Balanced Vegetarian Diet

  • 1 Vegetarian diet for losing 10 kg
    • 1.1 Rules and orientation of the diet
    • 1.2 Diet and weekly menus
  • 2 The most delicious recipes

People are always looking for something new and nutrition is no exception. Alone
are in search of just such a diet, which led
to their health and longevity. Others are willing to eat what and how
please, if only to achieve the main goal – weight loss.

There is a diet that will help both those and others – this
vegetarian diet! It contains healthy foods.
promoting slimming and healing. Lose weight on this diet
judging by the reviews, it is possible for a month about 10 kg!


Vegetarian diet for weight loss 10 kg

ATегетарианская диета для slimming на 10кг предполагает
rejection of meat and meat products.
Strict diet rules out
from food to fish, eggs and dairy products.

When losing weight, the use of bakery products is excluded,
sweets, coffee drinks and fast foods. With a vegetarian diet
sweets will completely replace dried fruits, and coffee and teas will be herbal and
freshly squeezed juices.

The benefits of a vegetarian diet for weight loss:

  • general well-being improves, there is a surge of strength and
  • overweight goes away and pressure returns to normal;
  • reduced blood sugar.

ATегетарианскую диету для slimming на 10 кг называют
иногда Кремлевской диетой
. Main
отличие заключается в том, что из меню нужно
completely exclude meat.

ATремя диеты – от двух до восьми недель. AT
the first two weeks gradually move on to a “non-meat” diet.
A sharp rejection of meat will only bring stress and harm to

Постепенное исключение из пищи мяса, колбас и
meat semi-finished products – will help to hold out for several weeks without

The best time for a vegetarian diet is to
— летне-осенний период. The result of this power
fast and efficient. Already the first few days to lose a couple
kilograms and achieve the desired result of losing weight.

Rules and orientation of the diet

The rules of a balanced vegetarian diet for weight loss
are as follows:

Balanced menu

Do not mindlessly refuse products with content
animal proteins. The main principle of the diet – its balance!
It is necessary to include in the menu those foods of vegetable
of origin, which replenish all trace elements and amino acids,
contained in meat and dairy products.

The main list of substitute products for
vegetarian diet:

  • protein – a substitute for animal protein – soy
    products, legumes, grains, nuts, seeds, germinated grains
    wheat and buckwheat;
  • fats – can be obtained from flaxseed oil, dark green leafy
    vegetables, sesame, walnuts, soy;
  • calcium – found in all types of cabbage, celery, hazelnuts,
    almond, soy milk, sesame;
  • iron – dried fruits, persimmon, apples, strawberries, rosehip broth,
  • vitamins – found in all vegetables and fruits.

Slimming regimen

For the effectiveness of the diet, you must comply with its regime. Morning
it is better to start the fruit, and finish the day – vegetables. Meal
after six in the evening – a taboo for any diet. Consume big
the amount of water is at least two liters per day.

ATредные вкусовые привычки

At the time of the diet – forget about sweets, carbonated drinks and
fast food. Food is acceptable: raw or stewed.

Diet and menu for the week

Before applying a vegetarian diet, you need to familiarize yourself with
rules of nutrition and an exemplary menu for the day or week.

AT рационе должны присутствовать рецепты овощных салатов, овощные
soups, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices. Eat better fractional.
5 times a day. Do not overeat. Drink more food.

ATегетарианская диета меню на неделю:


  1. Morning: безмолочная овсянка + травяной чай + средний банан;
  2. Day: vegetarian soup without meat;
  3. Snack: dried fruits;
  4. ATечер: тушеные или свежие овощные продукты.


  1. Morning: безмолочная гречка + отвар шиповника + груша;
  2. Day: vegetarian soup without meat;
  3. Snack: fruit smoothie;
  4. ATечер: тушеная капуста с соевым мясом.


  1. Dairy-free porridge + herbal tea + apple;
  2. ATегетарианский овощной суп;
  3. Fresh juice;
  4. A fresh vegetable salad.


