Alpine hill do it yourself: soil preparationand drainage, selection of plants. Master class on the creation of alpineslides (photos)

Сб, 10 дек 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Alpine hill is not only an element of landscape design.
This is a way to recreate the pristine beauty of nature. Harmonious
The composition of stones and plants will perfectly fit on any
plot. The arrangement of rock garden is a laborious matter, but
fascinating. Planning to build an alpine slide with your own hands,
it is important to know all the features of the structure.


Features rock garden

Before you embody your design fantasies,
need to develop a project rock garden. In all cases, the original
Material one, but the effect is different.

1. To recreate the mountain range, you need a large natural
a rock.

2. As vegetation using stunted trees and
shrubs, flowers and grass.

You should not think that the alpine slide is a jumble
stones. Spread natural material need parallel stripes
in several tiers or in random order. This will allow him
blend harmoniously into the natural landscape. Flowers and plants should
to focus the attention of the viewer, and not be a simple addition.

Classic rock garden more like a mountain range, due to
its multi-tiered and plant diversity.

How to choose plants for rock garden

To create a rock garden will need plants that do not require
special care If every year you want to enjoy a new view, then
it is better to give preference to annual plants. Do not forget about
off-season. The composition of the rock garden must include
perennial bright grass and shrubs. Sample list

• edelweiss – groundcover, blooms in June and July;

• stonecrop – used for edging rock garden, destroys

• young;

• saxifrage – looks spectacular in springtime;

• chamber – spring primrose, the ideal plant for
rock garden;

• varieties of juniper;

• dwarf barberry;

• spirea;

• viola;

• asters;

• phlox;

• crocuses.

This is an incomplete list of plants that are often used when
creating a rock garden. Each gardener will complement it with those plants
that will fit in style.

Where to build a rock garden

After the decision was made to build an alpine slide
with their own hands, carefully select the place. Walk around the site,
look at the spacious and well-lit place.

Pay attention to the composition of the soil. Best to equip
rock garden on sandy ground. Other types of soil require
preparatory work.

Soil drainage

Along the perimeter of the future rock garden a pit is pulled out. Him
filled with debris, broken bricks, gravel and other
material. A layer of pitch is poured over the drainage, followed by a layer

Each new layer needs to be watered well. To laying the next
Layer start only after the previous one dries.

Important! You can not pull one big pit,
and make a few holes smaller. They are laid drainage.

Instructions for the arrangement of rock garden: get down to work

After the project is completed, the place is prepared and
the necessary materials, proceed to the arrangement of the
rock garden.

Step # 1 Creating a Hill

To create the Alpine hill itself, it is used
pre-prepared soil mixture. It must consist of land,
large river sand and humus. To mound looked
naturally, use the earth from the bottom of the pit. Embankment height should
be about 1 meter.

After the main mound is formed, the works
suspend for two to three weeks. It is necessary that the land

Step number 2 Arrangement pond

In complex projects the rock garden with a pond should have a system
submission, replacement and purification of water. Consider the budget option. Pond
can be made from an old car tire. For that her
buried by a third, the bottom is covered with polyethylene. The edges of the pond
decorated with stones.

Also, to create a pond suitable old bath or tub. Even
You should not worry about the replacement of water. At the bottom of the tank stack
thick layer of drainage. Just take out the cork and rinse the container.
clean water. There are many options. Some gardeners use
finished plastic containers.

Alpine slide with a pond brings some coolness in hot summer
days And the choice of plants increases. Along the edges of the container can
plant moisture-loving varieties. Hosts will look good,
daylilies or drooping willow. Such plants grow well and
give a natural pond.

Step number 3 Laying stones

Stones have the most natural. They must create
the illusion of a natural exit to the surface of the soil. To correct
put stones, they are buried by a third into the soil, as shown in

When setting up an alpine slide with your own hands, it is important to observe
the correct location of the tiers. They are formed on the principle of the pyramid,
down up. The lowest point of any tier should consist of large
stones. They will further strengthen the structure so that small
stones did not crumble. In the diagram, laying stones looks like
in the following way:

The diagram shows that the stones cannot be laid out symmetrically.
Indeed, in nature there is no such accuracy. To the rock garden looked
harmoniously, stones stack chaotically. In addition, between the stones
there should be enough space for green spaces.

Important! Designers advise doing the odd
number of tiers. So the slide will fit better into the environment.

Stones are also placed on a flat surface around the pond.
forming a natural path at the foot of the hill.

Step number 4 – Making the top of the rock garden

In landscape design, there are two options for the design of the top.
rock garden. Можно в центре положить самый большой природный a rock.
This technique allows you to protect the slide from erosion after cages.

Some lovers lay smaller stones on top,
forming a pyramid of them. The final decision is up to
gardener. The main thing – the top should look natural and

Step 5 – Planting Vegetation

The last and very pleasant moment in the work on the arrangement
alpine roller coaster with his hands – planting flowers. Not worth it
plant immediately the entire surface of the slide. Perhaps for
Season will want to add something else. Landing
vegetation can be from spring to frost. Before disembarking
plants need to add soil mixture.

How and in what order to plant the plants on the alpine slide –
it’s a matter of taste. Each gardener sees color design in his own way.
своего rock garden.

Important! Not worth it нагромождать альпийскую горку
additional figurines, plastic or glass figurines.
Stones and flowers are self-contained elements of the interior.

When creating an alpine slide with your own hands, we must not forget
that it is a garden of plants. Do not turn it into rockeries – the kingdom
dead stone. The main focus of the rock garden is vegetation.
Try to harmonize the natural boulders and the reservoir into the world.

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