August 7: what are the holidays today. Developments,name day and birthdays August 7th.

Sun, 22 May 2016


Holidays August 7

Special Communication and Information Day of the Federal Security Service
Of Russia

In Soviet times, the leader of the Communist Party was in charge of guarding 9
Office of the KGB, then the Federal Security Service. Federal
Government Communications and Information Agency included in
FSO in 2004. The Service’s task is to provide channels
government communications, including presidential, governmental,
diplomatic. Also in her duties included opposition
technical intelligence and state secrets. Higher
organs are provided with communications and technology,
video equipment.


Spins означает последние усилия по работе на жатве, день
last sheaf. The harvest was coming to an end, the harvest throughout the land was removed and
recycled, the remaining sheaf is pressed in complete silence so as not to
scare away the spirits of the field. Across Europe, our ancestors happily celebrated
this holiday, along with Zazhinki – the day of the first sheaf. Antique
customs say that on the field you need to leave a few cut off
ears, to tie them with a ribbon, curl a beard to the god Veles. In that
day they sing songs, arrange a costumed performance. Then
A cheerful feast begins with beef meat – this is forbidden.
Permitted products – porridge, honey, bread and beer, fruit.

Assumption of the Righteous Anna – Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos

In Nazareth of Galilee lived ordinary spouses – Anna and
Joachim, to whom God did not give children until deep old age. All life
they suffered from this and suffered the shame of “beschadiya.”
Some priests believed that childless parents should not
to have rights, but when one of the priests refused gifts to God and
church, Joachim settled alone, considering himself the most sinful
out of people. His wife, in fasting and prayer, begged for a child.
The prayers were heard, and the angel announced to them the birth of a daughter.
The couple met again and indeed, they had a daughter,
which was called Mary. Maria’s parents lived a long life – father
He died at 80, and his mother was at the age of 70.

August 7 in the national calendar

Honoring St. Anne

Mother of Mary and Grandmother of Jesus Christ, God the God Anna
daughter of a priest and lived in Nazareth with her husband.
God blessed them with a child late enough when their parents
almost disappointed in the expectation of happiness. On day 15 after birth
the daughter was called Mary. Summer Anna, nevertheless, was considered
winter girl, so the signs on this day will tell us
what will be the coming winter. If August 7th is cold
morning performances – you should expect a cold winter with frost. Weather after
Dinner tells what the weather will be after December. If goes
rain – the winter will be more warm and snowy. Worth evaluating and acting
ants – a sharp increase in anthills suggests a hundred winter
will be harsh. AT Of Russia на Анну начинали копать картофель — это
was the main dish of our ancestors after the potatoes got into
our country. The potato dishes were cooked a lot – pancakes,
pies and pies with stuffing, stuffed potatoes and

Significant historical events of August 7

7 августа 1565 г. — начало работ по изданию
�”The Chasovnik” by Russian pioneer printers Ivan Fedorov and his
Assistant Peter Mstislavtsom This was the second dated book of
Russian printed. In late September, the work was completed. AT
The collection collected daily prayers that used
when teaching literacy. It was sold out very quickly, and soon the edition
It was released a few more times. AT наше время сохранились
six copies, and one copy of the first edition is stored in
Russian National Library. This is a real monument
printing business – a great sample book with beautiful uppercase
letters, clear beautiful font. Ivan Fedorov is famous not only
publishing books – he cast guns, was the inventor of weapons –
разработал первую многоствольную мортиру.7 августа 1720
– победа русского флота над шведской эскадрой у
Islands Grengam commanded the Russian rowing fleet Mikhail Golitsyn,
Swedish squadron – Vice Admiral Sheblat. ATначале сражения наши
galleys were fired and forced to retreat to the shallow waters
where they were able to achieve as a result of excellent maneuverability
benefits and go to the counterattack. Four Swedish frigates were
captured in melee attacks, the rest of the ships had to
retreat. Victory in this battle ensured the strengthening of the Russian
армии на востоке Балтики и дало Of Russia окончательное преимущество
before sweden. 7 августа 1870 года — было написано
famous poem “I met you …” Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev
dedicated it to Baroness Krudener, who at that time turned
62 years. The poet himself was 66 years old. They have not seen more than half a century,
and lived their lives with other people – Amalia with Baron von
Kryunder, and Tyutchev with Eleonora Peterson. Love of his youth
appeared at the bedside of a poet broken by paralysis. They watched friend
on the friend without saying a word. Written poem was
set to music and became a favorite folk romance. 7
августа 1899 года
— повторный суд подтвердил приговор
French captain Alfred Dreyfuss – life imprisonment.
A Jew accused of espionage, Dreyfus did not admit guilt, and although
there was no substantial evidence, the court decided against
him Buttons and signs were cut from the uniform right on the parade ground. is he
he went under cries and curses, but shouted his innocence.
Repeated sentence was delivered by anti-semitic judges
Jew Dreyfus with little or no consideration, despite the lack of
evidence. And only the intervention of Emile Zola led to
holding another court where the case was reviewed, the officer
justified and subsequently awarded the Order.

Born August 7

София Ротару (1947 год ) – советская,
Russian, Ukrainian and Moldavian singerSofia Mikhailovna Rotaru
swarming in Ukraine in a large agricultural family
workers. is heа всю свою жизнь посвятила музыке и песне, и сегодня
continues his touring and concert activities. Favorite
the people of the singer has many titles and regalia, starred in
several musical films became the winner of many
фестивалей и песенных конкурсов.Шарлиз Террон
(1975) – American film actress Charlize in her youth was engaged in
ballet, but from the career of a ballerina she had to give up. Her family
the story is rather vague – the mother shot her father in self-defense.
The first glory came to her after working with Al Pacino on the film
�”Devil’s Advocate”. AT арсенале актрисы было уже несколько ролей. But
it was this film that gave her a pass to the world of big cinema.
�”Rules of winemakers”, “Astronaut’s wife” “Eon Flaks” – the most
известные фильмы .ATалерий Газзаев (1954 год) –
российский футболист, тренер молодежной сборной и сборной Of Russia.
During his football career, he scored 89 goals in 283 held
matches, participated in the USSR national team, scored 4 goals. Since 1986
worked as a coach. For a great contribution to the development of domestic
football, he was awarded the Order of Friendship, Order of Honor, became
President of the football club “Alania”.

Name Day August 7

Name day this day is celebrated Alexander, Anna, Iraida,

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