Beer and wine – the benefits and harm

If you like beer, then choose light and light – not stronger than 4.5
degrees And watch the date of production: beer can also
get poisoned. A moderate dose of frothy drink is not terrible, but important
remember that the calorie beer approaches milk (after all, you
unlikely to drink a hearty lunch with a liter of milk).

Plus, like any diuretic, beer washes away potassium from the body and
magnesium, which are already lacking in people with weak hearts. AND,
Finally, in the beer a lot of plant estrogen – women’s analogues
sex hormones, the excess of which violates the hormonal balance
both in men and women.


A liter of wine contains 1.5 – 2.5 g of minerals – that’s enough,
to restore the salt balance of the body. The composition depends on
growing places of grapes – for example, in wines from Abrau-Durso
many useful for rubidium vessels. But the most important thing is
antioxidant polyphenols. In a liter of white wine, 1.2 g of them, red –
целых 3 г. Wineтерапевты (есть такая профессия, представляете)
recommend core drinkers a day to drink a couple of glasses of cabernet or
merlot. For hypertension, white dry wines are good, by a quarter
diluted with mineral water, and with vitamin deficiency – 100 g of Cahors after a meal
or a glass of burgundy during the meal is the thing.

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