Breeding worms at home (photo):what, why and how? Secrets of the successful breeding of worms at home

Пт, 25 мар 2016 Автор: Евгений

People throw away a lot of food waste every day.

Without much difficulty, a family of 3 people can only from
kitchen waste during the winter using worms get about
150 kg of effective fertilizer.

This amount of biohumus is enough for indoor plants,
and for feeding garden crops and garden crops.


Why breed worms at home

Для удобрения растений на грядках. Organic
high-value fertilizer – biohumus is useful as
ordinary gardeners and farmers. This fertilizer boosts
fertility and improves the structure of the soil, enriches it with the most important
macro and trace elements. Try using biohumus even in
a small amount in your garden or garden.

Worm substrate

For plants still cooked – worm tea, the composition that gives
the ability to even double the yield. This natural fertilizer
feed the plants growing in the room and in the open field.

Для рыбаков. It’s hard to find a fisherman who doesn’t
uses worms while fishing, sometimes they take a long time
look for. Most of them acquire bait in the markets or in
stores, sometimes spending considerable sums. And for ordinary fishing
At least 30 worms are required. The conclusion of the profitability of growing
Your own bait is obvious.

Домашние питомцы. Aquarium fish, birds, and
other residents of the home zoo need every day live

Для разведения рыбы в садовом пруду. Owners
прудиков на своем участке нуждаются в живом stern. Worms value
for feeding fish will confirm any ichthyologist.

Growing earthworms gives the opportunity of organic
waste to get highly effective fertilizer and grow useful
additive to the diet of poultry and animals. Medicine is also interested
biomass worms for the production of drugs. The best breeds of worms
for breeding houses are

1. Worm prospector;

2. Red Californian worm.

During the purchase of breeding stock pay attention to
mobility of individuals and their coloring.

A ton of organics after processing by worms delivers about 100 kg
worms and about 600 kg of biohumus. Worms contain the most important
amino acids, they contain many trace elements,
vitamins and enzymes. But 1 ha of the most fertile soil is not
compare with a hectare of earthworm plantation in protein yield.
Worm flour eats well cattle, pond fish,
Chickens, pigs, both boiled and raw. Animal meat,
obtained with this fattening, it turns out high quality.

In the production of protein flour, a lot of worms are screened out of
substrate, washed, dried, and then ground. By recruitment
amino acids, this flour is close to meat, but it is much more
essential amino acids. When adding flour from worms in the diet
poultry, 25% increase in the number of eggs laid.
The increase in fish feeding by worms reaches 33.5%.

Flour from a red worm is added to aquariums as a special
pasta both ordinary and tropical fish are very fond of such
top dressing.

Breeding worms at home: necessary

To get worms you can use almost any room with
normal humidity and heating in cold season:

• Commercial buildings;

• Attic;

• Cellars;

• Garage.

The air temperature in the room should not fall below 4
degrees, otherwise the worms fall asleep, if the temperature is 36 degrees, then all
individuals will die.

For the cultivation of earthworms at home, you can use different
their types.

Местный дождевой червь. This species
maximum adapted to the climatic conditions of your area
they are mainly used because they quickly get used to
living conditions in a closed farm. Their disadvantage is that life
activity in this species is lower than that of the “thoroughbred”

Калифорнийский красный червь. Common
worm species for breeding need uterine population not less
1500 individuals. The type is undemanding to a soil mix, badly reacts
to reduce the temperature below 10 degrees Celsius, produces
high quality biohumus, multiplies rapidly.

Червь Старатель. Main rival
Californian relative. Breeds well at a temperature of
within 9-28 degrees, very active form, well increasing
biomass and recycle substrate quality.

Breeding worms at home: necessary

Factory Vermicomposter

For a small vermifirm you need a little

1. Thermometer;

2. A device for measuring the acidity of the soil;

3. Shelving;

4. Forks;

5. Shovel;

6. Bucket;

7. Wheelbarrow;

8. Sieve;

9. scales.

