Apricot: planting and care are simple rules.Features of apricot cultivation: the choice of seedlings, the correct fitand care photo

Пн, 23 май 2016 Автор: Ольга Веремеева

Until recently, apricot was considered a heat-loving southern

In fairly cold climates, its buds and
flowers can be damaged, fruits yield in taste and
the size of the trees that require for successful aging
warm climate.

However, breeders were able to bring varieties of apricot, which, when
planting and care properly able to withstand low
temperatures, bear fruit in different climatic zones.


Selection of apricot varieties and preparation for planting

The yield of the fruit tree depends on the right choice of variety.
apricot, from planting and care, timely detection of diseases
trunk, bark, branches and leaves. Selection of a particular type
determined by the taste preferences of gardeners (sweetness,
juiciness of the fruit) and aesthetic, such as the appearance of an adult
tree. However, planting material and its survival rate
directly related to climatic conditions of different latitudes.

For growing apricot trees in the middle lane you need
take only varieties that are highly resistant to frost
and endurance. These include the following types – Red-cheeked
Honey, Triumph northern, Lel, Russian, Countess, Hardy,
Snegirek, Favorite, Aquarius, Alyosha. For the northern regions are suitable
varieties Cellar, Success, the Son of Krasnoshcheky, Michurinets, Iceberg,
Monastic. They tolerate frosts and unexpected thaws.
in the winter.

Apricot tree can be grown in three
из косточки, черенкованием или посадкой
sapling It is necessary to choose a place for landing taking into account that
plant light and heat-loving, afraid of drafts and northern
winds. Planting apricots in the valley is also not recommended, since
it will be cold there. Best of all, this fruit tree takes root on
loamy, loose or sandy soils. The ground should be good
drained that will ensure uninterrupted flow
oxygen. In addition, soil moisture is of great importance:
excessive water can lead to decay of the rhizome.

How to grow an apricot tree from the stone

Bones for growing this fruit tree are taken from those
apricots that grow in the planting area. Fruits must be
ripe or overripe, large, without flaws and defects. If you plant
Bones are planned in the spring (usually in April), then they need 5
days soak in cool water. Then the seeds are placed in a bag with
holes where the wet substrate is (sand, sawdust, moss),
for 40-100 days until the bones are cracked and

The soil is planted before planting with mineral and organic
fertilizers. Seeds are planted at a distance of at least 10 cm each
from a friend and 50 cm between the rows, to a depth of 6-7 cm. The bed must be
plenty of water.

When planning the apricot seed planting in the fall, it is necessary
wait for the first frosts. The seeds are dried in spring, before
burying them in water and choosing only those that lay down
to the bottom. Next you need to dig a trench, put grass on the bottom (or
humus, sand, black soil) and place the bones. Standing on top
cover with humus or grass.

How to plant apricot by cutting

To grow apricot by this method, the cuttings need to be prepared
in the summer (mid June – mid July). They must be one of the most
strong shoots. The optimal landing time is
mid September.

A place to plant the cutting should be a groove of any length,
85 cm wide and 50 cm deep. Put about 4 cm on the bottom
river sand (coarse) and broken bricks, then cover with soil from
soil, manure, sand (3: 1: 1) and wood ash. After the ground
level and slightly compacted, pour water with a solution and
potassium permanganate.

The shoot is placed in a groove at an angle of 45 degrees and

Planting apricot sapling

Choosing an apricot seedling, you should pay attention to the root
the system of the tree itself and its overall external condition. It should
be strong and healthy, the roots – without damage, not dried and
not frozen. It is better to purchase seedlings in specialized
stores in order to avoid buying unplanned varieties, give away
preference for annual plants.

