Breastfeeding determines the quality of workbaby intestines in the future

Mon, 09 Feb 2015

According to experts, mother’s milk contains important for
child health bacteria that in the future can help children
qualitatively digest food. It’s no secret that kids, for different
breastfed causes are often affected by
flatulence. American scientists have found that the specifics of nutrition
the newborn in the first months of his life determines not only
composition, but also the stability of its intestinal flora.

In the course of the study, physicians analyzed images of feces,
as well as the specificity of nutrition and the health status of nine children in
the first two weeks of their lives. As a result, was discovered
the qualitative difference between the intestinal microflora of babies,
received in the first months of life, breast milk and those who received
only milk mixture. Scientists suggest that breast
feeding is able to prepare the baby’s digestive tract
Consumption and normal digestion of solid foods.

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