Bonn Soup – Your Shock On Overweight

bonnskii-supIn nature, there are a large number
plants that help improve our health and help
build a beautiful body.

Diets, основанные на таких вот природных ингредиентах, в
overwhelmingly give the opportunity to lose weight absolutely without
harm to our body.

And some of the plants seemed to have been specially created to
help us maintain a great shape.

Celery, of course, is one of those.

Celery is a storehouse for a large number of vitamins,
minerals and other nutrients. Another unusually important
feature is that it can be used in food
completely, from top to bottom.

Also another interesting feature of celery is its “
negative calorie content ”, this means that, in order
to digest and absorb its nutrients, human
the body spends more energy than it receives.

It is for this feature that the plant received the title of one of
useful tools for losing weight and maintaining
ideal body weight. By the way, celery calories only 18
calories per 100 grams.

At the moment there are many diets, including celery.
One of the most famous and popular is the Bonn soup. AT
basis is the daily use of vegetable soup.

The duration of this program is 14 days and
guarantees you getting rid of 8-10 kilograms of excess weight.


How to cook Bonn soup?

For its preparation you will need: 180 gr. celery, 500
gr. белокочанной капусты, 180 gr. моркови, 150 gr. Bulgarian
перца, 140 gr. белого лука, 250 gr. tomatoes, bunch of green onions,
spices to taste (bay leaf, pepper, cumin, ginger).

The first option: make light roast from chopped rings
Luke. Cut vegetables into cubes and put them into a saucepan, pour
water and bring to a boil. Then add a fry and continue
cook until vegetables are ready (that is, when they are soft,
this takes about 15-20 minutes).

ATторой вариант: нарезанные кубиками овощи залить томатным соком,
bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes. Then tight
cover and simmer on low heat still, about 10-15

The basic rules of the diet Bonn soup:

  • The number of receptions and portions of soup during the day without
  • Alcohol is prohibited during the diet.
  • You can not eat anything flour, sweet, fat,
    smoked marinated.
  • Drink a day at least 3 liters (especially 5-6 days) of purified
    water. You can tea and coffee without sugar, but exclude carbonated
    the drinks.
  • If your progress in losing weight has already reached 8-10 kg. – make
    for a small 2-3 day break and then continue on
    on schedule.

Slimming diet menu Bonn soup

As we mentioned, the duration of the diet is 14 days, and she
includes two 7-day cycles:

Day 1: You can eat Bonn soup and all kinds of fruit, except

Day 2: Soup and raw vegetables. For dinner boiled (baked) potatoes
with a little olive oil.

Day 3: soup, except potatoes, you can eat any vegetables and
fruits. Day 4: soup, any vegetables and fruits, also recommended
eat 3-4 bananas and drink a liter of low-fat kefir (milk).

День 5: суп и 200 gr. lean meat, it can be beef
либо куриное филе, 6-7 помидоров и больше water.

Day 6: soup, chicken or beef chop, green salad and
больше water.

Day 7: soup, rice with vegetable stew.

Удачи ATам в долгосрочной потере веса, благодаря применению такой
incredibly productive and effective diet!

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