Cactus in the house: the benefits and harm, care tips.Modern scientific information about the benefits and harms of cactus for humans andof animals

Чт, 23 ноя 2017 Автор: Алёна Рассабина

Growing cacti has long been popular in countries with hot
climate, especially in Mexico. Where cacti are commonplace
plant, the locals have learned to withdraw from it. In our
Time cacti are common as home plants around the world.
So what properties does it have and how does it affect a person?


Harm and benefits of cactus in the house

Cactus is an amazing and useful flower. One of its virtues
is the absorption of electromagnetic rays emanating from the TV
or computer monitor. People who put cactus on
computer desk, effectively protect themselves from electromagnetic

Under the influence of the cactus gets a microwave. it
remarkable plant eliminates microwaves, thereby protecting
their masters.

Meanwhile, putting the cactus on the window sill, the owner protects
yourself from solar radiation.

The overall benefits of cactus

Cactus is widely used throughout the world. For example, houses from
It is prepared sweets (jam, jelly, compote). For such purposes
Echinocactus and melocactus are excellent. Only necessary
boil finely chopped cactus pieces in sugar syrup. For
jam fruits are used prickly pears, that is, different non-poisonous species

Cactus is actively used in various industries. Of his
fruits get the following:

– Hygiene products (deodorant, soap, various gels)

– Alcohol (liqueurs and cactus-based wines)

– Additives to poultry feed

– Food (drinks and sweets)

it растение распространено и в медицине. Cactus flowers
used to produce vitamins and hormones, and
Berries make poultices for the treatment of various injuries of the bones.

Cactus in treatment: properties and benefits

The most common advantage of this plant is
antibacterial action. Cactus juice is able to destroy
bacteria, pathogens and fungi.

Cactus-based preparations perfectly suppress inflammatory
processes in the human body and also have a positive effect on
the reproductive system.

Scientists have proven that cactus-based remedies
stimulate blood circulation activity, can positively influence
for mild arrhythmia and angina.

Cactus juice is used for rheumatism, and water and alcohol
extracts of this amazing plant are used for hypotension and
cardiovascular diseases.

How to care for cactus?

The first thing that interests the newly-made cactus host is where
put it? The best place for this flower is the window sill
sunny side of the house. To cactus enough light, not worth it
keep it on the window with blinds, but if you really want to put
plant on the table or cabinet, it is necessary to provide that
this place was reached by the sun’s rays.

It is important to note that the window sill under which is located
тёплая батарея, может погубить жизнь cactus. In this case, it will help
insulated stand for flowers.

As for watering, cacti need to be watered with clean water.
(boiled or filtered), which must be infused about
day to the water temperature was room temperature. Frequency and volume
Watering directly depends on the lighting and humidity in the room. Not
it is worth watering the stalk of a cactus, it is better to do it around the edges

The cactus pot is not recommended to move, as this plant
does not tolerate a change of place, but you need to replant at least
once a year.

Flower lovers or simply responsible owners will think about
fertilizer. Cactus is recommended to be fertilized from March to September (7
months), every 2 weeks. More information can be
find fertilizer on the package.

Signs about cacti

People tend to believe in omens and many consider it necessary
read all the superstitions associated with the new purchase. Cactus –
wonderful plant but because of its aggressive appearance
people over the years have seen him cause their failures.
itт полезный и неприхотливый цветок обвиняли в следующем:

– Where the cactus stands, the man will not stay long;

– If a man was given a cactus, his relationship will be tolerated.

Of course, the flower will not affect the relationship between people.
The problem must be sought in oneself, not in a houseplant.

– Flowering cactus means the pregnancy of his mistress.

Such a sign appeared as a result of a rarely blooming association.
plants with the advent of new life.

Myths about cacti

1. Cacti do not like moisture

Cacti need regular watering, like all plants. Yes,
stagnation of water can lead to the death of the flower, but this does not mean that
cacti are not water dependent. Lack of constant watering is not
allows them to develop and bloom normally.

2. Cacti do not like transplant

Cacti need a mandatory annual transplant, because
it stimulates their growth and development.

3. Cacti need constant fertilizer

Such a myth is popular among those who pursue acceleration.
процесса цветения cactus. In fact, overfeeding plants
fertilizer can cause death and achieve flowering, in this
case, and will not succeed at all.

4. Fast growth means good condition.

If the cactus is growing rapidly, then this may indicate
overfeeding the plant and excessive care for him. Faster develops –
dies faster.

Какие виды cactus наносят вред здоровью человека

For therapeutic purposes, cacti have no contraindications. Concerning
The content of this flower at home is a moot point. Many people,
whom the cactus is disturbing in their appearance are attributed to him
a lot of negative characteristics, as well as blame all

In fact, the cactus brings absolutely no harm
man The plant must be looked after. If the flower gets
everything he needs will not frighten anyone.

But in the use of cacti restrictions are. Notсколько видов
may be hazardous to humans: provoke auditory and
visual hallucinations, cause disorder of some systems
organism. Notгативным влиянием обладают следующие виды

– Lofofora Williams

– Lofofora Lutea

– Lofofora is pure

– Turbinikarpus

These species of cacti grow mainly in South America, their
breeding is prohibited by law.

Вредное влияние cactus на домашних of animals

Pets are smart though they are mostly exposed
natural instincts. Dogs, for example, love to gnaw something.
Of course, this is due to physiology, because in this way the pet
shows that he is lonely, painful, boring, and puppies also learn
world. Именно в этом заключается опасность cactus для собак, ведь
if the pet does not have special toys, it can gnaw and prickly
plant. Even if the cactus is not poisonous to the dog, it doesn’t care
will bring a lot of discomfort. Spines can get stuck in the mouth
cavities and internal organs of the dog, which can lead to sad
to the end

Cats have another problem – they lack greenery. Since cats
licked all the time, then in their digestive tract
stuck lumps of wool. Plants affect cats like
laxative. But when a cat tries to induce vomiting,
chooses cactus. Cacti can cause cat intoxication

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that cacti
pets are not friends. We must try to limit access as much as possible.
для домашних of animals к этому необычному растению, чтобы сохранить
как жизнь любимца, так и cactus.

О пользе и вреде cactus знает немногие, несмотря на то, что он
there is almost every home. Care and positive attitude towards
plant, will give a chance to use all the useful properties
экзотического cactus.

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