Arthur Agatston South Beach Diet

  • 1 Principles of nutrition in the south beach diet
    • 1.1 Stages of weight loss
    • 1.2 Menu for every day
    • 1.3 The benefits and harms of Arthur Agatston’s food system
  • 2 Effectiveness and results

South Beach Diet Slimming was developed by American
cardiologist Arthur Agatston to combat obesity and
heart disease. At the same time, it became popular among people
wanting to get rid of extra pounds.

The diet of the south beach is rather the observance of the correct image.
life, contributing to weight loss, which should become a habit.
Arthur Agatston’s nutrition program does not imply a strict calculation
calories and calculation of grams. The daily diet consists of 3 main
meals, 2 snacks and 1 protein dessert (for example:
almond pie with maple syrup).

The diet of the southern beach for weight loss has no limitations. You can
comply with it as you wish, without harming health.


Nutrition Principles for the South Beach Diet

The idea of ​​a south beach diet for weight loss by Arthur Agatston
is to replace harmful fats and carbohydrates with
helpful. Therefore, the key to healthy weight loss is right
choose the right products and avoid prohibited.

Arthur Agatston South Beach Diet для
Slimming has several features:

  • during the first 2 weeks of the south beach diet you can lose from
    4 to 6 kg depending on the initial weight. The lower the weight, the
    less kg will go;
  • The diet of the south beach should consist of vegetables, fish, eggs,
    low-fat dairy products, chicken fillet and
    turkey, whole grain bread, nuts;
  • do not completely exclude carbohydrates from the diet of the southern diet
    Arthur Agatston beach. Choose low-carb foods
    glycemic index which stabilize the sugar level in
    blood and satiety lasts longer;
  • Fat quality also plays an important role in weight loss. Replace
    saturated and trans fats to monounsaturated, such as olive
    butter, avocado;
  • if you need to lose less than 5 kg, then start a southern diet
    beach from the second stage;
  • each phase developed by Arthur Agatston becomes less

Stages of weight loss

Arthur Agatston South Beach Diet для похудения состоит из
Stage 3ов, каждый из которых обладает рядом
features and rules.

Stage 1

Длительность: 2 недели.


  • is the shortest and strictest;
  • helps to stabilize blood sugar levels;
  • easily tolerated by quenching hunger.


  • you need to eat large portions of pure protein (fish fillets, chicken,
    turkey, seafood, soy);
  • in the diet – a large number of vegetables, salads, legumes, eggs,
    low-fat dairy products, up to 2 hours. healthy fats (nuts,
    olive oil);
  • в Stage 1е нельзя есть фрукты, крахмальные продукты (паста, рис,
    bread), products containing sugar, alcohol;
  • before meals, you can drink a protein shake;
  • there should be slowly chewing food.

This stage is similar to the principles of low-carb diet.

Stage 2

Длительность: до достижения
desired weight.


  • gradual return to the usual diet;
  • It is recommended to combine with physical activity.


  • complex carbohydrates appear in the diet of the southern beach –
    whole grain bread, brown rice, durum wheat pasta,
  • daily intake of food – eating 3 fruits and 3
    starchy dishes;
  • snacks only on request;
  • A glass of white or red wine is allowed.

Stage 3

Длительность: неограниченно.


  • return to normal food, replacing harmful dishes
  • This phase can become a habitual way of life.


  • previously banned products are added;
  • You should eat 3 fruits per day:
  • 3-4 main meals;
  • no more than 2 hl useful fats (vegetable oils, nuts).

Menu for every day

Arthur Agatston South Beach Diet Diet Menu Can
be quite diverse, and most importantly – not tied to
specific program.

South Beach Diet – Everyday Menu:

Приблизительное меню Stage 1а на 3
of the day:

1 day

  • Завтрак: 2 вареных яйца, салат из помидоров,
    sheep cheese and green onions;
  • Перекус: protein shake;
  • Обед: большой лосось, приготовленный в духовке
    with the addition of fresh herbs, 3 cucumbers;
  • Полдник: горсть грецких орехов;
  • Ужин: вареное филе курицы с соевым соусом,
    stewed zucchini.

