Audrey Hepburn – biography, career, personal life,interesting facts, news

Sun, Apr 24, 2016

Audrey Hepburn родилась в Брюсселе (Бельгия) 4
May 1929. In her veins flowed blue blood, as the mother of the actress
was a Dutch baroness, and her father was a rich English banker.
After the divorce of her parents, Audrey Hepburn and her mother left for London,
where she went to a private school for girls. They later returned to
Netherlands. When she and her mother rested in Arnhem, Holland,
Hitler’s army captured the city. She had to go through very
Difficult times during the Nazi occupation. Audrey Hepburn
suffered from depression and malnutrition.


Audrey Hepburn – начало звездной карьеры

After her release, the girl began to attend ballet in London
school, and then began a modeling career. She was very graceful and
It seemed to have found its niche in life, until the time when it was not
noticed film producers. In 1948, Hepburn played episodic
role in the movie “Dutch for seven lessons”, and in 1951
starred in the film “Stories of Young Wives”, where she performed the role of Eva
Leicester. The role was not as much as desired, and she decided
move to America to try your luck there.

Audrey Hepburn – обретение популярности

Audrey Hepburn очень быстрозавоевала популярность после исполнения
one of the main roles in the movie “Roman Holiday” in 1953.
Эта кинолента имела сокрушительный успех и Audrey Hepburn получила
�“Oscar” in the nomination “Best Actress”.

After that, the actress was just bombarded with suggestions about filming in
those or other films. One of the reasons for its popularity was that
she had incredible charm and was more like a fairy than
on the sex goddess of her time. Audrey Hepburn в 1954 году снялась в
the film “Sabrina” and received another nomination from the Academy. AT
In 1957, she perfectly performed her role in the film “Funny
muzzle AT том же году звезда снялась в кинофильме «Любовь после
noon “who also received rave reviews like
film critics and viewers alike. AT 1959 году она получила ещё одну
nomination for a role in the movie “The Story of a Nun.”

Audrey Hepburn – наиболее заметные роли

Audrey Hepburn достигла вершины своей карьеры, когда сыграла Холли
Golightly in a delightful movie “Breakfast at Tiffany” 1961
of the year. For this role, the actress received another Oscar nomination.
The painting “Charade”, shot with her participation in 1963, had a large
commercial success.

Одну из своих самых лучших ролей Audrey Hepburn исполнила в
motion picture “My Fair Lady” in 1964. AT 1967 году она
starred in “Two on the Road” and “Wait until dark.” For the last
received another Oscar nomination.

Then there was a big break in work. You can mark her work in
The Robin and Marian film in 1976 with Sean Connery. It was
попытка Audrey Hepburn вернуться на широкие экраны, но фильм уже не
was received by the audience as warmly as before.

AT 1988 году актриса стала специальным послом ЮНИСЕФ в фонде
United Nations assistance to children in Latin America and
Of Africa. Свою должность она исполняла до 1993 of the year. Audrey Hepburn
was recognized by People magazine as one of the fifty most beautiful
people in the world. AT 1989 году звезда снялась в своём последнем фильме
«ATсегда» Стивена Спилберга, где сыграла роль ангела.

Audrey Hepburn – личная жизнь

На съёмках кинофильма «Сабрина» Audrey Hepburn познакомилась с
William Holden, with whom she started a romantic
relations. The actress wanted to marry him and have children, but
узнав, что муж перенёс вазектомию, разорвала с ним relations.

In the filming of the film “Ondine” in 1954, the actress
met the director and actor Mel Ferrer, before that three
times already been married and having four children. Marry him
the star came out in the same 1954, and a little later gave birth to him
son of sean.

ATскоре они развелись, и Audrey Hepburn вышла замуж за Андреа
Dotti, an Italian psychiatrist who is a complete
the opposite of the former passions of the actress. He was 10 years younger
his wife and had a reputation as a good psychoanalyst. After birth
second son in 1970, who was named Luke, the star moved
to Italy. ATскоре Дотти начал ей изменять, и актриса расторгла этот

Настоящая же любовь пришла к Audrey Hepburn в 50 лет после
dating Dutch actor Robert Waldes. Officially they
never signed, but as claimed by the actress, it is not at all
did not prevent their happiness.

Audrey Hepburn – интересные факты

  • AT 1990 году её именем назвали сорт тюльпанов.
  • Once admitted that in the difficult years of the Nazi occupation
    I tried to bake bread from the grass and ate tulip bulbs.
  • AT своё время пообещала себе, что никогда не будет весить больше
    47 kg. With the exception of pregnancy, she succeeded.
  • ATыкуривала в день по три пачки сигарет.
  • Died on the day Bill Clinton took office as President

Audrey Hepburn — завершение жизни

Audrey Hepburn умерла в Швейцарии 20 января 1993 года от
appendicular cancer. She starred in a total of 31 films.
top quality. Her elegance and style will remain forever in
film history, the actress entered the “Top 100 movie stars of all time” by
Empire Magazine.


Marianna 27.12.2016 Audrey Hepburn: элегантность и искренность.
read in my blog!)) Neo
10/19/2016 I would have included it already in 10, if not in 5.

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