Azalea: care and cultivation of home beauty.How to grow azalea at home, so that itblossomed

Ср, 23 мар 2016 Автор: Светлаon Абрамова

Azalea is an evergreen and blooming plant, capricious and
requiring considerable effort to grow it at home.

This unusual beauty flower requires special care.

In its natural habitat, the climate is quite
cool, the temperature during flowering does not exceed 12 degrees, with
high humidity.

In residential premises, it is very difficult to achieve such conditions, but
is quite real.


Propagation of azaleas at home

Having obtained such a beautiful, sooner or later, many flower growers,
even beginners, there is a desire to purchase one more. And often
I want to grow it myself. But how to propagate correctly
such a capricious flower, while not harming him?

There are several methods for breeding azaleas:


This method is considered the most difficult, because of what – not much
common among gardeners. Deciding to grow an azalea from
seed, be prepared that most may not germinate. But
most importantly do not forget to create the necessary conditions for it.

Before sowing it is necessary to choose the right soil. You can
purchase ready, but it may contain insufficient
the amount of nutrients needed by the flower. therefore
We offer you to build the ground. To do this, take the peat,
sand and coniferous land. Make sure the soil turns out.
loose, and it does not stagnate water. Seeds need not be sown
deep, almost on the surface. Then cover the pot transparent
film and provide them with proper lighting. This will contribute
better germination.

Делением куста

This method is usually used when the plant reaches the age of
3 – 4 years. At this age, it has already grown enough, and you
do no harm to him. A plant can only be divided if it is
totally great. When dividing, it should also be remembered that the roots
plants are very weak and thin, and you need to be extremely careful,
so as not to hurt them.

Dividing the plant into several parts, plant them in low
pots (they are best suited for a flower, since azalea roots
do not go deep into the ground) and do not forget to feed carefully


This method is the most common, but very troublesome.
It is possible to propagate azalea in such a way only once a year, and at
условии, что растение totally great. Best to do it
in the spring, the cuttings cut during this period perfectly take root.
We prune semi-woody stems (they are perfect for this)
5-9 cm in size. Cut off the three lower leaves on them, leaving only
cuttings of 0.5 cm, the remaining leaves are cut only half. Under
lower kidney make an oblique incision, after which we process the cuttings
with a growth simulator and planted to a depth of 1-3 cm (according to the 4×4 cm scheme).
(The earth is used the same as for the seed). Then cover
planted cuttings film.

At a temperature of 25 ° they will germinate and take root in two months.
As soon as the growth of shoots begins, remove the film, and every day
we spray and pour them with boiled water, the soil should be
constantly wet. After reaching shoots 2-3 centimeters
Replant them in new pots with coniferous soil. First buds
delete to give the flower to get stronger and gain strength, and after 2-3
months you can begin to form a bush.


For this method any bush is suitable both wild and varietal.
azaleas. On the prepared bush, in the period of active movement of juice
(during this period, an intergrowth is more effective)
incision, as well as on the branch, which will be planted (cut
the stalk from that azalea flower that you want to grow). After that
how to make a cut, insert the cutting into the cut on the bush and tight
wrapping film. Above the plant you need to build a small
greenhouse – it will improve the accretion.

The composition of the soil for growing azaleas at home

Growing azaleas requires an acidic soil. Best of all she
grows in heather land – it is very light, loose and quite
nutritious. Harvest it in dense thickets of heather. But можно
replace it with a mixture of peat and coniferous land (2: 1). Coniferous land –
This is the humus from the fallen needles of pine, spruce, larch, fir. She is
easy and sour, but contains few nutrients.

If you decide to buy ready-made mix in the store, please
attention to the composition and date of packaging. This is an important factor for
further growth of your flower. The soil must be fresh, with
good supplements, not expired and lost all their
properties that will bring harm to the plant, and not benefit. but
be careful, even the necessary ground can be varied,
there is one that is intended for transplantation, and one that is better
used for breeding or sowing seeds. As
top dressing can use pine bark, which will oxidize
ground, and sphagnum moss or charcoal for disinfection
ground. Do not forget about the drainage (about 3 cm of expanded clay), through
it will be displayed extra moisture from the ground.

Watering and moisture azaleas at home

Just purchased a flower, you should immediately check for
watering. The ground in the flower should be wet. In the future, water
the flower is needed from the top, then from the pallet, and sometimes you can even
immerse the pot entirely in a container of water, only
It is impossible to abuse the latter method, otherwise damage the flower. AND
after using the dipping method, the flower should not
water for a long time (at a high temperature of about
a week).

Check when it’s time to water the azalea can be another interesting
in a way. It is necessary to take a pot in hand, and depending on its weight
look, need to be watered or not. If the pot is light – pour,
heavy – no.

Many in the care of a beautiful woman make a common
mistake, believing that the earth should be constantly wet. But это не
So. Your main task is to ensure that the primer is not
dried up. Do not abuse watering so as not to harm

It is necessary to water an azalea only with soft water! For this
insist water for several days or use
filtered, boiled water is also good. To increase
for her humidity, place the flower on a gravel pan or
expanded clay, filled with water. Importantly, do not forget from time to time
wash the stone and check for foreigners who may
onвредить flower

In the heat, you can use a humidifier, that’s when your beauty
will be like in paradise. You can spray it, but not during
flowering – it will ruin the flowers and buds. Also to enhance
humidity, use decorative fountains or place near
containers with water.

