Blueberries: growing and proper care. What kinddifficulties may arise when growing blueberries in the gardenplot?

Вт, 02 фев 2016 Автор: Елизавета Шатунова

Blueberries have been successfully grown by summer residents in many regions – even in
those where cold long winters.

The plant is relatively unpretentious and with proper care gives
consistently high yields of tasty healthy berries every season.
The shrub will begin fruiting within 3-4 years after landing on

Under favorable conditions, the plant will live a few dozen
years old!

Often there is confusion – blueberries are called blueberries.
Berries are the same in color, but differ in taste and properties.
Try the fruit of the plant. If they leave an “ink” mark on
language, in front of you bush blueberries. Blueberry juice is so coloring
no effect.


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Many varieties have been developed for growing on home gardens.
garden blueberries. When choosing the right type, be guided by
terms of fruit ripening. A plant can be:

Раннеспелое. Tasty berries can be collected from
bush already by the beginning of July. Popular varieties are Duke, Erliblyu, Stanley,

Среднеспелое. Fruits begin to ripen closer
by the end of July. Popular varieties are Elizabeth, Bleukrop, Bluejay,
Patriot, Rankosas.

Позднеспелое. Berries can be collected only to
the end of summer. Representatives of this species with adverse
climatic conditions do not have time to ripen even in the south. therefore
don’t put too much late blueberry on your plot, otherwise
can razacharovatsya as a result. Popular varieties – Eliot,
Dorrow, Jersey, Gorbert.

There are types of blueberry undersized, medium and tall.
High plants in the north take root badly. But sredneroslye
varieties (Northland, Weymouth, Blueette, Northble) show the best
всхожесть и урожайность в любом климате — они
resistant to cold, pests and diseases.

As for the taste characteristics of the berries, then everything depends on
your personal preference. Many positive reviews,
благодаря крупным сочным плодам, получил сорт

Site preparation for growing blueberries

Blueberries do not like shady places. If you grow it in such
conditions, the berries will be sour. therefore подберите для нового жителя
garden open area, which is not blown by cold winds.

We’ll have to spend time preparing the beds. Blueberries good
grows on peat-sand or peat-loamy soils with pH
3.5-4.5. It is better if until the time of landing a couple of years did not grow here
other cultures. Blueberry roots have filamentous, fibrous
structure with a special fungus (mycorase) at the end that will not
develop on neutral and alkaline soils. It is important to ensure
plot good drainage – garden blueberries will not tolerate
marshiness You can acidify the soil with lemon or
oxalic acid – 3 tsp per bucket of water.

When preparing the planting holes should be created for seedlings
optimal growth conditions:

• Prepare a pit with a size of 60 * 60 cm and a depth of 50-60 cm.
Loosen the walls and bottom of the well a little to ensure a good
removal of excess moisture.

• Pour nutrient “substrate” in the pit – 40-60 g of sulfur, peat,
sawdust, shavings, needles, sand.

• Stir and compact the mixture.

Blueberry pit

Do not add manure or ash to the landing pit – they are blueberries
contraindicated! The distance between the bushes – 0.7-1.2 m.

Planting blueberry seedlings

Not all gardeners dare to grow blueberries from seeds –
there are great risks that the planting material will not rise. This
the technique is more often used in specialized nurseries
breeders. For a beginner, another option is more suitable –
planting blueberry seedlings.

Buy seedlings or from experienced gardeners who have blueberries
not the first year gives good yields, either in nurseries. Pay
attention to the planting material itself – there should be no traces on it
diseases and damage by insects. Well take root copies with
closed root system – in containers or pots. Already selected
suitable seedling? Now proceed to correct it

Blueberry seedling ready for planting on open ground

Preferred spring planting blueberries. Works can
exercise in the summer, but the risks are increasing that before
frost, sapling will not have time to take root. Landing pattern

• Lower the container with the tree right before disembarking by 10-15
min in the water.

• Gently, in order not to damage the roots, mash a layer of substrate in
which sold the sapling. If the roots tightly covered the ground,
try to straighten them.

• Plant the soil into the ground by 5-7 cm. You can focus on
the level to which he was put in the pot.

• Water the soil and grumble the ground. Better for
этих целей использовать sawdust.

Landing pattern голубики

Next, provide blueberry care so that it develops normally.
— растение отблагодарит вас обильными урожаями полезных berries

How to care for blueberries?

Care за голубикой практически не отличается от правил
growing many other garden crops. Compliance is important
the following conditions:

Полив. Moisten pristvolny circles
caution – the bay is not allowed. If the water in the area will be
stagnate more than 2 days, the bush may die. Regular
watering is especially important during flowering and ripening

Подкормки. When will be 2 weeks after
planting seedlings, feed the bush with minerals (phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen
in the ratio of 2: 1: 1). After fertilizer pristvolny circles need
to water. Starting next season, feed in April and June.
Organic is better not to abuse!

Рыхление. 2-3 times per season required
Knead the soil under blueberries. Weeding depth – 6-9 cm. Frequent
processing of beds for the care of the plant is not needed – so you can
damage the roots.

Мульчирование. A layer of mulch – 12 cm. It
protects blueberries from overheating in extreme heat and frostbite
in the winter. As mulch you can use sawdust, peat, pine needles or
oak leaves. Often it is not necessary to update the “protective layer” – 1-2 times
for the season will be quite enough.

