Ageratum: landing, care (photo). Waysgrowing cultivar, diseases and pests of the flower

Чт, 04 авг 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

Ageratum or long flower belongs to the Astrov family.

It received its name due to the ability to keep long
freshness in the cut and color of flowers – translated from Latin
�”Ageratos” means “ageless.” Ageratum is from Eastern

Under the conditions of Russia, it is grown as an annual – it is not
tolerates wintering.

It is good for rabatok, miksovyh beds.

It blooms with small flowers, collected in the thyroid
inflorescences baskets. The color palette varies from all shades.
blue and blue to white and pink.

Flowering begins from the end of May – in the southern regions, at the beginning
June – in central Russia.


Types and varieties

More than 60 types of ageratum are known. In gardening grown
Mostly Ageratum Mexican or Houston. Among its varieties
The most popular are such varieties: Alba, ‘Blaue Kappe,’ Summer
Snow, Azur Perl, Hawaii Royal, Blausternchen, Leilani Blue, Blue
horizon, Red Sea.

Ageratum: landing

Landing ageratum in open ground begin to hold when
passes the threat of night frost. Land for landing choose
protected from the wind and sunny – in the shade shoots will be pulled out
and the plant will lose its compact form. Soils ageratum
prefers well-drained, friable, fertile. Perfect
for the well-being of this flower will be sandy loam and loam with a neutral
or weakly alkaline reaction.

Plants are planted at a distance of 0.1-0.15 m each other, between
rows leave 0.2-0.25 m. Flowering will begin in about 2
months after landing.

Ageratum: cultivation

You can grow ageratum to seed, and grafting.

Due to its thermophilia this flower is in Russian climatic
conditions grown seedlings. For this, purchased or collected
own seeds in the second decade of March are sown in boxes. Priming
make up of equal parts of humus, peat and sand. Scattered
seeds on the surface of the substrate, sprinkle them on top with a thin layer
sand and cover with glass or film. Keep seedlings warm
indoors (air temperature must be at least + 15 ° C). As
drying out the soil in boxes moistened with a spray bottle. Periodically
necessary to air landing. After shoots appear
(in 10-12 days), a covering from a box clean.

Seedlings ageratum

Seedlings dive into separate pots at stage 4 of these
leaflets. Water the seedlings in the morning, not allowing waterlogging. Behind
10-14 days before the estimated date of planting on a bed of them
taken out to the open air (balcony, terrace) for

Growing ageratum cuttings

To grow new plants from cuttings, blooming bushes
at the end of the summer, the ageratum is being dug up together with the earthy clod and
rolled over into pots. Keep them in indoor conditions for
throughout the winter, placing as close as possible to the source of natural light
or by organizing additional lighting. Watered moderately
feed once, adding fertilizer to flowering plants in
irrigation water (the dose recommended on the package is reduced by 4

About 1.5 months before planting in open ground with plants
cut cuttings 10-15 cm long. Slices are dipped in a stimulator.
root formation (root, heteroauxin) and put in loose
fertile soil. A box with cuttings is placed in a greenhouse or
Cover with glass and put in a bright place. Roots appear in
for a month. Young plants are planted in a permanent place.
after the spring frosts end.

Ageratum: care

Care of ageratum is not difficult. It is watered moderately – when
Overmoistening is highly likely to develop fungal diseases.
After watering, the land in the garden is loosened and at the same time weeds are removed.
Every 2-3 weeks of planting ageratum is fed with mineral
fertilizers. However, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the plants
will increase the foliage to the detriment of flowering.

На заметку: не рекомендуется использовать в
as fertilizer for ageratum fresh manure.

To bloom ageratum was abundant, it is necessary to cut
faded inflorescences.

Diseases and pests ageratum

When agrotechnics are disturbed, the root is often affected.
rot, cucumber mosaic virus, bacterial wilt.

Серая гниль — одно из наиболее опасных
plant diseases caused by fungi of the genus Botritis. Controversy
spread by wind, by contact (by human hands or
through tools) when caring for plantings, insects, water drops
(rain or watering). Faster progresses when wet
the weather. The signs of this disease are dark.
spots on the plant, which then appears gray patina –
sporiferous mycelium. When detecting the first signs of the disease
flowers should be treated immediately with fungicides (Topaz,
Fundazol, Bordeaux liquid, etc.). If the measures taken are not
help, then diseased plants are better removed and burned.

With заражении агератумов корневой гнилью помочь
the plants will fail – they will have to be destroyed.

One more of common diseases of many plants and
агератума в том числе является огуречная мозаика,
virus which is transmitted by sucking insect pests. With
mosaic infestation of plants on the leaves appear yellow spots or
white color. There is no specific treatment for this disease. AT
As a preventive measure, it is important to weed in time,
use for sowing healthy seeds, fight
insect pests.

AT жарком и влажном климате (южные регионы) агератум часто
поражается бактериальным увяданием. Fabrics
an infected plant is cracking, evaporation is increasing
moisture and reduced turgor. On the leaves appear yellow spots with
brown border. If you cut the sheet across, you will see
dark affected vessels. Because of this, sap flow in the
plant and it die prematurely.

Bacterial wilting ageratum

Bacterial wilt can be cured only in early
stage. To do this, use the drug Coronet. Prevention
is to use healthy planting material,
growing wilting resistant varieties.

Whiteflies, nematodes, spiderweeds live on pests on it.

Behindметить белокрылку легко — при прикосновении к
plants from them flock of white insects. These parasites
feed on the plant sap, causing it to fade,
lags behind in growth and dies when the measures are taken. For destruction
whiteflies use insecticides (Aktara, Biotlin, Admiral,
Aktellik and others).

Паутинный клещ — еще один сосущий вредитель
ageratum. Withзнаками его присутствия являются светло-желтые точки
on the leaves, and with a strong defeat – the web. Get rid of ticks
problematic because they are quite tenacious and quickly produce
resistance to pesticides. Therefore, when using acaricides
(Flyoverm, Aktellik, Fufanon) they must be alternated.

Gall nematodes damage landing of the ego-tumum underground. They
damage the root system, plants are stunted, leaves
die prematurely and fall off.

Roots damaged by the gall nematode

To combat these pests, the land under the ageratum bushes
watered with Tiazo, Bi-58, Rogor (at the doses indicated in the instructions for

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