Azalea Lighting

These capricious people like bright lighting very much, but only in
no case of direct sunlight. So from the south window
flower should be placed at a distance of at least a meter or close
window paper. If you see that the flower has dry tips or red
stains, so he got burned and the azalea urgently needs to be removed

But in the winter, she, on the contrary, can be very dark, and so that
fix, use extra lighting for example
fluorescent lamps. It is also good to use phytolamps if
the flower is in the greenhouse, as they are harmful to health. But
the safest lighting – fluorescent lights, they will give flowers
the required amount of light and will not bring harm.

Underкормка азалии в домашних условиях

The soil in which azaleas grow well is quickly depleted, therefore
from time to time it needs to be fed to make it better.
grew, and to maintain the life of the flower. But постоянно этого делать не
worth it, you need to know exactly at what periods the plant requires
fertilizer, and when not. For example, in winter the plant is in
state of rest and almost does not grow, so that during this period is not worth
fertilize it and stimulate growth or flowering, it can cause
exhaustion and shorten the life of your pet. But in the spring, when
the flower begins to awaken and prepare for flowering, you need it
fertilize to help get the necessary nutrients.
Azaleas should be fertilized with nitrogen fertilizer at least once a month.
But in the summer, do not be afraid to put your beauty under the storm
in the pouring rain, it will provide all the necessary components for
good growth.

When choosing a dressing carefully, make sure that there is no
chlorine was present (it is poison for the flower that kills the root). Him
oversupply can lead to not very pleasant consequences, so
that make sure he is present in minimal quantities.
In the summer they are well watered with mineral fertilizers, but during
flowering would be nice to use phosphorus and potassium. If during flowering
there is a huge amount of fast-growing shoots, then
must be removed, otherwise they will pull out all the nutrients from
flower, and it will adversely affect flowering.

When it is warm, it’s also good to feed the flowers with trace elements,
iron and magnesium, which are very few in
peat soils. The lack of these substances is reflected in the colors, and
they become stunted, and the leaves become yellowish.
The leaves of a healthy flower are dark green, glossy and with
metal shimmer.

Azalea diseases and pests

Unfortunately, like all other flowers, azalea is very susceptible.
diseases and attracts various pests. And if you consider it
moodiness, then any wrong actions can cause illness

There are such types of diseases and pests:

Паутинный клещ. Small insect red
or yellow color, is under the leaves and feeds on their juices.
After which they turn gray and fall off.

Control measures. The plant is rubbed with a soapy sponge and washed under
warm shower Spray regularly. Often only these procedures
it is enough that the pests are gone. If the azaleas are very
severely affected by ticks, and regular hydration does not help,
sprayed you can use neoron, it kills even the larvae

Рододендроновый клоп. Face him more often
Total. This insect is about 4 mm long, it leaves on
листочках маленькие бесцветные пятon, а вот под листьями
breeds by laying eggs.

Бороздчатый долгоносик. This beetle is impossible
не заметить, так как его длиon достигает до 10 мм, сам он чёрного
colors. He eats the entire top of the flower, and his larvae also harm
to the root.

Мучнистый червец. Tiny pest up to 4
mm tall and very prolific. Обычно его можно onйти on жилках
или в почках и бутоonх. Can be determined by the curvature of the leaves and

Control measures. To wipe a plant a soapy sponge and to wash under
warm shower Spray regularly. With a very strong defeat
растение можно опрыскать 0,15% раствором актеллика (1-2 мл on литр

Слизень пашенный. It feeds on young leaves
plants. Able to destroy it in a few days.

Чёрный трипс. Black flies that are
feed on the leaves, you can understand their presence by the fact that the leaf
onчиonет желтеть. ANDз-за них происходит уродливость цветков.

Рододендроновая муха. She lives under the leaf, her
присутствие можно определить по маленьким светлым пятonм on верхней
side of the sheet.

Оранжерейonя и бобовая тля. Питается on
plant everything that can and diligently leads him to death.

Также выделяют ряд заболеваний, которые негативно отражаются on
all flower For example, root rot. Начиonют отмирать листочки и
the kidneys. The first at the same time curl before falling. She is
develops at very high temperature and humidity.

Многие заболевания отражаются on самом состоянии растения. how
только листья onчиonют менять цвет, растение onчиonет увядать или
новые листья и цветы обретают неправильную форму, или же on них
появляются различные пятon, это говорит о том, что, либо завёлся
pest, or your beauty is sick. For this проверьте её on
onличие onсекомых on ней, и если таковые имеются, то опрысните её
специальными ядами, которые убивают их, но не вредят flower If a
же их нет, то посмотрите, что вы делаете не So.

В большинстве случаев болезни onчиonют развиваться из-за
over-irrigation, overdose with fertilizer or lack of
any substances. So follow the instructions carefully.
fertilizer use, their shelf life, and not
abuse watering and your beauty will grow you in
pleasure and delight you with beautiful lush bloom.

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