Body Drying for Men – Menu and Setexercise

  • 1 Сушка тела для мужчин — принципы и основы
    • 1.1 What foods can I eat?
    • 1.2 Menu for every day
    • 1.3 What can you drink drugs?
  • 2 Effective training
    • 2.1 What exercises need to be done?

Drying is the period when a person
употребляет в пищу, преимущественно,
белковые продукты, максимально ограничивая
количество углеводов
. This period is for men
accompanied by intense workouts with special
exercise, направленных на проработку рельефа тела.

You can do all this at home – the main thing
prepare in advance a menu for each day of drying and carefully
control your diet. It is best to create a menu immediately on
a week or even a month, buy all the necessary products and you can
begin the process of fat burning.

Также, рекомендуется составить список
, которые можно есть, и разработать
индивидуальную программу тренировок
. If you do everything
correct and comply with the diet, it will soon appear
the result, in the form of a taut relief body.

What should be the food for every day a person who wants
get muscle relief? How to develop a menu of products that
it will be easy and quick to cook at home, and that
you can eat on a diet – we will consider later in the article.


Сушка тела для мужчин — принципы и основы

Body drying for men should be carried out
по определенным правилам, придерживаться которых следует

Basic principles of drying at home

  1. Required breakfasts. To start processes in the morning
    metabolism in the body.
  2. Питание должно быть дробным и
    . Приемы пищи – не менее пяти раз в
    , тогда организм прекратит постоянно накапливать
    fat stores.
  3. Рацион должен состоять, преимущественно, из белковых
    , также в меню нужно обязательно включить
    fiber (vegetables) and some complex carbohydrates (cereals).
  4. You can only eat foods with minimal heat treatment.
    and completely abandon fried foods.
  5. The diet should be rich in all necessary for the body.
    vitamins and trace elements.
  6. Regular intake of clean water. Drink a day at least 2
  7. The menu for each day should be quite varied.
    It is allowed to use special vitamin supplements.

An advance diet for drying the body of men will help
observe diet, do not break with a diet and do not harass yourself
the question “what can you eat on a diet, and what not?”.

What foods can I eat?

The right set of products allows you to build muscle and
achieve maximum body relief.

Итак, продукты, которые можно есть мужчинам на сушке

  1. All lean meats – chicken, beef, rabbit,
  2. Fish and seafood.
  3. Eggs and dairy low-fat products, either low
    fat content.
  4. Pasta from durum wheat, cereals, legumes.
  5. Squashes, radishes, cucumbers, fresh greens and other low vegetables
    starch content.
  6. Unrefined vegetable oils.
  7. Unsweetened fruit, berries, mushrooms.
  8. Green tea, mineral water without gas.
  9. Soy milk.

Effective body drying for men suggests
употребление в пищу большого количество белка. is he
is a source of protein that is vital for health
person Protein is involved in all important processes occurring in
body, and is a necessary element for building
muscle fibers.

Can be used, developed by athletes, recipes for
body dryers for men who are easy to use at home
conditions. Прекрасным вариантом для завтрака,
will be a sandwich made from a slice of bran bread,
avocado and chicken meat.

Вариант полезного обеда – пюре из отварного
chickpeas (chickpea) with chicken.

  • To prepare the dish, chickpeas should be soaked in water overnight, on
    the next day, drain the water, add fresh water (2 thirds of the water for 1
    part of chickpeas), put the cook. As soon as chickpeas are ready, knead
    it in mashed potatoes by adding some olive oil. Boil chicken
    bacon, served with vegetables and herbs.

Menu for every day

Menu for drying the body of men for every day should contain
mostly protein foods. It is important to use large
the amount of clean water and exercise hard.

The diet should be fractional. Meal – 5-6 times a day.
Portions must be complete. It is important to eliminate starvation and
binge eating.

Sample drying menu for 1 day:

  1. Morning – hard-boiled eggs or steamed omelet, slice
    boiled lean fish.
  2. Snack – 200 g low-fat cottage cheese with berries or protein
  3. Lunch – light chicken broth soup, a piece of boiled chicken
    bacon, 100 grams of rice or buckwheat.
  4. Snack – a glass of low-fat yogurt, one grapefruit or
    an Apple.
  5. Dinner – steamed fish, vegetable salad.
  6. 2 dinner – low-fat cottage cheese or a few nuts.

This food option is great for men, in it
содержится мало калорий и много белка.

Чтобы результат был максимальный, необходимо регулярно
заниматься в тренажерном зале
или в домашних условиях,
performing special exercises for drying the body and muscle relief.

Subcutaneous fat will melt very quickly and the body will acquire its own.
perfect shape. This diet is often chosen
professional bodybuilders before competitions.

Body Drying for Men – Food Menu on


  1. Breakfast – banana, oatmeal, tea;
  2. The second breakfast – tomato, 100 grams of buckwheat, chicken fillet;
  3. Lunch – vegetable soup, veal, salad;
  4. Snack – boiled fillet, Greek salad;
  5. Dinner – vegetable stew, boiled salmon;
  6. The second dinner is a glass of kefir.


