Anthurium: home care (photo).The secrets of growing “male happiness” and the care of anthurium inhome conditions

Ср, 30 мар 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

Anthurium or as it is called in the common people “male happiness” –
one of the most common plants from the Aroid family,
cultivated in room conditions.

The tropical forests of South America are considered its birthplace.

Among the more than 800 species of plants of this family are as epiphytes,
so and semi-epiphytes, which by their appearance are quite strong
vary among themselves.

Popularity in the indoor floriculture this flower-flamingo
acquired thanks to its unusual appearance: species diversity
presented as decorative leafy and flowering

Among flower growers, Anthurium is considered a “capricious sissy”:
Careful and regular care is required. To this flower-flamingo
pleased with his beauty, it is important to create conditions close to him
tropical climate: high humidity, high temperature
air and bright ambient lighting. Most fit for
выращивания в home conditions являются следующие виды:

Антуриум Андрэ — цветок с ярко-зелеными
shiny leaves. The height reaches 1 m. Pritsvetnoe veil
heart-shaped, red depending on the variety
(Arizona), white (Chempion, Acropolis, Polaris), pink (Pink
Champion), salmon (Minnesota), yellow (Casino, Marasol), green
(Manaka), lilac (Sensa). Inflorescences last up to 5 weeks.

Антуриум Шерцера — эпифит с укороченными
stems and frosted leaves, covered on both sides with black
krapom. The ear has a curved spiral shape. Cover
elliptical shape bent down. Considered one of the most
simple anthuriums in indoor growing.

Антуриум Хрустальный — декоративнолиственный
kind of anthurium. Effect due to the contrast created by the mesh.
silvery shiny veins on the background of dark green leaves,
velvety to the touch.


Антуриум: уход в home conditions — размножение

AT home conditions антуриум размножают семенами и

Семенной способ наиболее трудоемкий и затратный
on time, however, allows you to get new plant hybrids.
Seeds can be bought at specialized garden stores or
get your own. In the latter version will have to artificially
pollinate anthurium flowers by transferring pollen with a cotton swab or
soft brush from one ear to another. Seeds ripen through
9-12 months after pollination. The degree of maturity is determined by
changing the color of the berries on the cob and bracts (it
turns green). They must be sown immediately after harvest, because they are fast
lose their germination. Preseed treated
solution of fungicide. For sowing take shallow bowls with light
ground. Landings are sprayed with a spray bottle. For
sprouting plates should be put in a greenhouse or covered with glass.
Shoots appear by the end of 2 weeks. In the real leaf phase, seedlings
dive into separate pots. As planting ground
Leaf land with the addition of peat, charcoal,
crushed pine bark (in equal proportions). Seedlings contain
at high humidity and air temperature + 20-24ºС. Plants,
grown from seeds, bloom after 2-2.5 years with small flowers and
may lose varietal characteristics. Full cobs will only
4-5 year of life.

The easiest way to propagate anthurium is by dividing the bush, cuttings,
side shoots.

Разделить куст удобнее всего при пересадке
plants. Each delenki must have roots and a growing point.
These plants can bloom in the current year.

По мере взросления куст anthurium обрастает боковыми
. They can be easily separated along with the roots from
queen cell and immediately planted in prepared pots. If the roots
no, the shoots root in the sand or perlite. Cuttings put in
greenhouse or covered with packages to ensure increased

Side shoots with roots

Some types of “male happiness” (Andre, Scherzer, leathery and
др.) можно размножить листом, который срезают с
черешком длиной примерно 3 см. For снижения испарения саму листовую
The plate is twisted into a tube and fixed with an elastic band.
The prepared cutting is planted in a sand and peat substrate (1: 1) or
sphagnum moss, moistened and covered with a jar or bag and
put in a greenhouse. Daily cuttings air. After the appearance
new sprout a sapling in a month transplanted into a separate


Young plants are transplanted as they grow annually. Adults
copies pass every three to four years. Do it in period
active growing season from February to August. Anthurium does not tolerate
moisture stagnation, so when transplanting at the bottom of the planting pots
a thick layer of drainage is required. The size of the new pot should be
slightly larger than the previous one. Otherwise it is possible
waterlogging and acidification of the substrate, contributing to the root
rotten The roots of “male happiness” are quite fragile, therefore
Care must be taken when transferring a bush to new
capacity. Better for anthuriums fit plastic pots – in them
the balance of air temperature and soil is easier to maintain than with
using ceramic containers. Bought flowering plant can
repot only after full flowering.

Антуриум: уход в home conditions — почва, освещение,
humidity, conditions for flowering

The soil

For выращивания anthurium необходим рыхлый, влагопроницаемый
aerated substrate with weakly acid reactions (pH = 5-6). With this he
should not be compressed and compacted. It is made from such
components: peat, cut moss, sphagnum, sod or deciduous
land in proportions of 2: 2: 1. You can add chopped for looseness
сосnew кору, кокосовое волокно. Anthurium grows well and


Flamingo flower feels great in bright scattered
light The placement of plants on window sills will be optimal.
east and west. South windows need
provide shading from direct sun.

Temperature conditions

In summer, temperature will be optimal for the growth of anthurium.
range + 20-28ºС. In the autumn-winter period, the temperature is reduced to
+ 15-16ºС. Some hybrids (for example, Scherzer) to bookmark
flower buds in winter requires a cooler mode (+ 12-16ºС) with
simultaneous reduction of watering. It is important to avoid abrupt changes.
temperature and drafts. To tropical “flamingo” bloomed
earlier, from January they begin to gradually increase the temperature to
+ 20-25ºС.