2 day

  • protein shake;
  • low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream and fresh herbs;
  • chicken broth with parsley and scrambled egg;
  • grated beets with nuts, dressed with olive oil;
  • boiled turkey fillet, half bell pepper, glass

3 day

  • omelette of 2 eggs with tomatoes and onions;
  • natural yogurt;
  • baked in soy sauce fish, cabbage and green salad
  • a pair of slices of cheese;
  • порция белой фасоли с листьями салата, стакан kefir.

Приблизительное меню Stage 2а на 3
of the day:

1 day

  • Завтрак: 2 тоста из цельнозернового хлеба с
    a paste of avocado and slices of tomatoes;
  • Перекус: грейпфрут;
  • Обед: паста из твердых сортов пшеницы с
    the addition of stewed zucchini, sprinkled with grated cheese;
  • Полдник: 2 apples;
  • Ужин: салат из тунца, маслин, огурцов, лука с
    by adding olive oil.

2 day

  • oatmeal on the water with berries, toast with cheese;
  • orange;
  • boiled brown rice, turkey fillet in sour cream sauce;
  • apple and kiwi fruit salad seasoned with natural
  • buckwheat with cottage cheese, 2 fish patties.

3 day

  • rice porridge on water, fresh juice;
  • apple pancakes with sour cream;
  • vegetable soup with salmon pieces, cheese toast;
  • fruit salad of apple, orange, grapefruit;
  • steamed broccoli, chicken fillet, a glass of red wine.

Приблизительное меню Stage 3а на 3
of the day:

1 day

  • Завтрак: блины с творогом и изюмом, зеленый
  • Перекус: печеное яблоко с медом и
  • Обед: тарелка постного борща со сметаной, тост
    with cheese;
  • Полдник: злаковый батончик, банан;
  • Ужин: овощное рагу из капусты, моркови,
    зеленого горошка, баклажана, рыба на пару, стакан kefir.

2 day

  • cheesecakes with sour cream and berries, fresh juice;
  • a couple of cloves of bitter chocolate;
  • seafood pasta, 2 tomatoes;
  • fruit salad of kiwi, grapes, strawberries in natural
  • buckwheat with stewed vegetables.

3 day

  • dumplings with potatoes, coffee with milk;
  • Garnet;
  • chicken soup with rice, tomato salad and
  • nut cake;
  • a portion of lamb pilaf, a glass of white wine.

The benefits and harms of Arthur Agatston’s food system

The benefits of the south beach diet are that Dr. Arthur
Agatston developed it in order to heal the body. Agatston himself
I experienced a diet on myself and already at the first stage I lost 4 kg.

Benefits of Arthur South Beach Diet

  • lack of hunger;
  • the body receives all the necessary substances and elements;
  • fast, but at the same time, high-quality weight loss, lost
    kilograms are not returned;
  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases, obesity;
  • improvement of skin, hair, nails;
  • the ability to make their own diet and menu;
  • lack of weakness, energy level is maintained.

Недостатков у системы питания Артура
Agatston virtually none. South Beach Diet for Weight Loss
не подходит при
serious chronic diseases, elderly people. First
south beach diet phase also
противопоказана людям с заболеваниями
liver, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, during pregnancy and lactation.

Efficiency and results

Experiments have shown that losing weight was able to lose
до 7 кг за 12 недель на диете южного Arthur Agatston beach.
Most of all, weight is reduced at phase 1, when the body gets rid of
from excess water.

The following 2 phases support the result obtained and
weight loss is slower. The second and third phase of the diet of frthur
Agatston is recommended to be followed as a lifestyle, while
sports activities harmony achieves much faster and easier.

We offer to compare photos before and after weight loss on a southern diet.
пляжа Артура Agatston:


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