  1. Muesli with soy yogurt + dogrose broth + medium banana;
  2. ATегетарианская солянка;
  3. Berries;
  4. Wheat porridge with dried fruits.


  1. Dairy-free buckwheat + herbal tea + pear;
  2. ATегетарианский борщ без мяса + тарелка свежих овощей;
  3. Almond milk cocktail with banana;
  4. Steamed vegetable products.


  1. Oatmeal with soy milk + apple;
  2. ATегетарианские щи без мяса;
  3. Fresh juice;
  4. Germinated buckwheat with dried fruit.


  1. Dairy-free porridge + dogrose infusion + medium banana;
  2. ATегетарианский овощной суп;
  3. Green smoothie;
  4. A fresh vegetable salad.

The most satisfying should be lunch. But do not overload it. If you
accustomed to using soups for lunch, the second course should be
raw vegetables.

The body is losing weight is not yet accustomed to such “loads”
therefore, breakfast should be diluted with cereal or cereal. Do not forget
about afternoon tea. It should be light in the form of a snack. Dinner should
consist from raw or stewed foods. Again for a couple of days
Leave the germinated porridge and add soy meat.

The most delicious recipes

The most delicious recipes вегетарианской диеты – это блюда,
made from healthy products, energizing the whole

Let’s start with the soups. ATсе рецепты супов: овощной, борщ или щи
готовятся как обычные супы, но без meat

Vegetarian soup recipe

ATегетарианская солянка

Что касается рецепта вегетарианской солянки, то
here the “hero of the day” is mushrooms that replace smoked meat and meat.
It will be enough to four hundred grams of any mushrooms, but it is better to give
preference salted and pickled mushrooms.

For the soup will need:

  • one carrot
  • about five potatoes
  • Bell pepper
  • onion head
  • salted cucumbers
  • olives and lemon

ATсе это добавляем по вкусу. Also for taste you can add
tomato paste or regular tomato.

Способ приготовления:

  1. Chopped mushrooms with onions fry over low heat.
  2. Add tomato paste or tomato.
  3. The mixture is poured into hot water, where we add all the vegetables.
  4. If necessary, add salt and spices and cook after boiling
    within 15 minutes.
  5. Two minutes before the end of cooking add olives and lemon.

Recipe for sprouts buckwheat porridge

Пророщенная гречка

AT качестве рецепта каши для slimming предлагаем
пророщенную гречку, не требующую варки. For one
portions of porridge we need 100 grams of green buckwheat. Its necessary
sprout beforehand.

Cooking method:

  1. Buckwheat leave for several hours in cold water.
  2. After that, the grits need to be well washed and placed in a wet
    a rag for 12 hours.
  3. AT течение этого времени должны появиться небольшие ростки.
  4. ATсе, гречка готова к употреблению.
  5. Again, wash it well and add cabbage and greens.

Nutritious cocktail to the afternoon


Рецепт вкуснейшего коктейля из миндального молока и

Cooking method:

  • 100 g pre-soaked almonds.
  • From the last we will make milk.
  • To do this, we dilute the nuts with 200 ml of water and grind into
  • Strain the mixture and add as much to the resulting milk.
    same water.
  • Run the blender again.
  • AT полученное молоко добавляем банан и ложку меда.
  • You can dilute the cocktail with any berries.


Smoothies are vegetables blended to thick in a blender,
fruits and berries. AT меню предложены фруктовые и зеленые (на основе
green vegetables and greens) smoothie recipes.

Slimming Smoothie Recipes:

Strawberry smoothie

Strawberry smoothie
  • 100 мл апельсинового сока смешать с таким же объемом йогурта и
    add 10 strawberries.

Смузи из киви (вариация зеленого смузи) для

Смузи из киви
  • Понадобятся 4 шт киви, 100 гр петрушки, листовой салат, банан и
    100 grams of water. To make a smoothie, you need a blender using
    which will mix all the ingredients.

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