Barley diet

yachnevaya-dietaBarley diet невероятно полезна для вашего
organism, due to the fact that, unlike pearl barley,
made from whole grain barley, just chopped.

It therefore contains all the necessary nutrients: proteins,
amino acids, carbohydrates, vegetable fats, vitamins and
trace elements.


The benefits of barley diet

Glycemic index

Glycemic index (ГИ) показывает, насколько продукты,
containing carbohydrates, increase blood sugar levels.
Carbohydrate-containing products may have a high GI rating (70 and
more), medium GI (56-69) and low GI (55 and less).

High GI foods increase blood glucose levels.
more than food with medium or low GI. Barley is considered food with
low gi.


Barley diet является отличным источником клетчатки и содержит
soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber effective
in lowering blood cholesterol, thereby eliminating the risk
development of heart disease. Soluble fiber is also helpful.
to slow sugar absorption and reduce the risk of
type 2 diabetes.

Insoluble fiber found in barley may be
useful for maintaining basic intestinal regulatory functions.
Insoluble fiber can also reduce the risk of developing
Certain types of cancer, such as colon cancer

Healthy nutrition experts recommend eating from 20 to 35
gr. fiber (including soluble and insoluble) each
day. To do this, you need to eat a lot of crops, fruits and
vegetables that are considered excellent sources of fiber. AT
In particular, eat about 2 cups of fruit, 2 cups of vegetables, and
крайней мере, 6 порций продуктов из цельного зерна каждый day.

ATитамины и минералы

Barley diet содержит ряд витаминов и минералов, включая ниацин
(витамин AT3), тиамин (витамин AT1), селен, железо, магний, цинк,


Barley diet богата на антиоксиданты, которые имеют большое
value for maintaining good health. AT частности,
antioxidants are needed to slow down the rate of oxidative
cell damage, collect free radicals that are formed
during cell use of oxygen.


Barley contains phytochemicals that are
natural plant chemicals.

Studies show that phytochemicals can
reduce the risk of certain diseases such as heart disease,
diabetes and cancer.

Barley diet против диабета

Type 2 diabetes in the modern world suffers a large number
people. Experts remind us that this disease can
control and even prevent.

This is a matter of creating some simple but important image rules.
life, including weight loss, increased physical activity and
including consumption of whole grains, with a high content
fiber such as barley in your daily diet.

Barley diet rules

  • half an hour before each meal, start with a glass of clean
    spring water;
  • The following foods should be excluded from your diet.
    food: pastry and flour products, meat, fish, eggs, milk,
  • besides barley porridge it is allowed to eat fruits, vegetables, and drink
    non-fat kefir, coffee and green tea.

How to cook barley porridge:

Barley grits in a saucepan mixed with clean water in the ratio
1: 2 (one part cereal, two parts water) and bring to a boil.
When the porridge thickens a little, remove the pan from the heat and wrap
40-50 minutes to full preparation. ATо время варки нельзя
use salt and butter.

Sample menu barley diet for the day:

Barley diet относится к низкокалорийным монодиетам и дает вам
the ability to throw about 3-4 kilograms in one week.

  • Breakfast: a portion of porridge cooked on the water without use
    oil, banana and a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  • Lunch: a portion of porridge cooked in water without use
    oils and fresh vegetable salad.
  • Tea time: one orange.
  • Dinner: a portion of porridge cooked in water without use
    oil and a glass of low-fat kefir.

Although the barley diet is well tolerated by the body, but
experts recommend repeating the diet no earlier than after one
month. Удачи ATам!

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