watering, especially during the period of active
growth. Pot soil should always be wet.

After отцветания у всех видов этого растения полив сокращают до
Once a week, and tuberous specimens after 1-2 months of this
Regime and completely stop watering.

Top dressing

With the release of the calla from the rest period, it is fed every 2
weeks, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. With
carrying out foliar fertilizing plants are sprayed so that
no liquid fell on the bracts (they form
ugly spots and the flower loses its decorative effect).

Каллы в горшках: уход в домашних conditions – почему они

Каллы в горшках в домашних conditions чаще всего погибают при
improper care, as a result of which weakened plants
affected by pests and diseases.

The most malicious “lovers” of calla are
паутинный клещ, белокрылка и тля. For их
уничтожения применяют акарициды (Актелик, Санмайт, ATертимек) и
insecticides (Fitoverm, Biotlin, Aktara, Akarin).

With неправильном поливном и температурном режиме каллы часто
affected by various bacterial and fungal infections.
Корневую гниль можно узнать по таким признакам:
massive wilting of leaves and stalks, root necrosis
system. It is promoted by increased humidity and
air temperature, excess nitrogen in the soil. To помочь растению в
In this case, it must be temporarily stopped watering, partly
replace wet ground dry, process the plant solution
fungicide (Fundazol, Previkur, Rovral).

Серая гниль, вызываемая патогенным грибком
Botrytis cinerea, spread through contaminated soil, water,
by the wind. Its characteristic feature is a gray patina on
the plant.

With поражении бактериальной гнилью цветоносы,
roots, the bases of leaves darken, over time the plant dies.
Sick callas should be destroyed.

If brown round spots appear on the leaves,
gradually merging, it means the plant is sick with anthracnose.
Damaged parts of calla are removed, the plant itself is treated
fungicidal drugs.

Почему у каллы в домашних conditions желтеют листья?

Листья у каллы при содержании в домашних conditions желтеют по 2
reasons: preparing for a period of rest and errors in the care.

After того как растение отцвело, оно начинает готовиться к
�”Deserved rest”: the “color” callas all the leaves turn yellow and
die off, and “white” zantedeskii preserve green foliage.

Improper care of callah affects the appearance
plants. As a tropical plant, it needs increased
влажность воздуха, которую в conditions жилых помещений трудно
keep up to date (especially during the heating season).
therefore каллы надо часто опрыскивать отстоянной водой, переставить
it away from the heating devices.

Waterlogging or drying the substrate also leads to
discoloration of leaves and their wilting.

Although the feces and requires a long light day (10-12 hours),
too bright lighting depresses her. therefore если растение стоит на
southern window, it must be priten or rearranged to another location.

Calla sheet burn

Long-term cultivation of calla in one pot without transplanting and
replacement of the soil leads to its depletion and as a result to yellowing
leaves. Nutrient deficiency also causes increased
fragility of leaf stalks. With недостатке азота листья теряют свою
glossiness, their ends wilted, and with the grip of potassium they rise

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