Air humidity

Like all epiphytes, anthurium loves increased air humidity (up to
95%). In residential areas it is difficult to achieve such an indicator. Although
modern varieties of anthuriums Andre and Scherzer are sufficiently resistant to
the dry air of the apartments, however, must be sprayed daily
warm otstoyannoy water, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth,
to cover aerial roots with sphagnum moss. Do not allow
so that droplets of moisture fall on the flowers, otherwise they are formed
unsightly brown spots. Once a month, you can arrange green
pets warm shower, pre-covering the substrate with the roots
polyethylene. For повышения влажности воздуха рекомендуется ставить
pots with plants on a pallet with wet pebbles or expanded clay.

Conditions for flowering

In favorable conditions, anthurium can bloom for almost a year.
The lack of flowering indicates errors in care:

• The dormant period is not observed – for laying flower buds
Anthurium needs a cool winter content at + 15-16ºС and
reduced watering;

• Autumn and winter feeding should be stopped, and, starting with
February, resumed.

• Lack of natural lighting, especially in winter,
it is necessary to fill the illumination with phytolamps;

• Incorrectly sized pot size – in large capacity
the plant will not bloom until the roots fill the entire earthen volume. AT
этом случае антуриум пересаживают в более тесный pot.

• AT старом субстрате растению недостаточно питательных веществ
for forcing the buds. Therefore, it must be updated annually.

• Low temperature also prevents the flowering of anthurium.
For выведения растения из периода покоя, ее постепенно надо
raise to + 20ºС, starting in February.

• AT период цветения надо обрезать все отцветшие соцветия.

Антуриум: уход в home conditions — подкормки и полив


Anthuriums are watered abundantly, but it is important not to pour the root
the system. To the next watering, the substrate should dry in half
pot volume. Wateringную воду используют отстоянную в течение суток
(better yet filtered), room temperature. Excess moisture from
the tray is drained immediately after watering. For стимуляции обильного
Winter bloom since September, watering is reduced. Air temperature
at the same time reduce to + 16-18ºС.

Top dressing

Anthuriums are fertilized during the active growing season 1 time in 14-20
days Due to the increased sensitivity of this Tropican to excess
lime and mineral salts, fertilizers are applied in half the dose of
recommended on the package. AT качестве органического удобрения
the surface of the substrate is mulched with leaf humus or watered 1
once a month infusion of mullein or chicken manure (1:10). AT период
flowering phosphorus-potassium fertilizers make
ornamental flowering plants (Agricola series, Bona forte, Pokon,
Baikal, etc.).

Антуриум: уход в home conditions: почему он погибает?
The main problems, diseases and pests in growing

Anthurium in room conditions often die from
improper care for him.

Waterlogging of the substrate and low air temperature
provoke the development of various root and stem rot,
caused by pathogenic soil fungi. Most common
антракноз — заболевание, при котором на листьях и
stems appear brown spots. As the process develops
leaves turn brown and dry completely, the ground part of the plant
is dying off. AT начальной стадии антракноза зараженные части растения
removed, and he himself sprayed with a fungicide (Oxy, Acrobat MC)
according to instructions.

Антракноз anthurium

Еще один «грибковый бич» anthurium – белая
. For нее характерно обесцвечивание нижних листьев с
the appearance of white bloom on them. On the cut of the stem are visible black
fungus sclerotia. Infection of plants occurs through damaged
the roots. The disease progresses rapidly with low air temperature.
или резких перепадах температуры при повышенной humidity. For
treatment of diseased plants using contact fungicides
(Oxy, Bordeaux mixture) or combined action (Rovral,
Fundazol, Skor, Previkur, Profit).

Из вредителей частые гости anthurium паутинный клещ,
щитовки, трипсы
. For борьбы с ними применяют акарициды
(Akarin, Sunmite, Apollo, Actellik), insecticides (Admiral, Aktara,
Biotlin, Konfidor Extra).

If the bush began to roll over on its side, the young leaves are sluggish, and
the old ones are covered with black-brown spots, this indicates
intense rotting of the root system. When heavily neglected
The process of saving the plant will fail. If healthy tissues remain,
then they are cut, sprayed with a fungicide, wrapped in a moist
sphagnum and placed in a hothouse for rooting.

Dark tips of the leaves? This suggests that water is for
watering is saturated with hardness salts. Use filtered or
boiled water.

If the lower leaves have acquired a brown tint, this means
that the plant is overfed with fertilizers. AT таком случае антуриум надо
transplant to a new substrate or rinse out the old one and stop
подкормки на срок не менее 30 days AT дальнейшем удобрять половиной
дозы, recommended on the package.

У anthurium скручиваются листья? This happens if the plant
standing in direct sunlight, in a draft or at low

Deformed flowers and leaves may be affected.
pest plants, lack of light, low temperature
и humidity.

The appearance of small green blisters on the leaves – just
особое физиологическое состояние anthurium. This happens when
high humidity and low temperature. It is recommended to reduce
watering and rearrange the plant in a warm place.

Sometimes you will notice that the anthurium “cries” – dripping from the leaves
water droplets. Do not be afraid: this natural process
characteristic of many tropicans, called guttation. Plant,
thus, through the special water stomata of the leaves gets rid
from excess moisture after heavy irrigation and low light.

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