Anti-cholesterol diet: featurestechniques

information on how cholesterol can easily clog up
blood channels, causing acute ischemic processes throughout
cardiovascular system (which negatively affects the quality and
the duration of human life), to date, no
for whom it is not a secret.

But is it really or is it just advertising gimmicks
marketers !? Let’s try this question in more detail.
sort out!


What is the term cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that
self-produced in human liver. Is wonderful
An antioxidant that is simply vital for the skin to
maintaining her youth. Also with his help largely
assimilation of such important vitamins is facilitated: A, D, E and K.

But besides this physiological process, cholesterol can
enter the body from the outside along with the food of the animal
origin, which greatly aggravates the situation, because its
own amount is sufficient for healthy and
full functioning of all body systems, including
digestive processes.

Cholesterol itself is not a blood-stranger.
component. It is neatly “packed” in a separate protein shell.
together with other fat and protein substances and has one
common name lipoprotein.

The latter are divided into two types: poor or low density
(LDL) and good (high density – HDL). For the human body
both lipoproteins are important, so their excessive decrease
or increase is dangerous for any organism.

But what affects cholesterol levels in the blood, and why does it
is rising !? Perhaps the most important condition for the exclusion of such
situation is the normal operation of the liver – while respecting the basics
nutrition and regular exercise she
independently able to cope with excess lipoproteins
different density.

Otherwise (with a passive lifestyle) one of the main
conditions of maintaining health and harmony of the body will be compliance
canons diet to lower cholesterol. This will allow further
avoid such “deadly” surprises as a heart attack or


Basic principles of the anti-cholesterol diet

It is based on limiting food intake.
animal origin that are direct
the source of the appearance in the blood of excess cholesterol, which later
causes the formation of so-called cholesterol plaques.

Such a diet is not only an excellent therapeutic method, but
also preventive. In addition, with its observance it is necessary
increase the daily amount of physical activity, at the same time
giving up such bad habits as smoking or drinking
of alcohol.

However, I immediately want to remind you that cholesterol
plays an important role in the production of hormones, so its decrease
can lead to hormonal failure, reduced sexual desire, and
sometimes even to infertility. By the way, despite the fact that pregnant
Women’s cholesterol levels are slightly elevated – this is not scary, so
as during this period its accumulation on the walls is not typical

Also its low content is dangerous for small ones.
children, as this leads to slower cell division, which is
later threatens to reduce the growth rate of the child plus a lag in
mental development. But let’s still go back to talking about
anti-cholesterol diet and its principles. As we said, in her
the basis is the rational reduction of the fat content of the animal
origin in your daily menu: and this is lamb, pork,
butter, as well as liver, brains, egg yolks and others.

Learn to eat lean meats (chicken, beef),
moreover, during the preparation it is necessary to remove all visible fat from them.
Refuse uncooked sausages, sausages and other
semi-finished products.

Substitute butter with vegetable, for example, flaxseed,
corn or sunflower because they are rich in
polyunsaturated essential acids necessary for every organism
and phospholipids.

In addition, they are perfectly excreted bile and bile
acids, stimulate the breakdown of cholesterol, translating it into more
soluble form. As a result, the elasticity of the walls increases.
vessels, peristalsis is greatly enhanced
intestines, which leads to cleansing the body of excess

As for carbohydrate food, here it is necessary to abandon
easily digestible carbohydrates, such as sugar, chocolate, pastries,
baking and other things that can quickly transform into
unhealthy cholesterol.


It is better to give preference to complex carbohydrates, which
able to delay the absorption of lipoproteins – this is a variety of cereals,
vegetables, savory fruits that contain a huge number
useful pectins. The latter are able to enhance peristalsis
intestinal lung laxative effect that leads to
excretion of cholesterol along with feces.

Fortunately, a diet for reducing cholesterol is not difficult
therefore, it is absolutely no problem for you to stick to it,
besides, the list of banned products is not so great and great
interchangeable with other equally tasty and healthy

However, the cholesterol diet must be supplemented with vitamins,
bioflavonoids, pyridoxine, magnesium ions, manganese, iodine,
potassium, cobalt, etc., and limit the intake of calcium salts,
which is able to depress lecithin, holding
cholesterol in solution.

When cooking, give your preference to the method
boiling, stewing or baking. Eat at least five times a day,
Try to eliminate large amounts of salt from your diet, its
dosage should not exceed 5 grams. per day (one teaspoon).
Drink 1.5 liters of pure mineral water daily.

Studies of the effectiveness of a diet to reduce cholesterol

The American scientist – Arthur Agatston – seriously approached
this issue and in the study found that the majority
fashionable Hollywood cholesterol burning diets do not bring
positive results. In 2004, he proved that
This anti-cholesterol diet can not only help people
get rid of a lot of cholesterol in the blood but also from

According to the scientist, the eggs, which in recent years have been announced
unconditional war, considering them unhealthy, in fact
are wonderful, tasty, and most importantly a useful product,
containing both good and bad cholesterol. And
important for the human body vitamin E, which is able
prevent the formation of cancer cells and heart

One condition: eggs are best consumed boiled or
do cook eggs on vegetable oil, but not on fat or

In his argument, the scientist justifies products such as lean
pork, fish and nuts. However, according to his method, in the first period of the diet
you must completely abandon bread, sugar, pasta,
potatoes, sweets, alcohol and fruit. And gradually introduce them into
small amounts in a week or two. Plus constantly
do sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, do not smoke – and then
no disease will be terrible to you.

And more! According to cardiologists all over the world, every adult
a person (over 25) needs to know his level
cholesterol. This can be done with a blood test that
will show you the distribution of bad and good lipoproteins. Normally
a healthy person should be no more than 5 mmol / l.

Cholesterol lowering products recommended:

  • lean meat: beef, veal, chicken.
  • lean fish: cod, pike, herring, perch, perch, etc.
  • seafood: shrimp, squid, mussels, sea kale,
    scallop and others
  • unrefined vegetable oil
  • rye bread or wholemeal flour.
  • egg white
  • low-fat dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, airan, yogurt,
    ryazhenka, yogurt, homemade low-fat cheese.
  • porridge: oat, wheat, buckwheat.
  • legumes: peas, lentils, beans.
  • corn bran
  • vegetables: carrots, beets, tomatoes, onions, cauliflower, broccoli,
    potatoes, zucchini, peas, etc.
  • fruits: apples, watermelon, currants, grapes, strawberries, lemon,
    orange, kiwi and others
  • mushrooms
  • Red wine
  • black and green tea.

Prohibited foods that increase cholesterol:

  • fatty fish varieties: sturgeon, sturgeon.
  • egg yolk
  • fatty meat: liver, fat, pork, lamb, duck, goose.
  • butter and margarine.
  • milk, cream and sour cream.
  • sausage, ham and bacon.
  • sprats, pickles and marinades.
  • coffee, cocoa.
  • Cookies, cakes, pies, milk chocolate.
  • White bread
  • mayonnaise

If you can normalize your diet, and you will be completely
stick to this anti-cholesterol diet, then you
guaranteed to take control of the situation and improve the quality
own life.

Also important: “The glycemic index of the products – what, as with
than !? “and” List of “favorite” products from which
get fat … “.

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