August 16: what are the holidays today. Developments,name day and birthdays August 16th.

Sat, 28 May 2016


Holidays August 16

Siena Palio – horse racing in Siena

Siena – the oldest city in Italy, a monument of culture and architecture.
The tradition of racing in this city originated in the middle
century, when Siena was the capital of the Republic of Siena. On the main
square riders compete twice a year from ten districts of the city,
dressed in costumes of the traditional color of their contrades. They have to
to overcome a distance of about a kilometer on a bare horse.
Palio, held on August 16, has a name in honor of the Ascension
Virgin – Palio dell’Assunta. It is unknown whether the Siena
horse racing is so popular in the Middle Ages, but today, twice a year in
Italy attracts many tourists specifically to
See this noisy and world famous spectacle.

Holiday Amertata

Amertat is the patron saint of the plant kingdom, and
personifies infinity and immortality. It is believed that the water in this
the day becomes “alive”, is filled and fills with vitality,
inspires creativity. The celebration begins with the first
sun rays that rejuvenate and heal people. AT
holiday Amertata try to do something with their own hands, and all
waste is left with footprints in the sand. AT этот день традиционно
19 lights are lit.

Riga City Day

AT первый праздничный день старая Рига наполнена звуками колоколов,
and along the streets of the city at night is the OKarte race, which unites
lovers of creative and active recreation. AT забеге могут
participate absolutely everyone, the length of the track is four
and a half kilometer. On the second day a huge table is served
the waterfront. Salsa and Argentinian dancers perform on stage

Elvis Presley Memorial Day

Traditionally the Memorial Day of a famous singer and musician, as well
karate, taking place in memphis. Thousands of fans of his talent
annually come to the American city for the week of the king’s memory
rock and roll. AT программу празднования входит множество мероприятий,
including a karate tournament in which great players take part
champions who personally knew Elvis Presley. The tournament lasts three days.

Dresden City Day

Day of the city of Dresden is celebrated by wide mass celebrations.
relatively recently – since 1998. This city is one
from the main industrial centers of Germany. Celebrations are held in
for three days. The center of the holiday is, as a rule,
Theater Square, where grandiose are organized
concerts Fireworks, festive parade and parade of steamboats –
mandatory elements of the holiday.

Folk calendar August 16

Антон ATихровей

Memorial Day of Anatoly Roman – Orthodox Russian saint. On
Rus on Anton brave people “guarded whirlwinds” at intersections. With
the appearance of a whirlwind sticking a knife into it, while holding the head of a rooster.
After that, interrogated the whirlwind about the weather in winter. Weather predicted
and without this rite. If Antonov was a windy day, then winter
expected snow and frosty. AT садах и лесах в этот день бывало
a lot of raspberries, so the holiday was also called Malinnik. Raspberry with
ancient times was associated with a very pleasant and desirable. On
Anton is not accepted to arrange cleaning. It was believed, if you clean the house,
then the whole year and in your wallet will be clean.

August 16 in history

Designed and approved by Dawes Plan

AT 1924 году разработан и утвержден план для Германии,
providing continuation of compensation payments to the powers that have
victory in the First World War. Also this plan facilitated
America’s capital penetration into Germany in order to capture key
branches of its economy. The document was aimed at strengthening
political and economic position of German imperialism, and
also on the restoration of military and industrial potential.
The implementation of the plan, according to the calculations of its authors, was to create
anti-Soviet coalition of the imperialist powers.

Foundation of the International Academy of Astronautics

AT 1960 году была основана академия астронавтики. The initiator of her
the creation was a professor, famous scientist Theodore von Karman. On
Today, members of the academy are professors and scientists from
65 countries of the world. The organization has set itself the objectives of development.
astronautics solely for peaceful purposes, supporting individual
scientists working in the field of astronautics, conducting international
cooperation programs.

ATступила в силу Конвенция о контроле над психотропными

AT 1971 году в ATене прошла конференция, инициированная Организацией
United Nations, which approved the Convention on the Control of
psychotropic substances. It was signed by about 160 states,
including the USSR. On August 16, 1994, the document entered into force.
The Convention also provides for measures against data abuse.
substances, указывает на необходимость реабилитации наркоманов.
The essence of the convention is the four lists of substances. it
hallucinogens, stimulating, sedative and hypnotic substances.
These funds are controlled by International
bodies – by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and International
drug control committee.

Were born on August 16

Мадонна (1958 год) – американская певица,
producer, songwriter, dancer, director and screenwriter, actress.
Madonna’s showy and outrageous nature manifested itself back in school.
She began her musician career in 1979 as
drummers in a rock band, then moved to guitar, vocals and start
compose your own materials. Madonna’s first album sold on
worldwide circulation of 19 million copies. Over the years of his
creative activity she tried herself in a variety of
directions and genres, has received many awards, including seven
Grammy Awards and Golden Globe Award for Playing in a Musical
«Эвита».Жан Лабрюйер (1645-1696 гг) – писатель,
moralist satirist in FranceLabruyère was in the aristocratic
circles thanks to the origin, as well as good education. Myself
La Bruyere did not aspire to social life, tried to avoid the palace
events, doing reading and work instead. Seen and
he recorded what he heard in the form of aphorisms, epigrams and portraits,
which were filled with satire and morality. Your notes La Bruyere
offered the publisher almost a joke, and in 1688 was published
his only book entitled “Characters, or Morals
this century. It was reprinted many times in France and was
translated into many European languages. Gabriel
(1845-1921 гг) – лауреат Нобелевской премии,
french physicist. Nobel Prize Lippman received in 1908
for the creation of a photographic technique based on the interference
color reproduction. The main area of ​​his research was
electric field. He is also the author of the theorem of reversibility.
Геннадий Цыганков (1947-2006 гг) – советский
hockey player, Olympic champion. Sports career Tsygankov inspires
respect – he is a two-time champion of the Winter Olympics,
spent 362 matches in the USSR championships, scored 52 goals, playing defense.
Hockey player participated in the legendary series of games between the Soviet
team and north american teams. Onчиная с 2000 года он –
Deputy Director at the Olympic Reserve Sports School.
Colonel Stock.

Name Day August 16

Николай Антон, ATячеслав, Кузьма, Иван, Исаакий

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