Angelina’s amazing wedding facts revealedJolie and brad pitt

Sat, 10 Jan 2015

Фанаты Анджелины Jolie and brad pitt много лет ждали их свадьбы.
And then, finally, last summer lovers for the joy of fans
got married But now there are curious details.

Angela admitted that even before her magnificent French
weddings, they signed with Brad in America. Like american
citizens, they could not officially marry in France. Happened
the painting is quite prosaic: Jolie agreed with Pitt
meet at 16.30, having previously warned about his arrival
justice of the peace. Then lovers just came and signed
Required documents.

Recall that according to the spouses, the wedding was arranged
especially for their six children. Every child had in celebration
important role: someone carried rings, someone – a veil, someone threw under
feet for the newlyweds flower petals.

In conclusion, Anzhdelina admitted that 2014 was for her
just awesome. After all, she married her lover,
her adopted son Maddox became a teenager, and she herself made a film
�”Unbroken”, which, apparently, will be interesting

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