Apricot: autumn planting seedlings, care andpreparation for winter. How to choose an apricot for planting, the best termslanding

Ср, 09 ноя 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Apricot is one of the favorite fruits, its happy
grown in almost every garden. How to plant
apricot in the fall to get a good harvest in the future? Reply
Experienced gardeners will help you with this question.


How to plant абрикос

The tree tolerates frost and drought. At one place
Apricot can grow up to 30 years without losing its yield. therefore
before landing it is important to determine the place and time.

Сроки landing саженцев

Лучшее время для landing саженцев — осень. In each region
время landing слегка отличается. In the southern latitudes better than all the work
hold in early October, and in the middle lane a bit

Important! Works related to landing
seedlings, must end a month before the onset

Choosing the location of the apricot orchard

Apricot is Eastern culture, therefore, to plant trees
better in well-lit places. The place for the future garden should
be well protected from the cold north winds from all

Despite the fact that apricot belongs to moisture-loving trees,
it is preferable to plant it in a relatively dry area.
The depth of groundwater should be no higher than 1.5 meters.
The plant does not tolerate root system moistening, especially in
young age.

It is important to pay attention to the soil in which it is planned
apricot cultivation. On sandy soils without additional
irrigation trees age early, the risk of summer burns increases. On
chernozem apricot begins to bear fruit late, the yield is very
low. Apricot categorically can not be grown on heavy
clay soils. It is preferable to plant young trees on
light loamy soils with a neutral reaction.

How to prepare the landing pit

The landing pit for a sapling prepares in advance, approximately for
2-3 weeks before the expected work. Well depth should
match the root system of the seedling. Experienced Gardeners
recommend a depth of 70-80 cm.

Before planting the pit is well filled with fertilizer. For this
the earth must be mixed with humus, superphosphate and potassium.

On одну посадочную лунку:

• Humus – 2 buckets;

• Potassium sulphate – 500 gr;

• Superphosphate – 600 gr.

Fertilizers are well mixed with the soil and poured into the pit.
Яму оставляют до момента landing. During this time, the earth will settle.

Как выбрать саженец абрикоса для landing осенью

Для landing дерева лучше отдать предпочтение покупным саженцам,
which are grown in compliance with all requirements. Besides,
growing apricots from the stone alone is troublesome,
requiring special knowledge.

Лучший материал для landing — молодые саженцы, возраст которых
does not exceed 3 years. They quickly take root in the new place, behind them
easier to care for. On что обратить внимание при покупке саженца,
so that instead of a cultural tree you do not have to get wild:

1. Young seedling varietal apricot has thick skeletal
branches without prickles.

2. Pay attention to the vaccination site. At its base should
be a little thorn.

3. Besides, корневая система саженца должна быть живой, иначе
the plant will not take root.

Autumn apricot planting: how to conduct

Перед посадкой подготовьте саженец. Need to
carefully examine it, remove all rotten and dry roots.
Healthy roots must be cut by 1/3. Next, the seedling is placed
in the clay talker, in which it is desirable to add a mullein.

Apricot planted in a pre-prepared
лунку. It is necessary to monitor the situation.
root cervix. It should be above the soil level by 5-6 cm.
If it is deepened, the risk of fungal diseases increases.

It is more convenient to carry out all the work associated with planting together.
Саженец аккуратно помещают в яму, расправляют корни и
засыпают землей
. Then the soil around the tree
tamped and watered abundantly. To preserve moisture
additionally mulch pristvolny circle humus.

If you plan to plant several trees, it is important to comply
distance between seedlings. Adult apricot requires more
area up to 5 square. m. on one tree.

Как ухаживать за абрикосом осенью после landing

After the plant is planted, it must be prepared for winter.
Particular attention should be paid to the trunk and skeletal branches. Their
need to whiten to protect from spring burns. In working
the solution is added to blue vitriol. This mixture helps to destroy
вредителей, которые зимуют под корой tree. Whitewashing a tree
spend, when the weather settles, and the period of rain will pass.

Besides, молодые саженцы нужно оградить от грызунов, которые
cause harm. For this к стволу привязывают еловые ветки. Despite
that apricot is a frost-resistant plant, in young
aged he needs additional weatherization. When will fall
snow, then they wrap pristvolnuyu circle plants.

Important! During periods of thaw, it is necessary to remove melted snow from
root of the neck of the plant so that in this place is not stagnated

Apricot protection from pests and diseases

Apricot is unstable to damage by pests and diseases. In the fall
после landing, абрикос обрабатывают комплексными препаратами.
Осенью используют медный купорос или бордосскую
Simultaneously with the treatments carried out
additional spraying with Zircon and Ecoberin. They
increase seedling resistance to weather conditions and

How to prune apricot in the fall

Pruning is an important event when growing apricot. Her
spend spring, summer and autumn. Autumn pruning is done on
stage of preparation of the tree for the winter.

During this period it is important to pay attention to the broken and
damaged shoots to be removed. Also cut out all
sick and dry branches. Besides, срезают все растущие внутрь и
thickening shoots.

Important! The first pruning of the tree is carried out
через год после landing.

Can I repot apricot in the fall?

At one place дерево растет достаточно долго и плохо переносит
transplant. But if the need arises, then you can hold
transplanting young seedlings. This is best done in the fall. Besides
In addition, it is important to adhere to certain rules for transplantation.

1. Transplant apricot can be done if the age of the seedling is not
exceeds 5 years.

2. When transplanting it is important to preserve the earthy clod with roots.

3. Apricot gently removed from the ground and transferred to the new
place, dodging earthen clod in burlap.

By following these simple rules, you can make an apricot transplant
less painful. Thanks to this plant faster

Recently, apricot trees are very popular. New items
breeding allows you to grow this crop even in the northern
regions. Apricot constantly requires care, especially in the fall, when
the tree needs to be prepared for winter. Соблюдая все правила landing и
care, hardworking gardener will be rewarded with tasty fruits.
It’s a shame when in the spring it turns out that the apricot is withered.

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