Brazilian diet for weight loss

  • 1 Popular Brazilian diet for weight loss
    • 1.1 What foods can I eat?
    • 1.2 Menu for 7 days

Brazilian women have never been slim figure, so their
The way to lose weight is solely to adjust the figure. AT
The core of the Brazilian diet menu is chicken or quail eggs and
lean meats. Among the drinks leading all types of tea, weak
coffee and fruit juice without sugar.

Употребление пищи в день при бразильской диете делится на
five receptions, including three main and two small


Popular Brazilian diet for weight loss

Many of us admired the beautiful figures of Brazilians,
speakers at the country’s traditional carnivals. AT свое
time Brazilian celebrities have shared a weight loss recipe for
perfect body that is still popular.

The duration of the Brazilian diet is divided into three types:
seven-day, two-week and monthly. Naturally, the stronger you are
want to lose weight, the longer the diet should be chosen. AT
среднем можно скинуть 3-15 килограмм, придерживаясь белкового
type of food. For the first two types of weight loss characteristic
Three meals a day. The diet for a month consists of a large amount
meat, cottage cheese and implies a 5-time meal.

What foods can I eat?

AT бразильской диете акцент делается на низкокалорийные
. Fatty, salty, fried, smoked and sweet
food is completely excluded from the menu. Foods rich in carbohydrates and
fats are also banned for consumption.

Protein foods and foods high in fiber are the basis
diet and is the basis of weight loss.

Permitted products for the Brazilian diet:

  •  chicken or quail eggs,
  • vegetables and herbs (carrots, broccoli, herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers,
    cabbage, lettuce, zucchini,
  • fruits and berries (orange, grapefruit, kiwi, pomelo, apple,
    plum, strawberry, blueberry, blueberry, currant, raspberry, cherry,
    apricot, peach, watermelon, melon),
  • dairy products (milk, kefir cottage cheese, natural
  • meat and fish (chicken, quail, beef, rabbit, turkey,
    tuna, seabass, pollock, pike, hake, perch, shrimp, mussels,

Menu for 7 days

An effective Brazilian diet for 7 days for weight loss –
menu (breakfast, lunch, dinner):


  • 3 boiled eggs without yolk, a slice of bran unleavened bran
    bread, herbal decoction without sugar;
  • 200 gr. boiled chicken breast with broccoli, berry smoothie without
  • 150 g of cottage cheese, grapefruit juice.


  • 100 g chicken breast, 50 g buckwheat, coffee;
  • 200 g steamed turkey, tomato juice;
  • белковый омлет из 3 яиц и 1 желтка  с томатами и


  • salad of 2 eggs, green onions and herbs, chamomile decoction;
  • 200 gr. steamed pike fish fillets and spinach with tomatoes
    Orange juice;
  • steamed rabbit vegetables and 100 g (broccoli, zucchini, red onion),


  • 5 quail eggs, black tea with bran pancakes;
  • 200 gr. baked turkey with greens, cucumber, glass of carrot
  • 100 gr. cottage cheese with natural yogurt.


  • 150 g of oatmeal, 100 g of cottage cheese with apple slices, green
  • seaweed salad, 200 g of tuna, apricot compote;
  • low fat cottage cheese, mineral water.


  • protein omelet from 3 eggs, 2 tomatoes, coffee;
  • chicken and steamed vegetables (zucchini, pepper, red onion), herbal
    infusion with spices;
  • 150 g of cottage cheese with orange.


  • 3 quail eggs, fresh cucumber, coffee;
  • Chinese cabbage salad with tomatoes and greens, 200 g
    quail, tea with mint;
  • 200 g boiled rabbit with green string beans and broccoli,
    green apple smoothies without sugar.

From the majority of reviews it follows that the easiest is
weight loss option for a month. The explanation is quite simple: this view
food to transfer the body easier. Maximum weight loss with her
reaches 15 kg. However, such a result with weight loss is impossible
achieve without daily physical exertion. Many girls,
tried the Brazilian diet, advised to improve the result
drink plenty of water.

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