Anatoly Kashpirovsky “walked” on colleaguesworkshop

Wed, Oct 15, 2014

Psychotherapist Anatoly Kashpirovsky, who remembered
Russians of the early 90s for their amazing performances on TV, where
he remotely treated various diseases, very unflattering
отзывается о «коллегах» по workshop. In particular, the subject of disapproval
Kashpirovsky became psychics. According to the doctor, they are all
scammers, because psychics do not exist in nature.

Also Anatoly is categorically against traditional medicine, which
he considers it a “scary affair.” According to the psychotherapist, folk
there can only be songs and dances. Kashpirovsky sure doctor
there can only be a person who has a higher medical education,
and treatment with waving hands can be focused on
�”Papuans since Miklouho-Maclay.”

He did not regret Kashpirovsky and “colleagues”. In particular, he considers
the charlatan of the famous sorcerer Yuri Longo. Alan Chumak, according to
Anatoly, in general, had little thought, and dubious achievements
Healers Juna hold solely on her charisma.


Guest 10/15/2016 Correctly said! He is a professional doctor and knows
,what to do!

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