As Basque actually loses weight

Previously, Nikolai Baskov watched his figure on his own. Was reading
советы в Интернете, экспериментировал с диетами,  пока однажды
he was not taken away in an ambulance …

“I had a stomach obstruction,” Nikolai admitted.
�”Komsomol”, – I sat for a long time on rice, completely unaware
that the stomach must be washed or drunk.  AT
As a result, had to go to the doctors.

As Basque actually loses weight

Now the singer for many years loses weight under the supervision of a nutritionist
Margarita the Queen. Маргарита разрешает ему потреблять не
более 1250 калорий в день
, заставляет пить до 4 литров
water daily. And, like most of its customers, prohibits

Basque completely refuses evening meals, can
afford only yogurt or water, nothing else. Insofar as
Artists’ day ends late, there is no clear time after
which can not be eaten. The main thing is to have dinner no later than four hours.
before sleep.

ATремя от времени певец устраивает себе разгрузочные дни – сидит
on juices, or rice, or egg whites with grapefruit. And once in
неделю у него бывает  «загрузочный день», когда можно есть

– So I “deceive” the organism, [during a strict diet] he does not
накапливает ничего, поскольку  «понимает», что ему
предстоят  определенные дни, когда у него будет все, что душе

But, if you think that Baskov manages to lose weight only thanks
proper nutrition, you are wrong. AT бой идет вся
heavy artillery – the most modern technical devices and
ancient oriental recipes.  ATсе это есть в центре Маргариты
Queen, with some procedures you will not find any more
one clinic in Moscow.

Dry bath

As Basque actually loses weight

Baskova wrap with mud and algae. Then
placed on a special mattress, which falls into the “dry
bath “and begins to move in waves. It seems
that you are on the surface of the water, almost in zero gravity. After 40
minutes it takes 300-500 grams of weight.

Lymphatic drainage massage

As Basque actually loses weight

Басков регулярно посещает сеансы ручного лимфодренажного
massage It improves muscle tone and activates lymph movement.
– and with it the removal of exchange products.

ATакуумный костюм для быстрой потери

As Basque actually loses weight

This is a walking suit in a vacuum suit. The costume is made of
neoprene. Its main working area is a belt with cells to which
connect vacuum suction. On each cell alternately, with
a vacuum pressure is created at intervals of 15 seconds. It improves
blood supply, increases blood flow to the stomach, and
squeezes fat decomposition products into the blood and they burn in the muscles
during exercise – walking. AT остальной части костюма создается
vacuum so that a person sweat more. It also works on gain
metabolic processes. By the way, similar procedures can be carried out and
at home, using a massage jar. You need to set the bank on
problem zone, and when she clings, move it around, then get dressed
 warmer and run.

ATакуумный агрегат Xypoxi Trainer

As Basque actually loses weight

This capsule is actually an exercise bike, around which
a vacuum is created. The lid opens, the man sits down. ATоздух
overlaps and creates a reduced pressure in the capsule, as if
an altitude of 2000 meters.

As Basque actually loses weight

Then begins the alternation of vacuum and pressure during
which increases blood circulation and drainage in the subcutaneous fat
cellulose lower body, thanks to this fat

Japanese bath

As Basque actually loses weight

This barrel is a Japanese bath ofuro. ATода в ней нагревается до 45
degrees, and the person is immersed in water in a reclining position. AT
water add flavored salts and extracts. By
changes in body temperature pores open, and metabolic processes in
subcutaneous fat go more actively.

A similar session can be arranged at home. For this you need
наполнить обычную ванну водой с температурой
38 — 40
degrees and dissolve in it sea salt.

ATсе эти процедуры направлены на активизацию обменных процессов в
subcutaneous fat. Тем, кто избавляется от лишнего weights с
using diets and exercise, and who do not have the ability
contact specials beauty centers, Margarita Koroleva advises
Be sure to visit the bath. This will help remove excess toxins and
residues of processed fat.

Photos in the center of Margarita Koroleva made
�”Komsomolskaya Pravda”.

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