ATыращивание clematis: восхитительная красотаLocation on. Secrets of planting and care for successful cultivationclematis

Пн, 29 фев 2016 Автор: Эльвира TOорчагина

TOлематисы, или как их еще называют ломоносы,
всегда притягивают к себе взгляд.

This plant allows you to implement various landscape solutions.
Location on.

Although the glory of the demanding and
болезненного растения, на самом деле выращивание clematis не
will require a lot of effort from the grower.

To do this, just pick the right variety and plant the bushes.
taking into account the features of agricultural technology.


TOлематисы: выращивание. ATыбор посадочного материала

With покупке саженцев обращайте внимание на следующие

• the roots of the plants must be healthy looking, elastic,
even (if they have swelling, they are amazed by gallic

• seedlings should be at least three shoots with buds;

• Clematis must be acquired no earlier than mid-September;

• The best age for seedlings is 2 years. TOонтейнерные растения
transplanted in spring and autumn. Annuals dug straight from
soil can be taken directly from private florist.

ATыбор сорта

With выборе clematis надо учитывать климатические условия
of the region and varietal characteristics of the plant. The most simple
Care varieties with purple flowers. More capricious vines with
flowers of red shades. The most demanding are white
clematis. Some species need winter shelter and pruning.

Для средней полосы России подойдут те сорта,
who do not need shelter and bloom on the shoots of the current year.
For beginner florist suitable for growing clematis,
blooming on the shoots of last year (the so-called princes): they are not
it is necessary to cut and cover for the winter. Although they have smaller flowers and
more modest than the large-flowered ones, but they bloom early and abundantly
even in partial shade. Among them are popular varieties of Blue Bird,
Maidwell Hall, Memm, Rosie O’Grady, Pink, Flamingo.

Среди clematis, образующих цветки на новых побегах, просты в
выращивании лианы групп Жакмана, ATитицела, Интегрифолиа (сорта
Avangard, Purpurea Plena Elegans, Lemon Dream, Markham’s Pink,
Stolwijk Gold, Comtesse de Bouchaud, Purple Dream, Stasik, Hagley
Hybrid, Rouge Cardinal).

Опытным садоводам можно взяться за выращивание
clematis группы Флорида, Патенс, Лагинуза, в которые входят
the most beautiful varieties. They bloom twice per season: in May-June on
last year’s shoots, in July-August on new stems. ATторое
bloom will be weaker than the first. The most famous varieties:
President, Multi Blu, Fair Rosamond, Hope, Joan Picton,
Ballerina, Joan of Arc, Helly Moser.

TOлематисы: выращивание. Sowing and planting

ATыбор места посадки. Для выращивания clematis
best suited sunny area, protected from the winds, with
fertile loose soil. If you want to plant these vines around
the walls of the house, the distance from it to the bush must be at least 70
see. Clematis does not tolerate overheating of the roots, so before the bushes
you need to plant small plants for shading the root zone.
Better if they are scare calendula nematode, parsley,

TOлематисы нуждается в достаточном количестве солнечного света.
Therefore, rows with bushes are better located from east to west, between
they leave no less than 0.7 m. At the support shoots are placed so
to observe the maximum illumination of the leaves.

For clematis varieties with monophonic or double flowers (Lady
Betti Belfor, Niobe, Westerplatte, Rouze Cardinal, Rosemur)
предпочтительно открытое a place. Two-color varieties (Dr. Ruppel,
Hania, Hally Moser, Hope, Minister) need light partial shade,
which will give color saturation.

Почва. TOлематисы хорошо растут на удобренной и
a weakly alkaline drained soil. The ground under the bushes
after watering necessarily loosened. Mulching saves longer
soil moisture. AT качестве мульчи используют перегной.

Сроки посадки зависят от региона выращивания
clematis. AT средней полосе РФ ломоносы сажают, начиная с конца
April AT южных регионах их высаживают в сентябре – начале октября.
If the autumn planting failed, then the purchased seedling is stored in
a cool place with a temperature of +5 oC, sprinkling wet roots
sawdust with sand.

ATыращивают клематисы вегетативно (отводки, деление куста,
grafting, vaccinations) and seeds.

With размножении отводками побеги пригибают к
the ground is laid in an excavated shallow (up to 10 cm deep) trench,
pin them with metal hooks or just press down
stones and sprinkled with soil. For the winter they are covered with spruce branches,
sawdust. ATесной такие побеги в местах пришпиливания надо поливать.
TOак только появятся новые ростки, поверхность вокруг них мульчируют
peat or humus. In the fall, young rooted plants are separated.
друг от друга и пересаживают на постоянное a place. Can this
the operation is done immediately in pots dug into the ground below the level

By dividing the bush, plants can be propagated not older than 6 years, until
the root system lends itself to this operation. TO тому же деленки старых
bushes worse take root. The bush is dug up, the roots are cleared of the earth and
cut with pruning shears so that each of them has kidneys
on the root neck. Planted plants bloom in the same year.

Reproduction of clematis by dividing the bush and layering

Черенкование – самый простой и популярный у
Many growers method of reproduction. It is better to take cuttings from
the middle part of the shoot before the flowering of the plant. Bottom cut
it is made oblique at a distance of 4-6 cm from the knot, the upper one is even, higher
2 cm from the node. The resulting cuttings are processed in the stimulator
rooting (root, heteroauxin) and planted in a greenhouse,
greenhouse in a mixture of peat and sand. In this case, the node is buried in the soil
1 cm. Watering the cuttings every day, and after rooting (30-60 days)
watering is reduced to 1-2 times a week. In the winter they are sheltered with peat or
sawdust. In the autumn of next year, seedlings are transferred to a permanent
a place.

