Aphids on pepper seedlings – what to do? howaphid appears, the main ways and means to destroy aphids onpepper seedlings

Пт, 05 май 2017 Автор: Евгений

Pepper is a culture that can be found almost on
each cottage, a picky vegetable may not grow fruit if
it will start aphid.

There are several species of this insect, but the greatest harm
приносят — черная мошка и тля зеленая. This
pest, grows up to 5 mm, feeds on sap from leaves and young
shoots, the plant as a result of stunted growth and over time
perish. Tiny midges additionally secrete sticky substance,
serving as a breeding ground for black fungi, which are also
cause serious harm to pepper.

Insects feed on sap, both young and old plants, in
throughout the warm period. Appearing in the spring, a pest,
alone will not leave your plants alone until autumn. Aphid
can live and multiply successfully, not only on vegetables, she lives
on different flowers, berries, trees, it is settled not only by young
plants, but also adult specimens.


Why pepper attracts aphids

This insect – feeds on plant sap, it is no wonder that
nutritious and tasty pepper is a great source for her
food. Fighting it is difficult – the insect quickly increases
amount without pupae stage. Eggs of certain types of aphids are capable
even overwinter on plant residues so that when warm
days hatch and multiply again.

The invasion of aphid sucking juices is causing
Pepper developmental delays:

• The growth of a vegetable is delayed, if it is strongly affected
stops completely;

• Leaves begin to bend, after a while turn yellow and begin
fall off;

• The inflorescences that have already grown

In addition, aphids provoke the development of viral diseases,
transferring them between plants, serving as a kind of carrier
diseases. Pepper seedlings, it is difficult to cope with this
pest, for this reason, the fight against it must begin immediately
upon detection of a problem.

Wet and warm air, for example, the microclimate of the greenhouse –
temperature over 22 degrees and humidity over 75%, favorable
conditions for the development of the pest.

Biological methods of struggle

Чтобы уничтожит тлю на pepper seedlings с помощью их естественных
enemies, it is necessary to create conditions that attract them. In the fight
birds will help – sparrows and tits, insects feed on wasp aphids,
ladybugs, flower girls, hoverflies. To attract them
plant yarrow, parsley, marigold, chamomile or
several bushes buckwheat.

Chamomile solution has a repellent effect.
called – feverfew, it is placed in a container near the seedlings
pepper. From this solution, a substance is produced that
scares and can even destroy the pest. Experienced gardeners
it is advised to plant together with pepper seedlings – coriander, mint, garlic,
lavender, and in the wells when planting seedlings, it is good to pour onion

Attention! Will help attract beneficial insects for
уничтожения тли на pepper seedlings, такие растения как — обильно
blooming sideral cultures, fragrant herbs growing nearby,

Народные средства борьбы с тлёй на pepper seedlings

Можно уничтожить тлю на pepper seedlings, с помощью народных
ways to fight. At the same time, decoctions and infusions of various
plants. This may be ash infusion, soap solution, herbs or

• Делают мыльный раствор из наструганного мыла
(about 5 grams) dissolved in hot water (1 liter). This mixture
insist 5 hours, then filter, and wash or
spray pepper seedlings;

Настой золы, делают из 2 стаканов древесной
ash and buckets of water, it is insisted for 24 hours, after which the solution
add 100 g of soap solution;

• Чтобы сделать настой табака, 50 табачной пыли
or grains, insist day in 1 liter of heated water, after which
mixed with soap;

• Also used for processing seedlings of pepper,
горчичный настой — 10 гр порошка горчицы,
insist in a bucket of hot water;

• Для борьбы с тлей, используют настой горького
, 20 гр молотого перца настаивают в 250 гр горячей

Отвары на основе трав, помогут отпугнуть или
destroy the pest at an early stage of development. This is freshly picked,
pre-dried or dried yarrow, rhubarb,
wormwood, tansy. You must take 1 kg of grass, boil 15
minutes in a bucket of water, then strain and add to the solution 40 g
laundry soap;

Еловая хвоя, может помочь против вредителя,
both indoors and seedlings already planted in the garden. Solution,
It is prepared on the basis of spruce needles – 500 g of pine needles are poured into 2 liters of water, and
leave for one week. It is desirable to put the finished solution in
the shadows. Before use, the infusion is diluted in proportion – 20 ml
obtained funds, 500 ml of water.

Химические средства для борьбы с тлёй на pepper seedlings

If the pest can not defeat neither biological nor folk
recipes, you have to use special chemical compounds.
Although they are unsafe, but the result of their application will be
for sure. Chemical treatment in the premises can not be carried out, but
transferring pepper seedlings to a greenhouse can be safely destroyed

Among gardeners, such means for destruction are popular

1.•Актеллик — фосфорорганическое соединение,
instantly destroying aphids, can be used indoors;

2.•Фуфалон — эффективное оружие для уничтожения

3.•Фьюри — химикат, используемый для обработки
fruit and vegetable plants, during flowering to use it
can not.

Важно! Chemical treatments of pepper plants are permissible
only at the age of seedlings, less than a month before the fruit picking, their
must stop. Also, you can not use such drugs
для уничтожения тли во время цветения plants.

After transplanting pepper seedlings to the garden, the amount of aphids can be
reduce by collecting it manually. It will not completely destroy
pest, but will reduce its quantity and temporarily delay
spread to other plants. Best when destroying aphids
in the garden, combine the manual collection of insects with other folk
ways, although it does not guarantee the complete extermination of aphids.

Профилактические меры против тли на pepper seedlings

Even the most effective means can not recover
damaged seedlings. Injuries to plants already exist, even if the damage
small. For this reason, the best way to deal with aphids on seedlings
Peppers are preventive measures.

To reduce the risk of breeding aphids on seedlings, you need
do in advance:

• Inspect seedlings regularly, without fail.
inspections pay attention to the lower part of the leaflets;

• When growing on a bed, you must constantly remove weed

• Treat all surfaces of the greenhouse and outbuildings,
bleach or caustic soda;

• Plant garlic and onions in the vicinity of the seedlings, which
scare away insects;

• Disinfect the soil for seedlings;

• Create optimal conditions for the growth of seedlings, correctly
feed the seedlings of pepper that will help it to resist
the parasite.

If preventive methods could not prevent
Aphid, have to destroy it.

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