The main thing is to properly organize the boxes, pits or shoulders for
breeding worms and preparing the appropriate organic mix

Деревянный короб. Dimensions – 0.5x2x1 m, capacity
made of 25 mm thick boards, drilled at the bottom
openings for a drain of valuable liquid – vermica. Bottom box
post pallet, lid is made of knocked down boards or plywood and also
drilled through the vents.

Старый холодильник. Dismantle all
�The “insides” of the unit, set up the door necessarily
under a slight tilt and vented bore

Коробка из картона. Convenient option to start
breeding worms. Dimensions – 300×400 mm environmentally friendly and
�Breathable material. Worms eat small pieces of cardboard, after
when the box is sodden and thin, it is changed.

Контейнер из пластмассы. Mandatory condition in
In this case, unobstructed access to fresh air and good
drainage, otherwise worms in too wet soil can
suffocate. Place a pallet or basin under the collection container.

Substrate container

Breeding worms at home: where to start

The quality of the organic mixture directly affects the activity
earthworms, their ability to reproduce and speed
processing substrate. For successful breeding worms follow
such rules:

• 50% of capacity fill with humus, it can be mixed with a small
the amount of chopped cardboard;

• Moisten the substrate slightly;

• After 2-3 days, pierce the ground several times and
inhabit the worms;

• Level the substrate and cover the container;

• After a couple of days, you can start adding fresh
organic residues.

Always make experimental settling of earthworms into the tank.
small size. Approximately 50-100 individuals are placed in the new
soil. After one day, make sure they are alive. So it is possible
determine if the acidity of the new substrate is suitable for your

The most appropriate soil index for worms is within
6.5-7.5 PH. If several dead worms are found – this
a clear signal that acidity is not suitable for them.

You can acidify the substrate if you add:

1. Vegetable tops;

2. Cut straw or sawdust.

You can reduce the acidity by adding:

1. Ground limestone;

2. Ground egg shells;

3. Simple chalk.

Worms eat dead and begin to rot parts of plants.

It is forbidden to add to the substrate:

• Parts of citrus;

• Waste after cutting meat.

Capacity for breeding worms

Breeding worms at home: why not
is obtained?

It is impossible to add to the mixture for the nutrition of worms components strongly
acidity increasing:

• Kefir – increases the level of acidity, and can cause
mildew formation;

• Not crushed peel of fruits and vegetables, large stubs
(hold in the freezer or chop them in a meat grinder, so will
destroyed the walls of organic cells);

• Fresh manure – it emits a lot of heat, can occur
temperature increase to 70 degrees – as a result of worms
will perish.

It is advisable to add to the substrate:

• Potato and cabbage peel, boiled vegetables and peel

• food waste;

• pieces of baking, stale bread;

• Coffee grounds and tea brewing;

• Water, after washing the container from kefir or sour cream;

• Dead manure, chicken droppings.

Внимание: в долго пролежавшем под открытым
sky dung too few nutrients.

Add food for worms only after they have mastered
previous volume. Excess food waste in the substrate can increase
its acidity and fermentation.

For earthworms to multiply faster in the substrate is desirable
add dairy products. Feed must be thoroughly mixed.
with the ground, and not just scatter on its surface. Required
constantly monitor the humidity of the substrate. Worm Jar is not
размещайте близко от обогревательных приборов, иначе они will perish.
It is possible to contain both rain and dung in one tank
worms, they get along together perfectly. But that it was more convenient for
place them in separate “stripes” individuals separately.

Capacity with earthworms does not exude an unpleasant smell, but
harmful insects may fly on them. Tara with substrate should
be well ventilated, be well drained and minimized
the risk of spreading worms. How will the drainage fit the materials that
absorb moisture quickly – rotten leaves, peat, moss or
coconut fiber.

Feed earthworms with fruits and vegetables,
they especially love banana peels and melons. Do not leave leftovers
feed that is not embedded in the substrate, this will be the bait for harmful
insects. It is impossible to feed the worms too heavily, large doses
feed will contaminate the soil mixture, may provoke aversion
food worms that can, as a result, destroy your culture. If a
other living organisms will start in the same bowl with the worms – not
panic. They will not harm the worms you

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