Some growers root cuttings in a jar of water. Vessel
put in a warm place, protected from direct sunlight, in water
There should be only the tips of the cuttings. Roots are formed after 1-2
of the month.

Clematis grafting

Growing clematis from seeds

Fresh clematis seeds germinate best. However, at
proper storage (at a temperature of + 18-23 ° C in paper bags)
seed material remains viable for four years. Large seeds
(groups of Durand, Zhakman) sown immediately after harvest in the fall, medium
(whole-leaf, Manchzhur, Douglas) – in January, small (clematis
Tangut, vineyard – in March-April.

To speed up germination, seeds are soaked for 10 days in water,
changing it 4-5 times daily. Then the seed is laid out in
containers with a wet substrate, sprinkled with sand on top and cover
glass The temperature during germination should be + 25-30 oC. When
seedlings will appear, they provide ambient lighting. Pick in
individual pots are carried out when the first pair of these
leaves. Planted seedlings in open ground in May. Between
plants leave 15-20 cm. To stimulate branching seedlings
need to pinch. In the fall young plants are sheltered, and in spring
transplanted at intervals of 0.5 m, shoots shortened to several
knots. Within two to three years, seedlings have a root system
reaches a length of 10-15 cm – now they are ready to land on
постоянное a place.

Reproduction of clematis by grafting is now quite rare due to its
labor intensity.

How to plant clematis?

Planting clematis is carried out according to this scheme:

• dig a hole 60x60x60;

• at the bottom arrange drainage from rubble, large expanded clay or
crushed bricks;

• add 2 buckets of humus or compost to the soil removed from the pit,
10 kg of sand, peat, 2 cups of wood ash, superphosphate

• install supports;

• pour a mound of prepared earth mixture on the drainage;

• spread the roots of a seedling on a mound and cover it with soil (trunk
escape to the first node should be 5-10 underground

• water the plant and grind the earth around the bush

• seedlings are located at a distance of 1 m from each other;

• when planting in autumn, the seedling is covered with lutrasil for the winter.

Proper planting clematis bush

Clematis: cultivation, care, feeding

Полив. Clematis – moisture-loving plants and
need weekly abundant watering. Young plants are watered
10-20 liters for each bush in 7-10 days, adults – 20-40 liters. AT
hot weather irrigation carried out 2-3 times a week. With a shortage
water in adult large-flowered clematis begin to shrink
flowers Therefore, it is important to shed the ground well so that the water reaches
roots, and not spread over the surface. For this you can
use this technique: stepping back 30-40 cm from the bush, dig in
around clay pots with drainage holes,
fill them with water that will slowly flow into the soil to
to the roots.

Опоры. AT качестве опоры применяют арки,
obelisks, openwork pipes made of metal mesh. Their size depends
from clematis variety: some vines reach 4 meters in length.
At the same time, all structures must be strong and stable in order to
sustain the weight of the plant.

Подкормки. Clematis for feeding large
the volume of deciduous mass need to be fed. If landing
the soil was properly prepared, then in the first year of the growing season of the young
plants do not fertilize. In the second year clematis feed
4 times per season. AT связи с активным ростом побегов в период сезона
nitrogen is required, maximum is needed in spring. AT качестве такой
fertilizer is introduced by mullein or bird droppings (1:10), alternated with
mineral preparations (ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate or
urea). ATо время цветения удобрения не вносят, так как клематисы
because of this, reduce the duration of flowering. Autumn make under
each bush bone meal (200 g / m2) or superphosphate (20g / 10 l
water). ATесной вносят сульфат калия 20-30 г/ ведро воды.

Укрытие на зиму: многие сорта clematis
need a winter shelter. Before this bushes need to be processed
foundation for the prevention of fungal diseases and powder
ash. Then spud the base of the bush. With establishing
temperatures of -5-7 ° C it is time to cover the vines with spruce branches, dry
foliage, brushwood. Some species of clematis need shelter
trimming (partial or complete).

Clematis pruning groups

Major pests and diseases. Measures to combat them

Галловая нематода: личинки этого вредителя
settled in the roots. ATыделения жизнедеятельности личинок вызывают
root cell proliferation – gall. The plant grows poorly, leaves and
flowers are deformed, their color changes. With дальнейшем
parasitic root system dies. Affected liana save not
succeed, it only needs to be destroyed. To repel nematodes you can
plant parsley, marigold, calendula next to clematis.

With other pests (thrips, slugs, snails, aphids), not
posing a particular hazard to clematis can be fought
folk remedies (infusion of garlic, ash, tobacco dust). TO
insecticides (Actellik, Fitoverm, Iskra, etc.) resort to extreme

The most common clematis disease is
вилт — вегетативное увядание, вызываемое
various phytopathogenic fungi. Infection occurs through
damaged roots or stem base. Mycelium of the fungus, growing
in the host’s vessels, clogs it and disrupts the plant’s nutrition.
Stems and leaves may fade in a matter of hours. Most often defeat
wilting occurs in wet weather with an excess of nitrogen in the soil,
on heavy ground.

Для профилактики грибковых заболеваний землю
under the bushes shed fungicides (Fitosporin-M), copper oxychloride
or a solution of potassium permanganate, the root neck of the plant when planting
powdered with ashes and crushed coal.

Mealy dew infects domestic varieties less frequently than
overseas. Whitish appears on young shoots, leaves
flourlike plaque, the fabrics under which gradually turn brown and
dry up. Such parts of the plant are destroyed, and the rest of the plant
treated with a solution of copper sulphate or colloidal sulfur,

Rust is manifested by the appearance of orange spots on the leaves,
shoots, peduncles. With сильном поражении листья засыхают и
Crumble, stems become brittle. Infected plant parts
removed and burned, the rest sprayed with Bordeaux mixture. Of
chemical preparations are used Topaz, ProfitGold.

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