The pit for planting a medium sized seedling should be about 50
x 80 cm (80 x 80 possible). It should be borne in mind that an adult tree
apricot is quite large compared to other fruit, so
the distance to neighboring seedlings should be at least 5 meters.
You need to have a young seedling on a small hill, when
root neck is a few centimeters above the ground, not
considering its shrinkage. Rhizome need to gently straighten, fall asleep
ground from the bottom of the ground excavated pit. After the soil
compacted around the landing site need to make an earthen roller
(height less than 10 cm) in order that water when watering remains at
trees, but not spread.

Apricot Care

Apricot trees, planting and care that require special
attention and effort to get good yields, you need to water,
timely protect against pests, feed and trim

Despite the fact that the plant is quite drought-resistant, in months
active growth (May – June) must be regularly watered.
Watering is best done in the evening or early in the morning. Worth paying
attention to the amount of moisture in the soil: in the presence of excess water
the procedure is not necessary.

In the spring, proper care for the apricot tree includes
pruning crown. This allows you to create good lighting, enhance
yield, fruit quality. Need to remove dried, spoiled
branches. Overloading the trees with fruits will result in weakening and
deterioration of the plant.

In autumn, apricot must be prepared for the winter cold.
In order for the plant not to freeze and die, it is necessary, first
очередь, уберечь корневую систему tree. For this within a radius of 1-2
meters need to dig up the ground and sketch out the leaves, humus, peat
a layer of about 10-20 cm. Radical neck of apricot strongly
suffers in cold weather: it heats up due to temperature drops,
which adversely affects the resistance of the tree to cold weather. For
its protection trunk should be wrapped in several layers of sacking. With
If you wish, you can completely wrap the fruit tree in the film. So,
despite the frosts, in the spring apricot bloom.

Top dressing of apricot trees

For подкормки абрикоса используют органические удобрения. Manure
bring to the soil at the rate of 4 kg / sq.m. 2-3 times a year, compost from
calculating 5-6 kg / sq. m., they add mineral fertilizers.

In the spring, nitrogen-containing fertilizers should be applied (approximately
20-30 g / sq. m. wheel circle). After the tree began
fruiting, it is advisable to fertilize the following mixture: ammonia
saltpeter, potash salt, superphosphate in proportion 4: 3: 1. On 1 square. m
Soil needs 50 grams of flavoring compound.

If the soil is acidic, then calcium should be added to it, preferably in
liquid state.

Pests and diseases of apricot trees

Apricot, planting and care are important, but not
the only ingredients for overall condition and yield
tree. Fertility depends on the timely detection of disease.
plant and taking action, ridding it of pests.

Main insects that harm apricot:

тля — эти букашки пьют лиственный сок,
thereby drying the leaves. It fades, changes its color,
photosynthesis is disturbed and therefore fruit productivity decreases

плодожорка — гусеницы, которые вылупились в
end of summer, eat the fruits of apricot, then wrapped in a pupa
and winter near the tree circle;

листовертка — эти вредители-бабочки
lay eggs in the bark and fallen apricot leaves for the winter. In the spring
they wake up, eat foliage and buds, in summer they leave
butterflies which in turn lay their eggs again on

To cope with bugs, you can use purchased insecticides or
make them yourself.

The diseases of the apricot tree include the following:

монилиоз — грибковое заболевание, размножение
which occurs very quickly by wind, rain or insects.
Foliage on a tree looks shrunken, like after a fire. Keep away
the plant can be treated with drugs, which include
copper. With малейшем подозрении на болезнь, стоит обработать все
fruit trees around.

дырчатая пятнистость — поражает в первую
turn the leaves and fruits. Leaves are stained
reddish-brown color, after 7-14 days they turn into
holes. The fruits begin to suffer from the disease even in green form, and in
that period, when they have to keep up, becomes wrong
forms are deformed.

гриб Валса — это заболевание проявляется,
when an infection is in the wound of a tree. It looks like an orange
color ulcer. It is scraped and treated with anti-fungal site.
препаратами и садовым вароm

So, to get a good harvest, you need to carefully
treat the health of the apricot tree, properly care and
timely fertilizer.

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