Обрезка. Forming trim start with
sixth year. Dead branches need to be removed – they are taken from
plants are all nutrients. Pruning is done at the beginning of winter.
and in the spring. On bushes leave 4 fruit-bearing branches and 4
young escape. It is better to remove the lower growth completely in order not to
allow thickening of landings and development of fungal

Blueberry pruning

If in winter the temperature does not fall below -23 … -25 ˚C, bushes
blueberries can not additionally cover. In the north for shelter
Nonwoven fabric or sawdust layer is used.

One way to hide a blueberry

Blueberry breeding methods

If the blueberry is well caught on your site, you can settle
here are some more specimens using planting material from
parent plant. In this case, all the properties of the plant will be transferred
new bush Ways such:

Черенки. This is the best option showing
good survival rate. Gardeners start harvesting
одревесневших побегов в конце осени или уже in the winter. Material
wrapped in a bag and stored until the start of the season in a cool dark
place In April, you need to get shoots and cut them into cuttings –
up to 20 cm long, with an oblique lower cut and a straight upper cut.
Planting material rooted in the substrate – sand and peat (1: 1).
Planting can be carried out in a container or in a covered greenhouse. Care
easy – watering several times a week. The stalk is planted in
ground in September-October.

Rooting cuttings

Отводки. Reproduction by this method
start when the branches are already falling asleep. Lower shoots of plants
bend down and sink into the nutrient substrate – sand, peat,
sawdust. From above, they need to cover with a film to prevent
dying away. Layers from the bush for transplanting to a permanent place
separated next year in the spring. This term, if the root
the system did not have time to reach sufficient size
is increased.

Reproduction blueberry layering

How to protect blueberries from diseases and pests?

Damage to blueberry diseases and pest attacks
better to prevent than to solve the problems.
Take care of preventive measures. That’s what
Experienced gardeners advise:

• In early spring, a general eradication treatment can be carried out –
spraying 1% polycarbacil solution, 1% bordeaux

• As soon as the greens appear on the branches, 3 times with an interval of
7-10 days sprinkle the plants with a 0.2% solution of some

• Process the same fungicide after collecting the plant

• Before hibernating blueberries do not hurt to spend another
eradicating treatment.

Blueberries, if all agricultural practices are observed, rarely get sick.
But even experienced gardeners are not immune from mistakes. Bushes
The following diseases can affect:

Рак стебля. The disease is caused by a fungus. On
The branches first form brown-red specks. Little by little they
increase in size, hitting all the branches and leaves – it can
lead to their complete extinction. This is why it is so important to react.
during. To prevent the appearance of fungus on plantings, blueberries
do not plant close to each other and do not allow waterlogging
soil. To combat stem cancer, treat the plant.
topsin solution or euparine – it may take several
spraying. Remove damaged stems from the bush and burn.

Gray rot. Causative agent –
a fungus that affects all parts of the plant. Microorganisms
spread from the top of the bush to its base. Gray rot
characterized by the appearance on the leaves, shoots and fruits of reddish
blemishes with time. The fungus can survive the winter in the ground –
if you do not start the fight with the disease in the current season, it will continue
until next. Helps cope with gray spray spraying
Bordeaux liquid – 2-3 times with an interval of 7-10 days.

Gray rot on blueberries

Монилиоз плодов. Fungal disease
hitting all parts of blueberry. It manifests itself by drying up the berries,
branches, leaves and flowers. You can cope with the disease Bordeaux
fluid. Be sure to cut off the damaged shoots. Fruits with
affected branches is better not to eat.

Физалоспороз. The disease is formed on
young branches – usually towards the end of summer. At first
small reddish spots appear on the branches that
The next season “outgrow” into wide wounds. Cut damaged
parts of the plant does not greatly affect the spread of fizalosporoza.
Better after harvesting, sprinkle blueberry topsin, Bordeaux
liquid or fundozol.

Белая пятнистость листьев. On листочках
blueberries appear many fine spots of white, greyish or
brown color. Damaged leaves fall off over time, which
affects the fruiting bush. Collect and burn foliage,
so that the disease does not spread to the neighboring plantings, change the mulch.
Bordeaux will help in the fight against white leaf spot

Of viral diseases, blueberries in the garden can
поражать нитчатость ветвей, некротическая пятнистость,
mosaic, red ring spot.
With such
�It is very difficult to fight against “misfortunes” – as a rule,
completely remove the plant from the beds so that the disease does not
spread to neighboring cultures.

Onсекомые-вредители голубику не очень жалуют, что для садовода
will be a big advantage.

Следите, чтобы в листве не прятались гусеницы соснового
. They eat leaves and buds on shoots,
braid branches with their webs, thereby reducing productivity

Вред могут нанести тля и щитовка. If manual
collecting insect pests does not result, you can use
chemicals Опрыскивания проводите лучше после сбора berries
Use quality tools, as this is a fruit bush.

А вот птицы полакомиться голубикой очень любят.
Near landings, you can put scarecrows or fence the beds with a grid.
It will also be effective to hang shiny ribbons along the branches of the blueberry.
– reflections from them will scare the birds.

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