Buddley: planting and care, breeding,growing from seed. Description of the best varieties of buddley with photos

Ср, 21 сен 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Buddley is a flower shrub that can be found in
warm regions of Africa, Asia and America.

In the people the plant is called “a magnet for butterflies” or autumn
lilac It is associated with buddley bloom, which resembles

Honey aroma attracts bees and various insects to the garden.

Perennial tolerates frost well, with buddley growing not
difficulties arise.


Description and characteristics of shrubs

There are more than one hundred buddley species that are grown in
gardening. A distinctive feature of this shrub is its
late flowering, which continues until frost.

Buddley bush grows from 1.5 to 3 meters in height. Leaves
plants are arranged in pairs. Some types of inflorescences are decorated
in the form of panicles up to 50 cm long, others are spherical. Flowers
small, very fragrant, divided into shares like lilacs. Coloring
colors are diverse, different intensity and shades.
There are plants with white, cream, pink, yellow,
orange and raspberry flowers. Perennial, perennial forms
fruit with seeds.

Buddleya is grown in open ground, tolerates
frosts, but in the northern regions need additional
shelter. If the plant is affected by frost, then young
root shoots develop rapidly, with good care can give
color in the current year.

Growing buddley from seed

Collected from the bushes, perennial seeds need
stratification. To get quality seedlings the safest
buy seeds prepared for planting in specialized
stores. Before sowing the seeds are mixed with sand to
evenly distribute them on the soil surface. To sowing
proceed in early spring.

For planting it is preferable to use a neutral substrate.
reaction. It is poured into wide containers, bowls or containers,
slightly thickening. Each tank should have good drainage and
hole for a stack of excess fluid.

Seeds are not buried in the ground, but spread on its surface,
slightly pressing into the ground. After sowing, the substrate is moistened from
spray gun, covered with glass and sent to a warm place where
temperature is maintained from 20 to 25 degrees.

Important! Place for germinating seeds should
be well lit but without access to direct solar

The first shoots appear after three weeks. At this point you need
remove the shelter. Caring for buddley during this period is very important. Seedlings
watered gently so as not to have a “black leg”. Experienced
gardeners recommend using a pink solution for watering
potassium permanganate.

With the advent of several leaves spend picking seedlings
Buddyley in separate containers, the best is peat pots. Before
by planting in the garden, young seedlings are hardened, protecting them from

Planting buddley in the garden

The optimal period for planting seedlings at a permanent place
is the end of May, when the threat of frost has passed. The place for
plantings are selected taking into account all the features of the plant. Perennial
prefers well-lit areas, but does not tolerate cold
ветра и drafts.

The soil for planting must be moisture permeable, well
drained and nutritious. In heavy clay soils, plant
will often hurt and die. Enrich and improve the composition of the soil
sand, humus, peat will help.

Buddley landing pattern

Young plants differ in growth rate. Drop them
necessary at a distance of about 1 meter. Tighter fit
will cause the shrub to suffer from a lack of lighting
and nutrition.

The landing pit must comply with the root system of the plant,
plus 20 cm for drainage and fertilizer. The drainage layer takes about
15 cm. Pour the earth mixed with fertilizer over it. Good
the filled pit provides good nutrition to the seedling in the first
time after landing. Sapling is put in the hole and fall asleep remaining
ground, while the root neck should be at the level of

Caring for buddley: watering, feeding and pruning

Perennial хорошо растет без дополнительного полива. Shrub
enough rainwater. But if the summer was especially
sultry, you can resort to moderate watering, at the rate of one
bucket on the plant.

Extra power

Buddley is developing rapidly, its whips reach more than 2 meters
lengths For full lush flowering shrub needs
additional nutrition, which allows you to extend the flowering period.
As fertilizers use drugs with potassium and phosphorus,
that stimulate growth and bloom.

During the growing season buddley need to feed three times. Helpful
alternate between mineral fertilizers and organic. Use liquid
droppings, compost and humus.

Buddley needs loose soil. After watering carefully
spend loosening, combining it with cleaning the weeds.

How to cut buddley

When growing buddley, pruning is an essential procedure.
It allows you to stretch the flowering time, preserves the decorative
shrub. Early pruning in the spring, cutting off all the shoots
plants. Low-growing species are cut at 30 cm from the ground, and
tall – 1 meter. This pruning forms a compact bush,
which is distinguished by its decorative and memorable
flowering. As you can see, the care of buddley does not cause much trouble.
even a novice gardener.

Preparing buddleya for winter

In the fall, the shoots are shortened, and the shrub spud earth.
From above you need to install a frame made of a wooden box on which
Roofing material is fixed. The design is very durable,
withstands even strong gusts of wind.

Sawdust or film is not used as a cover, as under
they roots and shoots sopreyut plants.

Varieties and types of buddley with photo

In our climate, the most resistant varieties are grown, which
well tolerated in winter.

Buddleya david

This is a deciduous shrub that reaches a height of about 3
meters Differs in fast growth of escapes. Upper side
lanceolate leaves colored dark green, reverse side
downy, pale yellow. Flowers have a pleasant honey aroma,
collected in spike-shaped inflorescences of lilac color. The length of the inflorescence to
40 cm. Flowering occurs at the end of summer and lasts more than 2
months. There are varieties buddley David with different colors

• Alba, White Profüzhen – white-flowered varieties;

• Empire Blue, Black Knight – a variety of purple shades;

• Royal Red, Harlequin – flowers of red shades.

In our latitudes, some varieties tolerate winters,
derived from buddley David: buddleya Wilson, buddleya
Vicha These are tall types of a bush, with dense inflorescences.


Менее зимостойкая разновидность листопадного shrub. Flowers
бледно-лилового окраса, очень похожи на lilac. Inflorescences have
pleasant almond aroma. Cultivated in the shape of a tree with a drooping

Globular buddleya

Shrub spring bloom. Spherical inflorescences
orange-yellow color. It winters in open ground only in the southern
regions of Russia.

Buddley belotsvetkovaya

Deciduous shrub with white cone-shaped inflorescences. Winters
under safe cover is good.

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