  1. Breakfast – omelette of protein, orange, a slice of cheese;
  2. The second breakfast – boiled rice, pollock fillet, cucumber;
  3. Lunch – broccoli soup, vegetable salad, boiled turkey;
  4. Tea time – protein shake;
  5. Dinner – Greek salad, fish steak;
  6. The second dinner is a handful of nuts.


  1. Breakfast – scrambled eggs, tomatoes and greens;
  2. The second breakfast – rice porridge, chicken, leaves
    salad dressing;
  3. Lunch – baked potatoes, fish soup and a piece of fish;
  4. Safe, – low-fat cottage cheese, berries;
  5. Supper – apple or dried fruits;
  6. The second dinner is a protein shake.


  1. Breakfast – hard-boiled 2 eggs, a slice of rye bread with
  2. The second breakfast – baked potatoes, chicken and tomato;
  3. Lunch – vegetable sauté, bean soup, veal;
  4. Snack – low-fat cottage cheese and boiled asparagus;
  5. Dinner – steamed chicken cutlets, vegetable salad;
  6. Second dinner – protein shake, berries.


  1. Breakfast – lettuce, scrambled eggs;
  2. The second breakfast – oatmeal, steam cutlets;
  3. Lunch – mushroom soup, buckwheat, chicken;
  4. Safe, – Greek salad, apple;
  5. Supper – protein shake with berries and banana;
  6. The second dinner – low-fat cottage cheese.


  1. buckwheat, egg, tomato;
  2. rye bread and a piece of chicken breast;
  3. cabbage rolls, vegetable soup;
  4. salmon fillet and cucumber and radish salad;
  5. boiled turkey, wheat pasta;
  6. omelette steamed from the protein of three eggs.


  1. oatmeal with berries and honey;
  2. fishcake and vegetable salad;
  3. mushroom soup, boiled beef, asparagus;
  4. Greek salad, orange;
  5. boiled chicken breast;
  6. protein shake.

Tips for effective body drying at home on

  • To decide on what you can eat on a diet, make a menu and
    adhere to the proper diet by eating foods from
  • Perform regular exercises, it is advisable to attend
    gym. If this is not possible – to engage in home
  • Listen to your own body so as not to harm
  • In order not to break with the diet, once every two weeks
    arrange a “boot” day and eat one product from the banned
    list, then the diet will be carried easily;
  • Drink plenty of water while drying the body;
  • Take vitamin preparations;
  • For the preparation of cocktails, use only high quality

What can you drink drugs?

Popular preparations for drying the body of men, take
which can be at home:

  • Кленбутерол – усиливает эффект жиросжигания,
    reduces appetite, increases stamina. This drug is not
    anabolic steroid, you can only buy it by prescription;
  • Эфедрин – подавляет аппетит, повышает уровень
  • Л-карнитин – блокатор углеводов, способствует
    burning fat by processing them into energy.

Preparations for drying the body during a diet should be taken with
caution. It is important to follow the dosage and rules.

Effective training

Experts will confirm that proper drying of the body for men
should flow under the supervision of a trainer in the gym. But,
with the right approach, at home you can fully
engage and perform all the necessary strength exercises.

Drying the body at home contains a special program.
занятий, которая должна включать в
себя кардио-тренировки
. This kind of loads
способствует ускоренному сжиганию подкожного жира.

To keep muscles in good shape will help power
средней интенсивности, продолжительность
which need to be periodically increased.

Carefully follow the weights and choose
loads that will strengthen the muscles and not “burn” them
– so high loads during the drying of the body for men do not

What exercises need to be done?

Body drying for men is possible even at home, if
дома имеется необходимый спортивный инвентарь: гантели,
bench, horizontal bar.

To warm up your muscles before exercise, you can simply
organize a small jog in the nearest square and then
start strength exercises. You can do exercises in normal
The room – the main thing that it was spacious enough.

Effective exercise at home for
men when drying the body:

Leg training:

  1. Leg press;
  2. Standing / sitting;
  3. Squats with dumbbells;
  4. Lunges;
  5. Mahi;

Тренировка рук (упражнения на
biceps / triceps):

  1. Pulling up (thrust of the upper block of the chest);
  2. raising hands with dumbbells (standing);
  3. dumbbell lifting (lying down);
  4. press narrow grip;
  5. french press;
  6. superset;
  7. lifting socks (in a sitting position);

Other types of exercises available at home.
(для этого можно выйти на улицу и найти турник и

  1. pulling up on a horizontal bar;
  2. push-ups from the bench;
  3. raising legs in hanging;
  4. Exercises for all groups of abdominals
  5. neck and back exercises, etc.

When performing exercises the number of approaches is observed:
3 подхода по 40-50 раз, в зависимости от силовой
exercise load.

The emphasis should be on the study of all muscle groups, not burning them, but
just keeping it in shape. Training should be average
intensity, no need to try to set records.

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