Black currant: autumn planting berries. howcorrectly carry out planting currants in the fall than filllanding pit

Чт, 06 окт 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Autumn is a good time to replenish the garden with berries.
crops and fruit trees.

Planting blackcurrant bushes in the fall is not
the exception.

This is the best time to adapt plants.

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Terms of planting black currant in autumn

To determine the time of planting shrubs in the fall is quite difficult
After all, there are no exact dates for all regions. Here you need to navigate
on the local climate where the currants will be grown.

In the northern regions of Russia, planting berries begins with
end of August, and in southern latitudes it is possible to delay this until
October The main factor determining the landing period is
weather. Planting seedlings too early leads to vigorous growth.
young shoots, which is unacceptable in the autumn. But the belated
planting and freezing will destroy the bushes that have not yet had time
take root.

It is important to finish all planting work in the garden for
a month before the expected frosts. Then all blackcurrant
the bushes will start well and in spring they will begin to grow.

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If the planting material is purchased too late or the weather is not
allows you to land, it is necessary to save
seedlings until spring. how это сделать?

Experienced gardeners advise prikopat bushes until spring in
horizontal position. And already in the early spring to land on
pre-prepared garden beds. Before planting seedlings
immersed in water so that the root system is well soaked

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Much if not all depends on the chosen planting material.
Therefore, the purchase of seedlings must be approached responsibly.

1. The best for planting are annual seedlings that
have one or more shoots.

2. The root system of lobe bushes in appearance, with a lot
small roots. In older seedlings, the root system has
another building.

3. Healthy seedlings should be free from damage.

Buying biennial seedlings need to remember that they are worse
take root, but the currant is quite a hardy culture, so
take care of proper fit.

Choosing a place for currants

Some gardeners claim that currants can grow on
any soil and in every corner of the garden. It will grow, but it will give
Is the harvest? Therefore, choose a suitable place for currants. Because
shrub refers to moisture-loving, then suitable for its cultivation
lowland areas, but not waterlogged. Groundwater should not
close to the ground surface.

For full development and good harvest place for the berry
pick up well lit. Planting bushes in the penumbra leads to
yield reduction. Another currant does not like drafts, so better
for her to take a place along the fence or between the fruit

Soil preparation for planting

The pledge of a good harvest of black currant is not only in the right
planting, but also in well-prepared soil. Land under
blackcurrant bushes are prepared in advance.

It is best to grow berries on fertile soils. Place under
the future bed is cleared of weeds and fertilized. About
a month before the intended landing contribute organic and mineral

• Compost or humus – 5 kg per 1 sq. Km. meter

• Superphosphate – 50 gr;

• Potassium sulfate – 25 gr.

The prepared area is dug up on a spade bayonet, not deeper
required, since the root system of the currant is shallow.

Organic matter is not always available for summer resident, in this case
apply mineral fertilizers that are added to the well when
landing. In this case, nitrogen complexes do not use, and leave them
for spring application.

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For the autumn planting of black currant to be successful, you need
correctly prepare the hole and position the seedling.

Important! When planting shrubs root
the neck is deepened 10 cm into the ground.

This method of planting allows the seedling to quickly adapt and
build up enough root system for good growth.

Holes or trenches for planting dig shallow, up to 20-25
see. The bottom of each is filled with mature compost or manure. Seedling
set in the hole and covered with fertile soil.

Technology of planting black currant in the fall + photo

The technology of planting black currant is nothing complicated, but
One point must be considered – what kind of shrub is grown in
the garden. On this depends on the method of landing.

Ordinary varieties of currants are planted at an angle of 45
degrees In which direction the sapling will be tilted is not so important
главное соблюдать угол наклона при landing. Spring young shoots
begin to grow from the root, and the bush will gradually grow in breadth.
Nutrients are evenly distributed throughout

Standard varieties of black currant when planting set
vertically, which further facilitates the care of the shrub. Right away
after completion of the procedure carry out pruning. Every branch
shortened at the level of 4-5 buds. Despite the fact that the trim was
held in the fall, seedlings will take root well. The fact is that
autumn pruning of seedlings helps the shrub to grow
additional roots, and in the spring will go strong shoots. Not worth it
neglect pruning, otherwise the root system will remain weak, which
will affect the yield.

Tips for planting black currants in the fall

1. After planting seedlings, it is desirable to mulch the soil.
organic matter. This will retain the necessary moisture at the roots, as well as
will serve as a shelter from frost.

2. If the groundwater level passes close to the roots, then
it is advisable to drain the holes before currant planting.

3. The distance between the bushes depends on the type and size.
currants. how правило, оставляют от 1 до 1,5 meterов друг от

4. The berry belongs to frost-resistant plants, but in the period
spring frosts can affect the kidneys, which will affect the yield.
Currants during this period are well watered and covered.

5. Experienced gardeners are advised to add wood ash when
planting seedlings, which is an additional power.

6. In order not to blur the ground and not to bare the root neck, around
bush do holes for watering.

7. Cultivation on the site of different varieties of currants significantly
raises productivity. The fact is that происходит перекрестное
pollination, which affects the number of berries.

8. Осенью под кустарник вносят органические fertilizer. it
due to the fact that organic will begin to decompose only after 5-6
months, therefore, nutrients to the roots of the plant
will arrive only in the spring. Make organic need small
in portions.

9. For autumn mulching apply peat, straw, humus
or sphagnum moss.

Black currant is a very useful berry, fragrant and vitamin.
Ее выращивают в каждом the garden. With the right approach to landing and
care, you can collect a bucket of berries with one bush. Currant starts
bear fruit in the second year of cultivation and continues to give good
harvest up to 15 years.

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