April 23: what are the holidays today. Developments,name day and birthday on April 23.

Thu, 21 Apr 2016


Holidays April 23

World Book and Copyright Day

Book and Copyright Day is one of the most important events in
world literature. The holiday is celebrated annually on April 23, and
timed to the birthday of the brilliant English playwright
William Shakespeare. It is to him that the General Conference of UNESCO
held in 1995 in France, decided to pay homage
закрепив World Book and Copyright Day за датой 23 апреля.
Through books, a person gets everything he needs for
life and development: draws knowledge, ideas, inspiration,
instills in itself spiritual and moral values, learns traditions,
true beauty of the universe and much more. �”Print media
Information ”is the foundation of creativity and
educational process. Books provide a unique opportunity.
tell about the world absolutely everything, they introduce us to
customs of different nations, they teach to argue and beautifully present
own thoughts as well as learn from past mistakes
of humanity. Generally speaking, a book is a window to the world.
versatility and opportunities, this is the “bridge” that
unites all existing and existing civilizations in
space-time continuum, this is our best assistant in
humanity’s common efforts to protect and unite our
cultural heritage. And all this is the good old Book – unfading
treasure trove of knowledge!

English Day

The holiday was first celebrated in 2010. The purpose of the meeting
is to strengthen the traditions of multilingualism. Date of celebration
again, timed to the birthday of the English poet Shakespeare.
Today, English is considered the world’s leading. On him
talking about two billion people on the planet. Many
Children begin to get to know him from school. Interesting
note that the so-called “Standard English” is the purest
The London dialect has undergone many changes over the centuries. More
Moreover, these changes continue to this day – the language in different
corners of the globe acquires its own
individual national character, so many Englishmen sometimes
it is so difficult to understand English-speaking people from other countries.

April 23 in the national calendar

Terenty Marevny

On April 23, the Orthodox world commemorates thirty-three martyrs,
among them are Pompius, Terenty, and other sufferers who have suffered
for faith in the mid-200s. On this day, the sun is usually
shown in haze (fog). By the way, from here at St. Terenty
This nickname appeared – Marevny. If everything went according to nature
plan, and the sun was misty in the morning, it was believed in Russia that
harvest in the fall will be good. But the lack of “haze” in the sky
was a sign unfavorable: in this case, the peasants
I had to plow the field and re-fill it again. In that
period people were also engaged in domestic and garden work with might and main
raked the garbage that had accumulated over the winter.

Historical events of April 23

23 апреля 1906 год — Утверждение «Основных законов
Of the Russian Empire “On the day before us, Emperor Nikolai
The second approved the “Basic Laws of the Russian Empire”, which immediately
have been published. It is in these documents that the
summary of the “Manifesto on Improvement
state order “(this legislation entered into
history as the “Manifesto of October 17”). By the way, it reflected
brief mention of some existing radical change, and its
details were spelled out by additional state acts.
Approved system of the “Basic Laws of the Russian Empire”
lasted until the middle of 1907 – until the moment when
Госдума была распущена, а избирательный закон изменился.23
апреля 1907 год
— Началось кругосветное плавание Джека
LondonThis sea voyage of London was not the first. When
the future writer was fourteen years old, he promised himself that
will ever become a pirate traveler. Cherishing your dream
London began to look for money to buy swimming
construction Soon he managed to borrow money from a nanny, a young man for them
bought his own boat and went on a journey. Many уже
they buried London, because no one believed that the guy would swim far away:
�“Lost”, “Drown”, “Kill” – the local sailors perked up. but
their predictions did not come true, and young Jack subsequently became all
favorite writer – the famous and incredibly rich. Pity his
life ended so absurdly in the forty-first year of life. According to
most researchers, the writer has committed suicide by taking
смертельную дозу морфия.23 апреля 1951 год
Establishment of the USSR Olympic CommitteeFirst Russian Olympic
The committee appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. Even then our
athletes took part in the Olympics, winning one
gold, two silver and two bronze medals. Soon the Olympic
the committee was abolished as a bourgeois organization. but, спустя
some decades when Soviet sport began to develop
at a tremendous pace, and the athletes won at international
tournaments more and more gold, the question of becoming
The Olympic Committee broke out again. April 23, 1951 he was
created and initiated the active Olympic movement in the USSR.
Thus, Soviet athletes became full participants.
Олимпиады 1952 года, а также всех последующих игр.23 апреля
1964 год
— Основание фирмы граммофонных пластинок
�”Melody” “Melody” was an all-Union company
gramophone records at the Ministry of Culture of the USSR. These
the records immersed millions of listeners into real musical
world, where everyone could find a performer for the soul. �”Melody”
managed all businesses and organizations
specialized in making, recording and distributing
records and cassette tapes. The company included and
creative studios where matrix originals were created for
plate production, as well as being restored and cleaned
unique records of ancient times. Сегодня �”Melody” продолжает
work, but in a slightly different mode. Her catalog contains
all kinds of old and modern music (both Russian and
foreign), children’s fairy tales and other audio products.

Were born on April 23

Уильям Шекспир (1564-1616 гг.) — гениальный
English poet and playwright. From 1590 to 1594, he created the “early
Chronicles “, including, for example, such historical plays as” Titus
Andronicus ”,“ The Comedy of Errors ”,“ Lucretia ”,“ Venus and Adonis ”, etc.
Next, Shakespeare creates the famous work “Romeo and Juliet”,
as well as a number of other successful works. Now in his work comes
turning point – Shakespeare decides to move to the tragic genre. So
he creates Othello, Hamlet, King Lear. For all the creative
career the great playwright wrote 11 tragedies, 17 comedies, 5 poems,
около 200 сонетов и чуть более 10 хроник.Макс
(1858-1947 гг.) — выдающийся немецкий физик,
Nobel laureate “for special achievements in the development of physics.”
Planck became the founder of quantum theory. George
(1918-2001 гг.) — российский актер театра, кино.
People’s Artist of the USSR. Special love among the audience won him
the hero Trus, who was in company with Experienced (Morgunov) and
Balbes (Nikulin) in comedy films directed by L. Gaidai.

Name Day April 23

Name Day April 3 note: Terenty, Alexander, Fedor, Dmitry,
Jacob, Anastasia, Gregory, Maxim, Zenon, Yuri.

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