Agrotechnika planting spirea: how to choose a placeand soil. Proper care of spiraea: reproduction, watering, feedingand pruning

Чт, 13 апр 2017 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Spirea bush is attractive not only during
flowering Her beautifully curved shoots adorn the garden throughout
the whole season.

Plant and grow a spiraea is easy, that attracts


Features landing spirea

Like any plant, spirea has its own peculiarities of cultivation.
For full bloom they must be considered:

• The shrub prefers soil composed of deciduous
humus and sod land. To two parts of the obtained soil add
a piece of sand to loosen the soil;

• Spiraea is grown only in well-drained soil, as
shrub does not tolerate stagnant moisture, often has root rot
or sweeps winter;

• The root collar of the shrub is not buried, so that it does not rot.
Ideally, the root collar should be at ground level;

• Planting shrubs is carried out only in cloudy weather, and better
in the rain. The optimal landing time – the second half of autumn, somewhere
mid September. Some species of spirea are planted early
in the spring.

Planting spireas in the spring is held early, until they are dissolved.
the kidneys. At this time, only flowering hybrids can be planted. With
buying seedlings pay attention to the state of the root system and
the appearance of the plant. Well-developed healthy seedlings have roots
must be alive, not overdried, but flexible branches with good
by the kidneys. If the seedlings look suspicious, it is better to refuse
from the purchase. What to do if the planting material was kept for a long time
inappropriate conditions? It must be brought into the “human” form.

Long and overgrown roots are shortened, which facilitates planting and
increases the survival rate of seedlings. If the root system
dried out or damaged, the shoots need to be shortened, and the roots
soak in water before planting. For this, the seedling is soaked in
a bucket of water for 24 hours.

Planting spirea: the choice of the site and the depth of the landing pit

Spirea – unpretentious shrub, but it will not fully blossom
everywhere. The main condition for growing spirea – full
coverage during the day. Choose a sunny plot protected from
cold winds. Note that the shrub grows quickly, gives
a lot of root shoots, so he needs enough
space. If you allocate a lot of space is not possible, then
basal shoots removed.

The landing pit on the site is prepared in advance. Its depth should
be at least 60-70 cm, which is a third larger than the size of the root
system. At the bottom of the pit stack drainage of scrap materials layer
15-20 cm. Part of the bows fall asleep fertile soil, mixed with
sand, peat and leaf humus. During planting seedlings
form a mound, set a plant on it, spread the roots
On the sides. Pit to the top is filled with fertile soil, slightly
compacting the earth, and watering abundantly. Withкорневую зону хорошо
Mulch with peat or humus.

Important! Root neck necessarily
have at the level of the soil.

Autumn planting Spirea spend during dividing the bush. It is better
Complete the procedure until the end of the leaf fall. For breeding
still use young bushes, whose age is not more than 5 years.
Adult specimens do not tolerate division.

Since the shrub grows quite quickly, you need to consider
distance between plants. To create a hedge between
саженцами оставляют до 70 см. With посадке спиреи в композициях с
thujas and other junipers around the plant are left up to 1 m,
which greatly facilitate the care of shrubs.

Spiraea Care Secrets

Shrub care is a treat for lazy gardeners, but
Some features will be useful to know.

Spirea refers to drought-resistant plants, so they water
her extremely rare. In rainy weather shrubs can manage
natural precipitation. In the dry period, quite a few
once a season, pour plenty of spiraeus and mulch the soil.

Around the young seedlings the soil must be regularly loosened.
To spiraea pleased flowering, it needs to feed the full
mineral fertilizer. Feedings do twice a season: immediately
after pruning and in the second half of summer.

How to prune spirea

The shrub needs a haircut, thereby forming a beautiful
crown. Conduct a haircut with all the features of the bush.

• In early-flowering varieties, only the tops of the shoots are cut,
who froze over in winter. They do not need to be shortened strongly, since
Spirea blooms on last year’s shoots. After 7-8 years of cultivation,
all shoots are pruned at ground level to renew shrub.

• Summer blooming spireas pruned in early spring to the strongest
the kidneys. The more pruning, the more powerful the bush is formed. Every 5
years shoots cut to a height of 25-30 cm. If, after such pruning
shrub lets weak growth, then it must be completely replaced.
The duration of cultivation in one place is 15 years.

In addition, in the spring and summer as required
sanitary cleaning of the bush, cutting out all the twisted, weak and dry

Photo correct spiraea trimming

Pest control

While caring for spiraea, we must not forget about diseases and pests,
which can annoy the shrub. In most cases, spiraea
resistant to diseases and pests, but sometimes attacked
aphids and spider mites. To quickly get rid of pests,
apply insecticide spray.

Among the diseases most common is horse rot. Observe
rules for growing shrubs, choose the right place for
landing and be sure to drain the ground.

How to multiply spirea

If you decide to get a spirea, it is not necessary
buy seedlings. You can grow planting material
independently, taking a stalk from a neighbor in the country. It is also easy and
Spirea multiplies rapidly by dividing the bush and layering. Will stop
more on each method.

The division of the bush is carried out in autumn or early spring, depending on
from perennial variety. Landing is carried out in the usual way
preparing the soil and planting pit.

Черенкование спиреи проводят на протяжении the whole season.
Early-flowering species are grafted in the first half of summer, a little later.
cut planting material with late-flowering varieties. Withживаемость
cuttings are very high, even without the use of special preparations,
что не может не радовать gardeners.

For grafting choose annual direct shoots from which
remove the lower leaves. Upper leaves are half pruned. Lower
cut the stalk is treated in the root or simply dipped with
crushed ash. Planted cuttings at an angle of 45
degrees in the greenhouse. Caring for spirea cuttings is simple, enough
water the plants at least 1 time in 3 days. With the onset of frost
plants cover with dry leaves, on top of an additional
set the old wooden box. In this form, the cuttings overwinter.
Spring shoots transplanted to a permanent place.

Photos of ready spirea cuttings for planting

It is easy to reproduce the spiraea by layering. Drip in the autumn
semi-woody shoot, and in the spring the seedling is transferred to a permanent
a place. By that moment, he should have his own root

Important! Seed spiraeus multiply
extremely rare, as it is a rather complicated method. Besides
plants rarely retain parental qualities.

As you can see, spirea is a perennial flowering shrub for
занятых gardeners. Landing does not take much time, and care
plant uncomplicated.

However, despite the winter hardiness of the shrub, with the arrival of autumn
it is better to fall asleep dry leaves. It will save the perennial from
frost in snowless winters.

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